#she's like renesmee or smth idk
purplesoup-lad-le · 1 year
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ain't she cute :DD
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ginwhitlock · 4 years
Well the boy moved after that and idk his name anymore, but Renesmee Isabella was just a girl I met at the rodeo bc she had the same color cowboy hat as me and looked uncomfortable waiting for her friends alone. She went by Bella, to which I said “like twilight haha” and she just sighed really sadly and said “my first name’s Renesmee...” I bought her a hot dog or smth out of pity. She just looked so sad.
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wonderstxrs · 4 years
MULTIMUSE ASK MEME: send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours! // @hebewitched
Okay so I think Jade could be really fun against Sebastian, and not just bc of the supternatural aspect but just?? her sass. his sass. I feel like this could be the love/hate dynamic and that’s always fun to explore! but also the singing aspect of Victorious - I feel like Sebastian would make fun of it but?? yeah, this is just something I think could be really fun tho.
Idk how you are with Twilight muses? not everyone in the TVD-universe or other fandoms are open for Twi muses but, if you are maybe Renesmee & Seb could be fun too. He’d make her question the imprenting thing w Jacob bc LOOK AT HIM. but I also just feel like he could get her to see what matters, to not always follow the rules and have fun for once too like? yeah. like it doesn’t even have to be romantic but just, a fun dangerous buddy or smth heh.
Obviously all the things with Hope and Sebastian, bc I love them!! same for Lizzie & Seb
What about the Witcher, idk if you’ve seen the show?? if you haven’t you should!! but anyway, Sebastian would work really well in this universe too. He could just be another ‘monster’ that happens to be a vampire and just?? it’d be fun to have Ciri meet him, probs before she & geralt find each other, but after could be really fun too.  AND OMFG RENFRI & SEBASTIAN THO. JUST?????? absolutely amazing, they would be epic to try out too!!
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