#so i'm letting y'all pick whoever comes to mind first hehe
sxcret-garden · 1 month
Who in ateez...
...would make you listen to their own music during sex, putting a handpicked few of atz's songs on repeat and turning it into a game. A game where you're only allowed to cum to his voice, and if you happen to tumble over the edge at any of the other seven's parts, he'll immediately stop touching you, leaving you with nothing but the empty feeling of a ruined orgasm. And he wouldn't make this easy on you either, cause he's fucking you so good, and how are you even supposed to make an attempt at keeping your composure when he already knows your body and mind like the back of his own hand, touching you in all the right places and whispering all the most perfectly dirty things in your ear as he has you whimpering underneath him, desperately trying to bite back your high that's about to overwhelm you. And of course it's not his voice that resounds in your ears when control slips away from you, and tears start to well up in your eyes because he really did mean it when he had told you in advance that he'd punish you for cumming at anyone's part but his own... but his hands won't stay off you for long, soon easing you into his pace and making you needy for that sweet release all over again, because you can be sure he isn't gonna stop until he's heard you scream his name over his voice on the recording at least once or twice
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survivorazores · 7 years
Ep. 9 - "I'm an online Survivor player not a fortune teller dammit" - Francie
After eight tribals full of crackedness, wild strategy and of course puns, the Espirito and Salao tribes merged.
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Omg I made merge I am so happy!!!! Reunited with my fellow INFP's! The only downside is that those 2 are definitely closer to each other than me :(. But I am still happy to have made it this far
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I've achieved my goal of making merge at minimum so I'm happy for now. Now to not be the next one out lol
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I'm so happy
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MERGE!!!!! I ACTUALLY MADE MERGE!!!! I'm so happy to be reunited with Bryce!!! Amanda G and I have tea to spill and I can't wait to hear his tonight when we call. Also, the Gal Pals want to call and talk too. I have some stuff to clear up before Amanda Lynn gets called out by Gwen. I need to figure things out before things get out to everyone. I'm a little nervous. 
Also, about Espirito's tribal, I almost shit myself when Bryce's name was read out. That shit was scary. BUT OMG MERGE BONDING!!!! SO WHOLESOME!!!! I'm so happy :-) This was a goal, now my next one is to win an individual immunity for myself. Let's hope I can do that. Also, I'm super excited about getting that merge idol clue. I can't wait to figure out what it is!!! AHHHHH!!!
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My showmance Ashley Sarah is gone and I'm SO SAD but I'm more sad that Francie and Amanda didn't tell me how they were voting, but I'm just so excited that for at least a little while no one knew we were best friends and we got to play together, she was ROBBED and should have been the first member of the jury but it was fun playing with her and i hope she wins the record for the most votes casted against her in the season hehe. Going forward I'm going to be loyal to Will and probably only Will, everyone else is a RAT and I can't wait to get rid of Gwen still for swiping RIGHT on me.  
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It's merge time and the INFP's are reunited once more! I'm so happy to have us back together again. We might have to do some recruiting, though. We'll only have 3/12 votes if we go to tribal council like this. I really like Gwen, but we betrayed her by voting out Nayeli. I think we might try to get Ali and Francie on our side because Emily and I trust them, but we'll check with Bryce first. We need two more people, but we'll figure that out later. I'm also happier because now Emily's merge idol clue is able to be used for our advantage!!
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We're all getting heckt.
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Get hect.
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I didn't know how much activity this challenge required (or just paying attention enough) otherwise I wouldn't have picked Gwen bc she's not on enough. Aksjdhskda. Hey, I'm an online Survivor player not a fortune teller dammit.
*Gabriel Reyes voice* D E A T H  C O M E S
Can I vote out whoever created this challenge lol 
The challenge ends, but the merge tribe is unaware of the challenge’s real nature
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How was a five minute long challenge so emotionally painful?
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Made the merge? Loving it! Won the first reward challenge? Also loving it! Finding the idol? Gonna do it and loving it!
Francie’s team: Francie,Emily,Ruthie,Mo,Michael and Gwen are sent to tribal
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What kind of bait and switch was that smh. Can I sue the hosts for emotional damage??
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Emily is a rat.
