#quick weight loss for women over 50
How did you find out about ozempic?
this is a rhetorical question...girl... i know you found out about this from tiktok or Instagram reels lets be real here... you would not have known about ozempic other wise. SOOOO let me tell you how ozempic found you, remember when Kim K lost all her curves real quick to fit into her Met Gala dress last summer? that was Ozempic. And after that, accusations flew, and suddenly, #Ozempic went viral. , a study was actually conducted on the statistics of video interactions under posts with the hashtag ozempic to understand the content of TikTok videos related to Ozempic ad how this content could affect public perception, behavior, and medication usage ( the findings are actually really interesting). ( Table 1 ).It identified 19 content categories, with only two present in the majority (>50%) of the videos: "Mentions being on/taking Ozempic or others taking/using/planning to use Ozempic" and "Mentions being used for weight loss". Over one-third of the videos encouraged or enticed others to try Ozempic, presenting it as a coveted drug and portraying it positively. Less common topics like off-label prescription use, bariatric surgery for weight loss, or medication shortage were covered in less than 5% of the sample. Collectively, the 100 TikTok videos were viewed nearly 70 million times, indicating the platform's potential for disseminating information about weight loss and increasing the popularity of medications like Ozempic. And the least surprising part of this research was that almost all of these videos were uploaded by normal everyday people(mostly women).
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tomreview · 3 months
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kamran9 · 3 months
Conquering Your Weight Loss Journey: A Practical Guide for Americans Over 50
Do you feel like the odds are stacked against you in your weight loss journey? You're not alone. For many Americans over 50, losing weight and keeping it off can feel like an uphill battle. Between changing hormones, a slower metabolism, and busy life schedules, it's easy to feel discouraged.
But here's the good news: achieving a healthy weight and feeling great at any age is absolutely possible. This guide will empower you with practical, actionable strategies specifically tailored for Americans over 50 like yourself.
Understanding Your Changing Body:
As we age, our bodies naturally go through changes that can impact our weight management. Here are some key factors to consider:
Metabolism: As we age, our body composition changes, and our basal metabolic rate (BMR) – the number of calories we burn at rest – tends to decrease. This means we need to be mindful of our calorie intake to maintain a healthy weight.
Hormones: Menopause for women and changes in testosterone levels for men can lead to increased body fat, especially around the abdomen.
Embracing a Holistic Approach:
Crash diets and fad exercises might promise quick fixes, but they rarely lead to sustainable weight loss. Instead, a holistic approach that addresses both your physical health and mental well-being is key. This means focusing on healthy habits you can stick with for the long term.
Building a Sustainable Healthy Eating Plan:
Focus on whole, unprocessed foods: Prioritize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein sources, and healthy fats. These foods are packed with nutrients your body needs to stay energized and function optimally.
Don't demonize any food group: Aim for moderation and balance. Occasional treats are fine, but ensure they're not your primary source of calories.
Read food labels carefully: Be mindful of portion sizes and hidden sugars and unhealthy fats.
Cook at home more often: This way, you have greater control over the ingredients and portion sizes.
Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help you feel full and curb cravings.
Making Movement a Priority:
Regular physical activity is crucial for weight loss and overall health. Here are some tips:
Find activities you enjoy: From brisk walking and swimming to dancing and gardening, choose activities you actually look forward to doing.
Start gradually and increase intensity over time: Listen to your body and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts as you get stronger.
Strength training is key: Incorporating strength training exercises helps build muscle mass, which can boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories even at rest.
Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week: Even small changes in your activity level can make a significant difference.
Managing Stress and Sleep:
Chronic stress and sleep deprivation can negatively impact your weight loss efforts. Here's how to manage them:
Practice relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature can all help reduce stress and improve sleep quality.
Prioritize good sleep hygiene: Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and ensure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool.
Seek professional help if needed: If you're struggling with chronic stress or sleep issues, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor or a therapist.
Staying Motivated and Celebrating Milestones:
Set realistic goals: Aim for gradual, sustainable weight loss, like losing 1-2 pounds per week.
