#scp tj ambrose
dani-fox · 10 months
This is a big info dump on my TJ rewrite AU
I apologize in advance if there is any grammar or spelling errors. English is my first language I'm just extremely stupid. So politely please don't grammar police me __________________________________________________
Tj’s story is fairly the same from the original article/story. 
Grew up under Mikell’s care n stuff along with his other siblings before getting sold out by the foundation by said older brother and becomes neglected by the foundation by abusing his healing ability. He is around the age of 14-15 and completely stops aging around this time. Making him physically 14-15 forever
 TJ’s healing ability in my rewrite has been nerfed down from being able to cure anything to now only being able to cure wounds that can heal over time from small things like paper cuts to broken limbs. He can't cure mental or physical disabilities. 
Another big change about the story is the sexual assault against TJ is taken out holy fuck that bit is unconfrible and I hate that part so much. I know there are horrible scp stories that do contain much worse content out there but writing a story about a child being SAed is fucked.
Another big change is that since TJ cant cure mental ailments he doesn't mentally regress into a 3 year old because of it rather he is childish on purpose. He is naturally childish and uses childish things as a coping mechanism from all the bullshit the foundation put him through. Also trying to make up the rest of his childhood the foundation, mostly Mikell, stole from him.
Speaking of the foundation fucking things up, The bone’s in TJ’s legs are messed up do to the bones and mussel being broken so many times that the mussled and bones healed weirdly to the point that they cant be fixed. This results in TJ being almost unable to walk so this results in him using medical equipment to help get around, his preferred choice are crutches / forearm crutches (the medical device he uses in the ref i made). 
TJ has a huge dislike with skin to skin contact due to his ability to work like that. Due to this he wears long sleeve clothing and refuses to touch people if it involves the possibility of skin-to-skin contact.
TJ is closed off and shy to people, even before the foundation he was like this but the experience of the foundation simply made this part of TJ worce. He is more open to close family members like his older brother, Jack Ambrose, and close friends(i want to make him friends with 166/Meri because why not. I feel like they would be friends)
TJ has a dislike towards certain staff members. Some of the staff members were unnamed higher ups who abused TJ’s healing abilities. Dr.Gears because he is an unlovable old asshole of an old man, Dr.Alto Clef for just being a complete buttnugget to Dr.Ambrose, and certain family members like Mikel for putting him in the foundation’s care. Mikell is at the top of the ‘I hate you list’ to the point if Mikell ever tries to interact with Tj, it will simply result in TJ trying his best to ignore and even not look at Mikell. TJ wont forgive Mikel for what he's done.  _____________________________________________________
This is all i have for now for the AU. I will try to post some more art once i get the urge to draw more SCP art. Right now, my mind is on Eddsworld art lol.
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dxwnfxll · 11 months
How would Clef,Bright,Glass and Gears would react if the child!reader is just immune to anomalous effects or reality bending, heck let's even go with the amnestics. But also somehow able to make sentient scps somehow tolerate or get along with them to not kill them? Reader is a little shit and uses it to fuck with everyone or give people heart attacks and also has no sense of danger.
LMAO here's your request !
Also very sorry for the time you've haf to wait for this !! I've just had writers block while I've been preparing for art fight lolol
(As always Bright/Shaw replaced by Amar)
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-Alright so Amar was assigned to you out of no where, she had been working with 049 at the time (more like slacking off though) when they got a new file put on their desk.
- 'SCP [chosen number], this SCP has the ability to remain immune towards many different SCP effects, the child also seems to be able to bend reality'
-at first Amar thought it was a mistake cause like?? Why would they put her on a team to work with some reality bending child? No one thought they'd try to make the kid turn the walls into candy? Or 343 forbid if Ambrose asked the kid to make another santa so there'd be twice as many presents.
-Hell the first day he went to work with the group she could feel the eyes of everyone on them.
-Eventually the group shrunk though, less and less people on the team till eventually it was just Amar. And for once Amar took their job seriously, he didn't know why really but she just enjoyed spending time with you and wanted to continue to do so
-you reminded him of TJ by a lot, maybe it was her missing TJ or maybe it was them liking how you looked up to him. After all you two always did pranks together and somehow always got away with it, or well at least you did. Somehow the 05 would find out Ambrose was at least involved.
-she laughs whenever you mess with someone, and you can't ever really spook Amar. Very rare occasions though you startle them and she has a good laugh afterwards
-and of course whenever he has their crazy ideas (cough cough making an entire super hero team, fight club etc) you're always involved since you never play fair.
-You and Amar get along fan-fucking-tastically as Amar would put it, hell pretty sure it she could they'd adopt you already.
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-So Clef, oh boy.
-Clef had (similar to Amar) been assigned to you out of no where. Coming back with a bloody ukulele after beating the [REDACTED INFORMATION] he found a file on his desk with your number on it.
-he had already heard of you and wasn't exactly over the moon to be dealing with another reality bender, in fact he already had a distaste for you.
-that's right sadly Mr ukulele doesn't like you and probably never will. He hates 239 and he hates you to.
-A week into him becoming your lead researcher and he already went to the 05 asking for your termination or to find someway to terminate you.
-Which of fucking course they denied every time he asked.
-He gets annoyed by you easily especially with you being the little shit that you are, he also deep down fears you, fears what you could do, so sadly you two never get along.
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-Dr Glass had been assigned to you out of no where, he was a little shocked he had been assigned to an SCP that had feelings, a mind, etc. The foundation had after all tore him a new one for getting attached to the last sentient SCP he was assigned to.
-And just like the other sentient SCPs he had been assigned to in the past, he grew attached and felt awful for you. You were just a child who didn't ask to he what you were, you were just a child who should be going to school making friends growing up with parents. But instead you're stuck in a containment cell never able to see the light and watching strangers poke and prod at your abilities.
-He always snuck in stuff for you that he thought you'd like, chocolate, little toys, and some crayons with paper. He'd always get reprimanded by the others but he didn't seem to care, in his head he was doing a good thing.
-He didn't mind you being a little shit, he felt bad and thought it was your way of expressing yourself. Expressing the pain you were probably going through. You were probably scared and knew this behavior as the only way to show it.
-He always tried to stand up for you, every mistake you made, every time you escaped containment. But the 05 eventually began to listen less and less until finally you had a new lead researcher and Dr. Glass was once again not trusted around sentient scps.
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-Finally Gears. Not much to say with him, He's a numb old man with 0 emotions towards really anything.
-Anything you do whether big or small he just kinda blinks at, if you were to take his clipboard and break it he wouldn't even bat an eye. If you were to hug him not even a small smile would crack.
-He does his job, he doesn't form an attachment or anything to you. He treats you like every other SCP, a job to be done. A task to be checked off.
-He does speak highly about your abilities to being immune to a majority of other SCPs and even suggested some tests to be done on you.
-He's not afraid of your destructive behavior either, if you start being a little shit he just calls the MTF and lets them deal with you.
-no relationship formed between y'all, He's completely neutral with you.
Hope you enjoyed! And sorry for the late response to this!!
Have a lovely day!
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