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Holy SHIT I found the idol???? I just spent so much time doing all of that and I actually found it I am so proud of myself oh my god this is beautiful this is amazing I feel blessed I feel incredible. This could easily be what carries me through these next few votes if anything starts to look fishy... and I'm loving it.
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I'M SO MAD!!!! I wanted another idol and someone else got it :(. I do have my Espiriro idol, though, which is beneficial to my game. I'm really nervous about the next tribal council because my team won the competition, but that sent Emily to tribal council. I hope the can make amends with the majority and be able to survive.
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So we merged and I'm so happy! But I also found out that apparently I was at a higher risk than I thought I was originally.  But this idol thing was so much fun. Even if I didn't find it I had so much fun doing it. I wonder who got the idol tho its so scary :s.
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i made merge!!!!!! me and Amanda did it together!!!! its amazing content im so alive! We had a """""""""reward""""""""" challenge that had me and amanda on a team together and we won and it turned out to not be reward and were immune! but emily and francie are not but they seem to be on lock so it should be okay. Will has been a little shady and im like  75% sure he found the merge idol BECAUSE amanda and I went on a spree and finished the hunt and it was gone so :\\\ very disappointing but ive never won a game where ive had an advantage and i did win when i had no advantages so its all fine and dandy we still good! I want to stick with the gal pals alliance most, will has been giving me iffy vibes lately but i also want to stick with him for as long as i can. He isnt making final 4 though if I have anything to say about it!
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Well, after a long night of idol hunting, we have realized that the idol, in fact, has already been found. Iconic? I love flopping. But my favorite part of this was being on call with the INFPs!!! I love them. I feel like the bad decisions made by the cracked INFPs sprung from Toph and Raffy... I'm hoping that Amanda G, Bryce, and I can make some smart moves and not flop? Unlikely, but it's fine. But on the dark side of things, I'm going to tribal tomorrow night. I'm so emo. I know I have to vote with Francie because of the Gal Pals. I don't want to vote her out anyways. I can either vote out Ruthie, Gwen, or Michael. I don't want to vote Mo out. I need time to think about my decisions. I'll probably write a lengthy confession tomorrow or record a video confession. I need time to decide and sort things out. I'm just going to enjoy the time I have with the INFPs for now :') I hope I don't go home this early, though it is jury. I don't want to be the first jury member. :0
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Helen was pushed and Jodi was robbed. And EMILY IS MAKING IT INTO THE ACTUAL BB HOUSE SO KNOW THAT!
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The idol I helped hunt for, spent 45 minutes one that jigsaw dog puzzle for, is gone. I stayed up til 1am and Abbey and Amanda stayed up til 2am ish based on the chat. This stinks worse than... something that stinks r e a l l y bad. (That was lame bc I'm Tired ok)
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WHAT THE FUCK LIKEEEE HOW AM I VOTING OUT THIS TRIBAL!!?!??! no one is talking game to me. I'm sorta alienating myself by not talking to mo or ruthie but like they can try to me too like wtf. i wanna get ruthie out the most bc i backstabbed her at that challenge but that was obviously needed so i was safe.  but anyways like why isn't anyone trying!!! I'm gonna try to play harder soon to make a move bc this clearly is gonna be me if I'm left in the dark like this. idk how to make a target of someone i barely know.
yeah i sersiouly don't like amanda lynn whatsoever and its annoying me sooooo much like strictly in a game way that she has so much control it feels like. i liked her in the beginning but then i WOKE TF UP!!!! like francie stop being her doormat and also me n micahel are trying to get ruthie out to send some shots amanda's way! don't fuck with us amanda i swear to goD!!! and i can't wait to expose her ass with this alliance reward!!! atm thats who i think is running the game and I'm pretty sure I'm right
yup this is sketchy i can't when francie just said "it isn't separate tribes anymore" like yup me or michael aren't going home.  and it seems everyone on my tribe has flipped to the other tribe LIKE YOU ALL CANT DO THAT LOLOLOL ONE OF YOU IS GOING TO BE LEFT OUT. there has too be this big ass alliance and idk who it is !!!!! no one is giving anything up and idk where a crack is at all.
