#reinvent the wheel that JC can't take
okamirayne · 6 months
O’Rayne!! Stalking your posts and totally freaked at your mention of HHU (please no pressure tho Rayne just see it as support and stalker interest lol) and was curious…is it your burnout that is the toughest part for you regarding HHU and your original works? Stupid question probably??? >.< I haven’t written in a looong time myself (so many unfinished fics heh >.>) but I think it’s block and not burnout. Is there a big difference?? I get confused but I know you’ve been struggling and always said it was burnout not block? I’m sorry and hope you heal soon. 🧡🧡🧡
Hello, hello! 🤗💜
Stalking your posts and totally freaked at your mention of HHU (please no pressure tho Rayne just see it as support and stalker interest lol)
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[..] is it your burnout that is the toughest part for you regarding HHU and your original works? Stupid question probably???
Not a stupid question. And yes. It is undoubtedly the toughest, most frustrating, and devastatingly painful thing I've had to face regarding my creative journey.
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I haven’t written in a looong time myself (so many unfinished fics heh >.>) but I think it’s block and not burnout. Is there a big difference?? I get confused but I know you’ve been struggling and always said it was burnout not block?
Oh luv, I'm sorry you've not been able to write for such a time. I'm not sure which camp you're in but I'll try to give my two cents re: differentiating between Block and Burnout. Please note: this isn't a one-size fits all explanation, as I can only speak to my own experience.
So for me, personally, the distinction is this:
Block = I have no ideas or inspiration; I have gas in the tank, just no map and no destination. Maybe my tyres are spinning in the mud a bit. I need a jump-start. Or maybe I need to figure out which gear I'm stuck in. With the right mechanical mojo, I can take the wheel.
Burnout = I have a destination, I want to reach it, I even have a map, but my engine is shot to shit and my tank is empty. I cannot be jump-started by my usual tricks and my gear-stick is broken. I have all the ideas and even sparks of inspiration yet I possess absolutely no capacity to actually get it OUT of my head onto the page. I am a fuming roadwreck. Even Jesus can't take this wheel.
Burnout, (again, I'm speaking to my personal experience of it) is a severe, scary, and surreal kind of shitshow that feels like my brain has mutinied and is gaslighting itself. Unlike a block, burnout is defined as 'a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged or repeated stress' (said stress is different and unique in each case). Basically your nervous system has been sadistically rewired into survival mode, your creative tyres have been slashed, and you're not firing on all cylinders because your cylinders are now warped scrap metal in a flaming junk yard. It is a godawful state of breakdown. And when you try to rev, it costs you.
Blocks are cordons that can be navigated or bulldozed...burnouts are the love child of napalm and Greek Fire. You can't smash or power through them. Unless you like third degree burns on your psyche and soul.
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Drama. I am full of it. I know. This is what happens when a writer isn't writing. Monsterous. Inconsolable. Insufferable.
I’m sorry and hope you heal soon. 🧡🧡🧡
You're a sweetheart. Thank you so much, Anon. I really hope you manage to clock what's got you stuck (I sincerely hope it's block, not burnout) and that you are back to writing again ASAP! 🧡
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
hey plan! as i continued my scrolling through twitter (thinking that there might be some accurate representation of the rotted grape, but *sigh* can still find any) i found this post instead and can i ask your opinion of this?
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i just felt so mad reading this. them thinking that jc wanted to "protect" wwx is so dumb?? like didn't jc want wwx to let him go back to the sect because he didn't want to deal with the wens who he OWES HIS LIFE TO?? and then these clowns saying wwx pUbLiCly hUmiLiaTed jc like didn't jc humiliated himself because orchestrated the death of his saviors?? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE GRAPE LOVERS because without wwx wn & wq's combined help, your UwU sAd bAbY gRaPe would be coreless and probably DEAD (sorry if it got long because of my rant here but i truly do want to hear your opinion on this)
and i present this art i found on twitter where wwx calls out jc for being a homophobe https://twitter.com/farisaki/status/1445458768322445325?t=mWTeCTAE3HMmwtfZ9ZbiDg&s=19
haha I'm sorry to say but your first mistake was continuing to scroll through twitter. -2/10 do not recommend
Like far be it from me to dampen the enthusiasm of this person trying to reinvent the wheel w their groundbreaking think piece, but wtf are they talking about. Honestly I remember some other beacon of wisdom saying: "how come WWX was so dumb and didn't just kidnap a random Wen soldier and make WQ use their core for the transfer?"- like they didn't grasp that the whole thing hinged on the willing participation of the donor. Same here.
Wei Wuxian knew jiang cheng's character very well. At worst he's always seen the jiangs through rose tinted lenses. So while WWX would know very well jc wouldn't actively help him save the Wens since nothing in their past half lifetime of knowing each other had ever shown jc to give two fucks about helping people, he probably only didn't imagine jc would leave him with no option to help them other than defection. AND MAKE NO MISTAKE, jc didn't bring any compromise to the table that included saving the Wens other than for WWX to cut ties with the Clan. jc doesn't help the Wens because he DOESN'T WANT TO not because he can't. WWX makes it clear that the reason he's defecting isn't because he wants to but because he doesn't want to involve YunmengJiang and jc agrees. "“Jiang Cheng’s tone was indifferent, “Then let’s arrange for a duel.” jc's "compromise" was I'll destroy Wen Ning for you, and turn in the rest of the Wens- that jc in his own words called “the old, the weak, the women, and the children.”- to their death or you're out on your ass and WWX understood him.
“Jiang Cheng, “You burn this corpse right now and return to them all these leftovers of the Wen Sect. That’s the only way to make the subject die!” As he spoke, he raised his sword again, preparing to attack.”
“However, Wei WuXian clenched his wrist, “Are you joking?! If we return Wen Qing and the others to them, they’d meet nothing but a dead end!”
Jiang Cheng, “I doubt you’ll even return all of them. Why do you care what kind of end they meet? A dead end it is, then—what does it have to do with you?!”
Lmao- "I NEVER see this take. That WWX acted like a rogue agent" yes you absurd, classist, intellectual dead zone, bc it's a ridiculous take that the story does not intend any reader with a modicum of understanding or empathy to take. The author thought surely people will GET why it's nifty of WWX to want to save these innocent, vulnerable people: these nice siblings that helped them, this sweet Granny, this cute toddler etc. jc himself doesn't disagree that they owe the Wens a debt!
“Wei WuXian finally lost his temper, “Jiang Cheng! What- What do you think you’re talking about?! Take it back—don’t make me give you a thrashing! Don’t forget. Who was the one that helped us burn Uncle Jiang’s and Madam Yu’s corpses? Who returned to us the ashes that are in Lotus Pier right now? And who took us in when we were chased after by Wen Chao?!”
Jiang Cheng, “I’m the one who fucking wants to give you a thrashing! Yes, they helped us before, but why in the world don’t you understand that right now any remnant of the Wen Sect is a target of criticism!”
These people are somehow more self absorbed than jc. So pathetically selfish they can't even stand altruism and heroism in a fucking fantasy novel.
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