drunkeddiediaz · 24 days
Maybe this is edy's last bit of karma before they send her off 💀😂
anon you just reminded me, was that why she looked like she just cried in that video? Wearing the same striped sweater? 💀skdjdjjdhd
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kiermasz · 1 year
also like. pardon me but someone said my recent crush looks like a giant toddler and I realized my type is soft but interesting faces but also women that look like they're styled by a 10 year old skdjdjjdhd. it would've all worked out if he was a gal 😻🙏 lol
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spicycreativity · 3 years
I woke up thinking about Steam Powered Giraffe but I'm also not in the mood for anything Dark and Sad so imagine
In 1800s steampunk California
Patton is an aspiring musician who tragically couldn't carry a tune in a bucket and Janus is an inventor who falls in love with him
Patton works at a hardware store and spends his off hours absolutely mangling what seems like a new instrument every week
Janus decides it would be an absolutely genius idea to build a trio of 3 musical robots to serenade Patton so he can make a Huge, Dramatic Love Confession
Never mind the fact that Janus also doesn't know anything about music
He keeps showing up at Patton's hardware store in varying states of stress to buy more parts for his robots. He starts talking to Patton about music and science and Patton starts falling for him
Janus is so fixated on his robot idea that he barely even notices the signals that Patton is dropping except as evidence that the robot plan is going to work
He builds his first automaton and names it Remus, because he happened to use a book on Roman history and mythos to prop up an uneven table leg and it was the first thing he saw
He names the second Logic after its pragmatic and cool demeanor, but there's a problem with its voice box, so it comes out "Logan." This is the name that sticks
He draws a blank on the third automaton and takes to calling it "Three" since it can't commit to a name either. (Later, Three will overhear a discussion on literature and take a shine to the name "Virgil")
(It seems mean to leave out Roman but I couldn't think of a place for him off the top of my head skdjdjjdhd)
Anyway, in teaching his robots music theory, Janus accidentally learns an instrument
He and his robots serenade Patton and they all live happily ever after, and nobody attacks a rock candy factory and starts doing weird vanpire necromancy and the robots don't get drafted to serve in the Vietnam War and everything is fine forever 🙂
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azaraspirit · 3 years
theres a zendaya anon ommg everyone calm down skdjdjjdhd
im everyone i need to calm down
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