yup its evident from the captains pick list that me n micahel being picked last wasn't good at all!!!!!!!!!! soo I'm going to maybe to talk to micahel about getting mo n ruthie on our side or something idk
i think theres an alliance with francie amanda abbey emily n ruthie but once again just speculation
ok i might suck at this game but i definitely wanna go out with a  bang rn but honestly also i wouldn't mind voting for michael if thats what i have v to do to stay in
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Honestly I've been trying to play nice with these people but I'm just exposing people now in chats because literallly me and Gwen are at the bottom of this tribe
Prepare for possible explosion in red tribal chat
Honestly me and Gwen are at the bottom of this tribal right now. We are spilling everyone's tea to each other Francie,Emily,mo,and other girl who I forget her name and I'm too lazy to look it up are all coming to us in individual chats and talking shit about one another like :/ y'all have some ugly personalities, but me and Gwen are desperate to stay
I don't understand how people are literally so blind by Emily's game. Emily and Amanda & myself gbut I don't wanna be that bit*h) have played the best games so far and I haven't been doing the best to hide my tracks I guess. People just do whatever Amanda says some reason, but Amanda does whatever I tell her to do so it's weird. Anyways Emily is a rat and lies to everyone saying she's (insert alliance here) strong, but she's not. She just flops over to wherever the power is. Which is a strategy and she's probably going to outlast me so werk I guess, but she has so many premade alliances in this game that she's not a newbie like she says she is
I'm just gonna submit my thoughts on these people here: Ali T: he's nice, but easily manipulated, I don't really have thoughts on him. Amanda G: I literally know nothing of this person, I haven't talked to them once but honestly she's gonna go far probably because I highly suspect she has a premade alliance. Amanda Lyn: I thought I wasn't gonna like her when I first started, but I've actually grown to like her but like girlll she does the most when it comes to the immunities. Emily, myself and her are playing the bet games I feel right now but tbh they've probably done a better job at hiding their tracks then I have, and put more effort than I do. Bryce/Will ( because they are literally the same person in this game playing the same game): honestly Bryce is my pick to be in the final 3 but I wouldn't be surprised if will was there too. They literally have done nothing in this game and are just floating their way to the end. They just flop to wherever the power is. Boring gameplay. Emily: honestly I would argue she's playing the best game right now, she has misted everyone into doing whatever she wants, but it's not like it's hard since literally only 3 people are actually Playing an actual game here. Everyone else is just playing scared and floating to wherever the power is. Literally she has two premade alliances in this game so it's just stupid. She won't win but she has the best resume right now. Francie: doormat and a waste of a casting Gwen: honestly she's so genuinely nice and the only person I enjoy talking to in this game, I want her to win but she won't because she's not set up to win. She'll be taken out next if I'm taken out this time. Mo: idk anything about this person but I just don't like them for some reason. They just seem extra. Ruthie: I have no real thoughts on her, I forget she exists and she's a final 2 with Amanda Lynn. Another waste of a casting Zabbey: I literally didn't even know this person was in the game until I was looking at the merged tribe list.
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IM SO DONE, SOMONE FOUND THE IDOL EMILY JUST TOLD ME, also this tribal is gonna be explosive, Emily told me that shes voting off Gwen and Michael is going off at her, francie is playing a good game tho
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I'm honestly too old for this game, this is gonna be my first and last one of these gmes, unless I get asked for all stars then hmu
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So I'm one of the 6 going to tribal today and I'm a tad nervous. I'm happy that I have Francie, Ruthie and Emily with me but when there's half of the players going to tribal and then another half of us watching our decisions whilst still in the game. The consequences could be really bad.
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This would be a great confessional to have recorded because I just have so much to say but I look absolutely horrendous so I'm not going to make you suffer through that.
So the gist of this round, I hate it. I'm going to tribal tonight and I knew for a fact I wanted to vote with Francie. Francie did not seem to want to vote with the original Salao tribe members even though they were more than willing to do so. I was unsure about how Francie was planning on voting which was why I didn't want to make plans with Gwen and Michael last night. Now, that has come to bite me in the ass because now that I ACTUALLY want to vote out Ruthie and vote with Gwen and Michael, MICHAEL WANTS TO TARGET ME! And honestly, the last thing I want to do is scramble right now! I don't know what to do! I feel like I can't message him because then he'll know I'm getting word from everyone that he's spreading things around that I'm dangerous and all this stuff. And like, smart of him for figuring it out. I don't think many other people have. But if I can just get Francie, Amanda Lynn, and Ali to get my name out of Michael's head, I think I'll be fine. Francie won't vote against me and I know that like 90%. Michael, Gwen, Ruthie, and Mo, however: wildcards! I haven't talked to Ruthie at all and Mo and I have talked no game. I have wanted to vote with Gwen and Michael from the moment they messaged us last night but I was unsure because of FRANCIE! I think I might be safe tonight, but I'm truly not sure. I think the pros and cons of voting out all of these different people are like all over the place, but I'll try to figure them out.
