#sarah isn't particularly jealous so much as she's just annoyed at the boys' cluelessness
askchaoticgame · 2 years
Tom, Kaz and Peyton what is your dream girl and have you been in relationship with any girl (except Sarah)? Surely after swooning over Shinwan you guys must be interested in someone else. (teehee XD).
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“Oh, this’ll be good.”
Sarah leans back in her chair and folds her arms.
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“Alright, come on, don’t just sit there. None of you have dated, right?”
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“I guess not...”
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Sarah glares at Peyton.
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“Eh, well, not officially, yet…”
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“I-I guess I’m looking for…someone with a lot of spirit?”
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“Someone cute…”  Kaz mumbles, obviously embarrassed. “And nice.”
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“And a biiiig personality! Though someone more reserved or natural’s neat, too. I don’t judge!”
The boys seem to mumble agreements to themselves, nodding while spouting other vague qualities.
Sarah groans.
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“You three are ridiculous when it comes to this. There’s plenty of girls or whoever in Chaotic, but you’re so blind you don’t see them. Someone nice, cute, or courageous? I mean, come on.”
She swirls her bang around in annoyance.
There’s a pause.
The boys all look at one another.
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“Really? Do you know any?”
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“…Next question.”
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