#so what I'm saying is go read WYTiR
forgotten-traveler · 2 years
Since I got coerced into doing this by @icepower55 I guess here’s me answering some questions about my writing (even though I haven’t written anything in months oops)
1. Your favorite story that you’ve written this year and why Ohh A Quota of Bad Luck. First, that story means a lot to me because it’s related to the field I’m working in and I can write/talk about that forever. I was super emotional when writing that, and I think the plot works really well cohesively with pretty much every chapter being about him going through a different stage of grief. I put Draco through the ringer in that one (Wife dying and mother dying of progressive diseases at pretty much the same time equals a no good very bad day) Plus I love exploring themes of masculinity along with grief (how does a man want to grieve? How does it actually come out when they’re trying to stay masculine and not show emotions? How does any of that change when they have to be a caregiver for their spouse?) and I loved juxtaposing his journey of grief with Lucius’s journey of grieving his wife.
2. A story with a reception that surprised you (either because it did better or worse than you anticipated) My GILF stories. I wrote the first as a dumb joke and I really didn’t think anyone else was going to find it funny, but the fact that a lot of people actually enjoyed them is so funny to me.
3. The story with a character most like yourself I’m probably the closest personality wise to how I write Draco. Him in Hermione: a History is probably the closest to my real life humor and personality.
4. The story you would edit most if you had the chance Can I say all of them? My ADHD is so bad that I constantly find typos in every single thing I write. I can’t focus enough to notice them. But if I have to pick one I’d pick. A Quota of Bad Luck. While I totally stand by most of that fic, there’s a little bit of the medical stuff I’d like to adjust now that I’ve had more clinical experience working with dementia.  I’d have also like to have had a couple more scenes between Lucius and Draco in it, but I was on a time crunch for the death fest so I had to push that bad boy out.
5. The story that you would most want to turn into an Original Work A Quota of Bad Lucky is only Harry Potter related if you squint, so that would probably be the easiest one to turn into original fiction and it’s my favorite so I guess it’s that one. 
6. The story that you would most like to experience in real life (i.e., which of your plots would you want to step into?) Give me Gary Johnson’s Johnson Guzzler or give me death.
7. If you were to be gifted a story, what would you want it to entail (listen, we got a lot of fandom birthdays coming up, so let’s leave this here for posterity) Bittersweet smut is my jam. I want it to be extra horny and extra sad at the same time. I need some catharsis with my porn.
8. Your favorite line that you’ve ever written in a fanfic “Sometimes when I kiss her, I think of you. Sometimes when I kiss her, I don’t think of you. I don’t know which one is worse.” From Self-Pity Dealer.
9. The reader response that touched you the most Someone left a comment saying that reading A Quota of Bad Luck helped them grieve the death of a relative which made me cry.
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