#say hello to Sally's magic evolving again xD
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BDRPWriMo Task #6:
Write ten short stories of no more than a paragraph long (can star one or multiple characters)
Sally gets a vision.... sort of.
It came in a flash, a myriad of pictures speeding before her eyes to tell a story, numerous stories. It made Sally suddenly stop at her tracks right in the small space of Hatter’s cafe, her pupils (unknown to her) going fully white. Just as fast, she was back, eyes blinking. Her surroundings became aware to her, the normal hum drum of people in a cafe. There were a pair of employees arguing heavily behind the counter. A woman just entered about to pass Sally. Sally touched her gently by the shoulder knowing the figure. “I would step slightly to the left.” 
Rhea throws a tantrum.
Raksha simply wanted a coffee that was all, but nothing came simple with an almost one year old in arms. That one year old was in a mood today constantly moving and making angry mumble jumble. She was squirming uncontrollably, the brunette giving her daughter a stern look. “Calm down! My river, now.” It was not working and at this point Rhea began to scream in tears. She felt the hand on her shoulder quickly turning. It was the red head from the Underworld, Raksha knew better than to not listen. She moved and that was when the coffee was thrown barely missing both her and her daughter. 
Dash becomes a hero.
Class was done for the day and Dash had a shit load of homework to do once he reached home, so he did the most logical thing one could do: delay it. There he was entering Hatter’s ready for a good fucking pastry, when he saw a coffee cup flying through the air about to directly hit some girl. With his flash-like speed he was able to catch it before it made a direct hit. Fuck yeah! Except, that while stopping it from hitting the girl (for which he was dead in front of now) the coffee’s content had now spilled all over his arms and that shit burned! “Fuck, fuck, fuck!!” He yelled. “What was in this?!” 
Minnie uses her nursing skills.
It was one of those odd days where Minnie was preparing herself to do an evening shift rather than a night shift. No better way to prepare than a nice big cup of coffee! So, the nurse was in her favorite spot for such a coffee: Hatter’s. It looks as though her coffee had end up flying past the counter instead and was getting ready to land right on her when it was caught by some blonde boy. “Someone grab me a cold cloth! Several of those!” She turned to the boy. “I would sit... the coffee could have been hot enough to cause some burns. I’m a nurse though. Thanks for that catch.”
Georgette is very unamused.
Meanwhile, Georgette was seated, laptop open and going over several important documents concerning her make-up line with Gary on the phone. All of this ruckus and noise was making it very difficult to hear her friend/manager. She was about to take a step outside, when some of the contents of that coffee that had been flying landed right on her laptop. “Shit, are you fucking kidding me?!” She shrieked to her phone. “I just bought this laptop!” From having broken her previous one. “Gary, I’m going to have to call you back.”
Isabel becomes a good Samaritan. 
The moment that request was given to the cafe, Isa had immediately ran to retrieve some cold cloths, napkins, whatever cold was in sight to give to the nurse who was currently assessing the boy’s arm with extreme detail. She handed the brunette some cold wash clothes her eyes falling straight over Dash’s arm. “Ouch! It looks like at least a first degree burn for sure. It’s already inflaming and I can see some blisters forming.  Maybe even a second degree. I can tell by the way—” A blonde suddenly came into view.
Webby has no sense of personal space. 
Webby popped up from behind looking directly over Isabel’s shoulder in total disregard that she was closer than most people would be to a stranger. But, she was FASCINATED by what she was seeing!! “LOOK it’s already HEALING!!!” She pointed excitingly to Dash’s arm watching as the swelling began to decrease, the blisters growing smaller, the redness basically disappearing. She poked at his arm. “I’ve never seen a recovery process work so FAST!!! Do your cells normally replicate this fast?! How is your molecular metabolism structure?! How often do your cells enter a mitosis cycle?! OH MY GOSH ARE YOU CURSED?!” EEE she hoped he was!!!!
Dash is left stunned
Woah!! He knew his metabolism was fast and all that shit but damn he didn’t know it could work as quick as it has. Not that he was complaining, less pain was always a good thing. There was a blonde chick now up close and personal to his face and all over excited talking about being.... cursed? The fuck? It left Dash blinking and speechless. “Uhh... nah not cursed, umm... sorry?” He looked at the nurse. “I gotta go though! Thanks for the help and no problem on the coffee!” With that he zoomed right off realizing he had another class to go to. Fuck, he was about to be late.
 Daniel finds some comical relief 
Daniel watched the sequence of events unfold from when Sally’s eyes had gone all white to the blonde boy speeding off at unnatural speed and if he knew Sally as well as he did, he knew she had seen this all happen. Who would have thought one argument could spawn such a domino affect? The spectre turned to look at Sally with an amused grin and low chuckle. And I suppose you saw this all? Didn’t want to stop it?
Sally realizes her magic is up to some new tricks.
Sally blinked turning to look at Daniel almost lost. “I did, I stopped the baby from getting hurt. I... saw different possibilities, this one... was the better one. Dash ends up fine.” Well... that was certainly something Sally has never done before, and she certainly didn’t know the blonde boy to now suddenly know his name. She realized... she knew the name of all the participants, as well as personal facts about them.... The redhead rubbed the bridge of her nose letting out a deep sigh. “I’m going to need that pumpkin spice. I have a feeling this will be a long day.”
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