#so truuuuuust me I get it I really really REALLY do
duckuwu · 2 years
season thirteen really is an odd season. (I still hold to it being the best season.)
First eight episodes it's literally Emily and JJ and their squad of misfits vs The World (aka unsubs).
Then some ptb must've said something, because that focus is completely shifted and changed. Which is a weird thing to do prior to the Barnes episodes. (Maybe the writers were like, 'if we go into the Barnes episodes like this no one would believe JJ might think of throwing Emily under the bus'.) ((No sane person who has watched this show would ever believe that, but I'm trying to play devil's advocate here.))
Then during Barnes it shifts into the Spencer show (maybe it's partially tptb and mggs availability). ((Don't get me wrong I'm all for spemily, it's just that the dynamics shift so much.)) It also shifts to being more Rossi focused too.
Listen it's a big ensemble, juggling all those actors and managing screen time / dialogue, I don't envy that person.
I'm just saying it's hilarious to me how the season starts off so strongly w Em n JJ as a unified front, JJ clearly Em's "right hand man". (Which I find fucking fantastic. And it also doesn't truly go away, we as fans know that's always there.) And then clearly some dudebro was like 'hmm we need to change it up, lets literally break up the team and make it a competition between JJ and Emily.
The hetero male nonsense.
(and if it was a woman who came up w that shift in direction, do not truuuuuust her.)
Anyway just finished the JJ goes back home and arrests her sister's abuser episode (for the nth time) aaand I love it. Character backstory nomnomnom.
I just ... I understand Rossi being the person to help JJ go back to being eleven, because his relationship is more parental and Emily stores all of JJ's emotional secrets not really meant for parents. But at the same time, it's an odd decision to me that it *is* Rossi and not Emily, after JJ had already shared so much w Emily in the episode.
It just feels a bit like "we need Rossi to play an important role in this episode somehow, put him here so the actor gets paid."
Anywhomst who knows what's in store with the reboot.
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