Voting out Michael pros: one less person targeting me. Voting out Michael cons: he could expose me in his last words, Ali is close to him and I get information from Ali, it would further confirm his theory about me being a mastermind. (HONESTLY, THIS BOY IS NEVER ACTIVE BUT NOW THAT HE IS HE DECIDES TO TARGET ME? NOT CUTE!) Voting out Ruthie pros: I prove to Michael that I'm loyal, I get out someone I have not spoken to at all. Voting out Ruthie cons: Voting with Michael could result in me getting voted out. I just got out of a call with Francie and we discussed a plan. I am going to get her to suggest to Michael that this tribal be a test of my loyalties. I told her to tell Michael that she thinks I'm going to vote with them. If the votes end up being 4-2, then I voted with them and I can be trusted. If the votes are 3-3, then they can vote me out in a revote. I'm hoping Michael agrees to this plan, votes out Ruthie, and I can prove a bit of my allegiance to him. Even though I have none. I just don't want him throwing my name around like this is some baseball game??? PLEASE leave me alone, dearest Michael! I am probably going to stress cry over this tribal. I don't want to leave. And then I won't be able to talk to Amanda G or Bryce and I DON'T WANT THAT! I'm like severely in danger because of this stupid twist (Just to clarify, it's not stupid, I'm just sad about how it's affecting me.).
Michael honestly was not on my radar at all before this round. But BOY he is now. I know I can't vote him out this round because that would probably put a bigger target on my back. And I know I can't call him out. I'm not messy like that. And that would ruin my allies' games too. But the moment I get the chance to vote him out, he's gone. My biggest fear is that Michael and Gwen sway Ruthie and Mo to their side and vote me out like that. That would suck for me. That would suck for Francie too. Especially because she's planning on voting for someone who was close-ish with.
Also, Michael claimed to Francie that I was in a pre-made alliance with Toph which is bullshit! If I had known how cracked that boy was BEFORE the game I would've voted him out first. How rude of Michael to assume I'm silly like that. I still love Toph, don't get me wrong. But :0
I'm trying to get more information from Ali. I think Michael will tell Ali his final plans for this tribal and Ali can then tell me. If Michael wants to vote with me, then good. If Michael decides to get Mo and Ruthie on his side and vote me out, then I will have to beg Amanda G for her idol. If she gives it to me and I play it, I'll claim that's what I won in the auction. That'll be my lame excuse. But it'll keep me a bit safer for another round? Who knows I DON'T KNOW! That's a bad plan. I won't do that. But I just DON'T WANT TO GO HOME!!!!
I'm just waiting for Amanda G to come online so I can talk to her about this whole situation. I'm very worried and her idol would very much come in handy right now? But I also don't think I'll have to use it if Ali and Francie can protect me enough. AHHHHH! I also feel shitty making Francie low key blindside Ruthie but like... Oopsie. I just wish I wasn't about to be chopped up and served for dinner right about now. Who wants to die? Emily does!
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I have a strong feeling that a lot of people are going to be bitter or mad towards me once they read these confessions and realize what was going on... let's just hope nobody gets bitter while we're still playing though :) An idol and a fake idol? Loving this concept. Using the fake idol to turn everyone on overly paranoid people? Even better. And the best? Having people just give me information without me even having to ask for it. This game is fun.
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Hopefully this works. It took forever to upload https://youtu.be/cfD5n6MlLkU Basically I'm voting Gwen and so are a few others. Girl tried to play us like a fiddle but she didn't tune us properly.
