#so cute i ♥️ the fabric folds
matt-erialgirl · 2 years
How would Matt take care of you when your migraines hit? Sounds like it’s a common occurrence for you babeyy 😞 feel better soon
Awe babes thank you so much ♥️ it’s a shitty but common occurrence indeed. can’t not say that 50% of the times i get them, it’s because im not taking good care of myself so babies PLEASE care for yourselves, your well-being and your bodies ✨
Before I get into this, I’m letting you know rn im basing this off my own experience with migraines. And hey, if you dont get them, I’m so happy for you God bless. If you get them, come cry with me.
Migraines are different for everyone (symptoms, severity, how long they last) but mine make me extremely sensitive to light and sound. Everything is just ten times brighter and ten times louder and the actual headache sits on half my forehead, that same side’s ear, jaw and that whole side of my skull. It can hang around for as long as 48 hours. Turning this into a cute little drabble or whatever because cute
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
Every tick sounded louder than the last, each one thudding in your ears with an echo that felt like it was vibrating inside your skull. You laid there, body curled up on the leather sofa, head tucked under a throw pillow to avoid the purple lights pouring into Matt’s living room as your head continued to pound to the sound of the clock; in sync.
You wanted to get up and rip it off the wall but that meant having to pull your head out from the dark and open your eyes; both thoughts sounded absurd to you in your mind. So, you stayed put, squeezing your eyes shut, willing the sounds and lights to fade away.
What felt like hours later, you heard Matt enter the apartment, slamming the door shut behind him only to hear you groan in pain at how loud the slam sounded in your ears.
Matt’s head tilted to follow the sound you made, quickly figuring out that something was wrong. He could hear your heart pounding, your breathing was ragged, your nails scratching against the fabric on his pillows.
”baby?” He whispered gently, piecing his observations together, throwing everything down by the door and discarding his suit jacket on the opposite sofa.
“another migraine?” he breathed as he bent down at his knees to be level with you, his palm gently resting against your back while your head remained under the pillow.
”it’s so bad,” you breathed, barely a whisper, but he heard you. He swiftly got up to his feet, unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt to roll the sleeves up to his elbows. He made his way to the kitchen, filling a tall glass with water and finding your migraine medication before bringing it all back to you.
He felt bad having to rouse you from your hideout, knowing exactly how terrible you would feel the second the dark was ripped away from you. “try to get up and take this please,” he said gently, keeping his voice down, “I know you probably haven’t.”
Your head pounded harder as you started to move, pushing the pillow off your head and pulling your head out of the corner of the sofa. A small whimper fell from your lips as a searing pain shot through the side of your head, your eyes struggling to open up.
“it’s so bright,” you huffed, squinting to see Matt’s outstretched hands and taking the tablet and glass from him, “thank you, Matty.”
”I’ll be right back,” he said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before he started flitting around his apartment. You watched him through a crack in your eyes, a small smile making its way to your lips as you realised what he was doing.
Matt switched off every light in sight, the clicking if the switches loud in your ears as he moved quickly between them. Next, he placed a roll of thick cloth tape on the coffee table before he made his way into the bedroom, coming back with three folded blankets.
You watched in silent gratitude as Matt taped the blankets to his large windows, making a note in the back of your mind of the need of actual curtains, even if the windows don‘t bother him.
Without a second thought, he made his way over to the clock on the wall by the bedroom and pulled it down, putting an end to its incessant ticking and relieving it of its batteries. A sigh of relief tumbled out of your lips at the absence of sound. Your head falling back against the sofa, eyes shut.
”what else do you need, baby?” Matt asked gently, coming up to you from behind the sofa and placing his palm gently against your cheek.
”blindfold,” you told him quietly, slowly turning your head to the side and pressing a gentle kiss to the inside of his palm, “it’s in the-“
”bedside table drawer,“ he finished with a nod, gently rubbing his thumb across your temple before pulling away to retrieve the black silk scarf you used specifically for this.
He knew it was because no matter how hard you squeezed your eyes shut, it still felt like you could see and it wasn’t dark enough. But part of him also knew you found relief in the fabric squeezing your temples and pushing against your eyes.
He sat down next to you, scarf in hand, his heart aching at the mere thought of you in pain. He reached out and felt for your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze so you’d get up for him tie the silk around your eyes.
You sat up, eyes closed and facing him. “Okay,” you breathed before Matt pulled the silk up to your eyes. As he brought it around to the back of your head, you leaned forward, placing your forehead against his shoulder so the knot was easier for him to tie.
”Tighter, please,“ you whispered against his shoulder.
Matt obliged, pulling the fabric a little tighter around your head, a sigh falling from your lips as he tied it there.
”Thank you,” you smiled, reveling in the darkness you now found yourself in, the pressure around your head heavenly against the pain.
Matt smiled and pulled you close, slotting you into his side, your legs draped over his thighs and your head in the crook of his neck. His hand went up to run through your hair to lull you to sleep, while the other traced patterns onto your thigh. Slowly, you started to calm down, your breathing getting slower and deeper as you started to drift off, Matt not once leaving your side.
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