#rio and iv pls have mercy on my soul ಥ‿ಥ pls don't speak in funny phrases like this event ok
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
well... this marks the end of the fruity thtottle adventure~?
previous part (chapter 7)
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MEGU: Okay, here’s a skip! Skipping YUI, it’s now RIO’s turn!
YUI: Oi, hold it! I was just about to throw four cards down!
DAI: Huuh~? Does a rule that allows you to put a few cards down at the same time even exist in this card game?
YUI: It does! Wait, huh? Maybe it’s a local rule? Either way, aren’t you being way too cruel by skipping my turn?!
DAI: Idiooot. Games are more fun when we’re merciless to each other.
RIO: Reverse.
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DAI: Whaaat?! But it’s my turn!
RIO: But it’s more fun when we’re merciless to each other, right?
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YUI: Nice one, RIO! It’s my turn again… Wait, I can’t put any cards down… I’ll pass.
MEGU: Yup, yuuup! I’m putting a card down~.
MEGU: …Y’know, doesn’t it feel like it’s been a really long time since we last did something like this~?
YUI: Right? I can’t remember when the last time we had time off in the evenings was.
DAI: The choreography of my dance solo needs to be checked later, so I’ll leave the checking to you, IV.
MEGU: Ah, that sounds nice. I wanna do it too! Can I, IV?
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IV: Of course.
RIO: IV, you said that you wanted to spend some time with everyone, but… are you really fine with spending it like this?
IV: Yeah, this is perfect.
RIO: That’s good, then. Though, I have something to check with you regarding the live…
DAI: Same here. I’ve drawn rough sketches of the costumes for our next live.
IV: You work really fast, don’t you? Let me see them later, okay?
YUI: Come to think of it, I wanted to try writing lyrics, so I’ve written some down.
MEGU: Ehh. I reallyyy wanna see them!
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YUI: Not now! I’m not done with them yet.
IV: How interesting. As for the song… what do you think about co-writing it with RIO?
RIO: That’s not a bad idea.
MEGU: Ehh, that sounds niceee. I wanna do something like that tooooo!
DAI: But you’re already in charge of the choreography.
MEGU: But I wanna try something new toooooo! Ah, how ‘bout this! I wannaaaa do an MC corner or something!
YUI: Lemme join in on that kinda thing too, yeah?
IV: Then, let’s talk about the live once this game ends, okay?
MEGU: Somehow, this kinda reminds me of when we were fooling around in IV’s hospital ward.
DAI: You’re talking about the times when all of us would visit him to check in, yeah?
YUI: But those were less of check ins, and more of visits to play around, right?
DAI: You’re the only one who thinks that way, though?
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MEGU: Exaaactly, you’re the one who aaalways brought in a microphone to sing.
MEGU: What a turn-off.
YUI: Huuh?! But you’re the one who was always yelling in the ward?!
DAI: You guys were the ones who always got us scolded each and every time, weren’t you?
RIO: Well, you all were going against the visitor rules of the hospital…
MEGU: But there’s no doubt in my mind that I was visiting him because I was worried about him.
IV: Haha, you didn’t seem to be worried, though.
RIO: In the end, regardless of the scolding we received, we ended up fooling around again immediately after, right?
YUI: Nothing can stop us when we’re all together, yeah?
DAI: What’s with that? How lame.
YUI: Oi!
IV: (They haven’t changed a bit from how they were back then…)
MEGU: I don’t wanna get scolded anymore, so please don’t get hospitalised again, okay~?
IV: Got it.
Every time all of them laughed together, IV found himself thinking that, as long as he was together with those members, they would be able to create history in the future…
That thought still had not changed a bit. Therefore, he could not afford to stop yet.
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