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So much tea has been spilt and I'm SO overwhelmed! I think things are looking up possibly! Gwen messaged Mo and Ruthie and told them that she used her alliance reader on me and revealed that I am a part of five alliances. I believed this for a hot minute (Because we all know I'm in like ? a lot of alliances?), but then I realized that Gwen messaged me just a bit earlier saying that she used her alliance revealer on RUTHIE and that SHE was a part of five alliances! WOW! I think we caught Gwen and Michael! HMMMMMMM! Also, Gwen is wrong about the number of alliances. I'm probably in like ten alliances. Oopsie.
So now Francie, Ruthie, Mo, and I will be voting for Gwen at this tribal :-) Ruthie and I are comparing notes and OH MY GOD Gwen T R U  L Y dragged me through the mud. She and Michael are totally right about me orchestrating Nayeli's tribal. And they totally found me out. But I have ties with the right people, I suppose, and I think I have the votes to stay this round. AHHHH???????
I think my favorite part about this is that Gwen and Michael are, in fact, correct in their assuming I orchestrated stuff and that I have a good social game. And I recognize that this is going to probably make my target even bigger, but I need Michael or Gwen out. And soon. I don't think Gwen is going to end up going after Amanda Lynn until I'm gone. So I'm going to make sure Gwen leaves before I do? And Michael has been talking the most shit to Francie, Ali, and Amanda Lynn about me. Mo told me he thinks Michael will go next. And that sounds good to me.
I need to stay a bit under the radar for these coming tribals? I'm worried that the Nayeli tribal really put a huge target on my back. And I was prepared to live with the consequences but now I want to Die™ because Michael and Gwen have me between a rock and a hard place. I need to see what I can do.
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Gwen and Michael are trying to get my girl out. Oh no, boo boo. You tried, and you're going to fail! Emily and I are making a plan to save Emily and to get Gwen out. I think it's best for our game to get Michael out because he's the one saying this shit, but as long as it's one of them I'm fine. Get heckedt, guys :).
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Okay so I forgot to send in a confessional this round so I'm using speech to text to make sure that I get in all my thoughts before the deadline. Hopefully autocorrect loves me today. Anyway we merged! I'm so excited to be back with Emily and Abby and Ali! So we did a reward challenge which wound up being not a reward Challenge and half the tribe is immune and I'm part of the half that is immune so woo! Unfortunately Francie and Emily are part of the tribe that has to go to tribal. Boo. I'm hoping that everything turns out okay and that both my girls make it out alive. I promise hosts I will make a more detailed confessional later tonight. It's just been a really short round and I have not had too much time. :-)
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As tribal looms closer, I'm getting more and more nervous. I want to help Emily out and give her the idol, but it's the Espirito idol. I think she's going to be safe so I wouldn't give it to her this round. I would give it to her in a round where I knew she would go home, but she was never on Espirito. If I feel in danger and  don't want to use my idol, I'm giving my idol to Bryce because he's been on Espirito pre-swap and post-swap.
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I can't wait for this idol maneuver. I have a real merge idol (1), a fake idol from the auction that I've re-labeled "merge idol" (2), and a fake idol that's a picture of a feather from google labeled "auction idol" (3). So the plan is to give someone the "merge idol" which is really just #2, get them to trust me with that and possibly watch them crash and burn if they try to use it, then later on have someone (probably Abbey) fake a betrayal of me by giving them #3 saying "Will trusted me with this, but use it to get him out" or something like that making them feel comfortable while actually just setting them up to be voted out a la Randy in Gabon. And of course, I'll save the real idol for myself when I need it most. But oh boy this is gonna be a good one if I can pull it off. And if y'all are reading this and I got voted out before I could do any of this, I'm just a big fool but hey at least I'm going for the gold here. And Amanda G's idol? We'll do something about that soon enough :)
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LAST WORDS: practically i had a lot of fun i really did end liking ali toward the end surprisingly! i love my main bitches nayeli & michael rip :**. anyways if these people know whats good for them they'll 1. start targeting strong social players and not like ... ppl with no social power in this game lol 2. start doing shit with the jury !!!! like i hope they do know that you cant just blindside everyone and not try to at least have ppl who like you on the jury.... 3. making the voting more interesting i think this season has been almost entirely unanimous (yes that 3-2-2 vote is included in that).  anyways back to me, my final words are watch out I'm totally returning for villains season or all stars! bye bye silly bitches :***
Gwen becomes the (in theory...) first member of the jury
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