#she looks distraught because she wants baylans help!!!!!!!!
skoulsons · 8 months
OK so this is taken from a huge word vomit in a Google doc im writing about baylan and shin. please forgive me if anything is incoherent bc it is currently 3am and I’m afraid words are no good no more
Baylan doesn’t want a place in the Empire. No seat, no fame, no power of that kind. He’s searching for something different than what the Empire could give him. Instead, I think in the most open-minded way he can, is giving Shin an opportunity away from him. Sure, he has told her what he thinks about that power and it’s not what he’s searching for. But Shin has also expressed her doubts over it, as well as over Baylan’s plan for Peridea, and Baylan has heard and accounted for them.
I don't believe at all that he wants to part ways with Shin, but he is dead set on believing what his path is, and recognizes that Shin does not share the same. I think he’s doing it out of love, for lack of a better term. He’s not keeping her from what he sees, but he is simply recognizing that their ideas for the future don’t line up. I see it as a mix of him wanting her to find her footing, protecting her, and also giving her an open future that aligns with her ambitions instead of blindly following the power he wants (as much as I believe it dreads him to be permanently apart from her).
But I also don’t believe Shin wants that. I think she’d be willing to compromise and follow him. I say that because of the “you won’t help” / “I can help you” parallel. She looks distraught over that, as I mentioned. She wants Baylan’s help, his guidance, his presence. I think parting ways is the worst thing Baylan can do for Shin, but he doesn’t really recognize it as such. I don't think Baylan would want to compromise because what he wants, sees, feels, or senses could be violent or kill him. I think if he can prevent it, he wants Shin away from it. He’s trying to protect her from a future that could hurt her.
It almost feels like miscommunication.
for those of you, if any, are tlou fans, this is… horrifyingly similar to the ranch argument
To try to summarize for those who don’t know, Joel and Ellie are forced together across post-apocalyptic America because Ellie is immune to the virus and Joel was tasked with escorting her to a group of people (the fireflies) who were going to try and make a cure out of Ellie’s immunity.
Joel’s brother, Tommy, worked for the fireflies. They make it to his place after a few months spent together. They’ve bonded well by this point, but Joel’s grief over the loss of his daughter still haunts his relationship with Ellie, and Joel tries to get rid of her once they’ve finally made it to Tommy’s.
Ellie finds out, runs away, and her and Joel argue. Joel tries to argue that she will be safer with Tommy instead of himself. Ellie denies that. She says that everyone she’s cared for has died, except for him. She tells him that she wouldn’t be safer with anyone else except for him.
While it’s not so much based around Joel (and some of Ellie’s grief over Riley and Sam) grief, I feel such a similarity of Joel wanting to get rid of Ellie and baylan parting with shin
Joel is afraid of growing more attached to Ellie out of fear that he’ll lose another child. He’s afraid he’ll kill her. It’s a mix of things. So he tries to get rid of her to protect her (he’s such a dumb dad)
That’s similar to what Baylan seems to be doing with shin, at least to me. Trying to part with her, though I believe he definitely does not want to, because their paths don’t align, but also because I don’t think he wants her to get hurt from something that is still unsure (especially with the dead padawan hc)
Baylan is making a decision that I believe he thinks is for the better of both of them. Baylan gets the power and beginning he wants while shin is safe. Shin finds her own power. She follows her ambition and finds a path fit for her. Baylan doesn’t lose another padawan. As Joel was kind of trying (to convince himself) to do. Ellie is safer with Tommy. She gets to her destination. Joel doesn’t lose another child.
The only thing is is it… discounts (??) what the daughters want
Ellie wanted to stay with Joel because all he’s done is protect her and care for her and proven that he is the person she feels safe with. He is what she knows
Shin wants to stay with Baylan because, well, that’s her master. He’s trained and taught her in the way they live. He’s protected her and very obviously cares about her. He’s what she knows
all in all—single dads try to make decision that they think is the best for them and their daughters for separate paths and making sure their girls are protected and safe when in reality the daughters just want their Dads TM
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