Track your progress: This can be through a food journal, fitness tracker, or simply keeping a note of your measurements. Seeing progress can be a powerful motivator.
Find a support system: Surround yourself with people who support your health goals and celebrate your successes.
Focus on non-scale victories: Celebrate improvements in your energy levels, strength, and mood, not just the numbers on the scale.
Reward yourself for reaching milestones: Treat yourself to something non-food related when you achieve your goals.
Remember, you are not alone in this journey. There are countless resources available to support you. Talk to your doctor, register for a nutrition class, or join a weight loss program designed specifically for mature adults.
Embrace a positive and empowering mindset. Focus on taking small steps towards a healthier you, and celebrate your achievements along the way. Remember, with dedication and the right tools, you can achieve a healthy weight and feel fantastic at any age.
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koreanserums · 6 months
Surgeon recommends lifestyle modification over quick fix solutions for weight loss
Luckily for overweight people, modern science has now recognised ‘obesity’ as a lifestyle disease that can affect anyone from the middle to the upper-middle classes of society, in any age group.
Dr. Sushil Kharat, senior bariatric surgeon, Laparo Obeso Centre, Pune, said that obesity usually comes with company — of various other diseases — that can make life miserable for the patient and at times can be fatal, if not treated properly in time.
“Contrary to perceptions, obesity is not community-specific or related to any particular Indian community, though the incidence is higher among Gujaratis and Rajasthanis,” Kharat said.
This is owing to the diet which is rich in fat with ghee-oil-sugar, plus the tendency to munch on junk foods with all the unhealthy saturated fats, along with a sedentary lifestyle.
“Though there is no scientific data available, we have found that obesity is higher among people of Gujarat-Rajasthan, and middle and upper-middle classes of the society,” said Kharat.
He referred to the trend seen a few decades ago, when the so-called ‘fatsos’ around did not seem to have any other co-morbidities and apparently enjoyed an active, healthy though heavyweight life — akin to the lovable comic character, Obelix.
“But, even they suffered from obesity, and later on in life could develop other problems related to the heart, diabetes, bones, etc.,” he pointed out.
Emphasising that obesity is a disease that can be treated, Kharat said even the IRDA has recognised it, so it is now permitting and covering certain forms of treatment including surgeries, pertaining to this condition.
In the modern era, though obesity has been reported from toddlers to senior citizens, the 20–50 age group comprises the major chunk who suffer from and need treatment for this gross malady.
“While we have seen more or less equal incidence among the genders, it seems to be marginally higher among women, owing to various issues, and timely treatment is a must to avoid more complications in the long run,” Kharat cautioned.
Obese girls or women can suffer in many ways including bone problems, disturbed menstrual cycles, hormonal issues, which in turn can result in infertility unless treated, besides psychological challenges.
Though modern treatment is complex and multi-pronged ranging from pills, capsules to surgeries of various kinds depending on the patients, fortunately, it is also giving long-lasting and nearly permanent results to those suffering from obesity.
“The complete treatment cost can range around Rs 500,000 and the outcome is definitely long-lasting, though not permanent, if the patient discards compliance and discipline to maintain his/her new slim self,” Kharat said.
As a message, the bariatric surgeon suggests that all, particularly the youth and middle-aged people, should maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, include a lot of daily physical activity and most importantly, “trash all types of junk food to keep that bulge on the waistline under control”.
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nursingscience · 9 months
Facts about Hair Nails
While they're not a living part of your body, most people spend a good amount of time caring for their hair and nails. The next time you're heading in for a haircut or manicure, think of these facts.
1. Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the body.
If you've ever had a covering of stubble on your face as you're clocking out at 5 o' clock you're probably pretty familiar with this. In fact, if the average man is more than a killer whale.
2. Every day the average person loses 60-100 strands of hair.
Unless you're already bald, chances are good that you're shedding pretty heavily on a daily basis. Your air loss will vary in accordance with the season, pregnancy, illness, diet and age.
3. Women's hair is about half the diameter of men's hair.
While it might sound strange, it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that men's hair should be coarser than that of women.
Hair diameter also varies on average between races, making hair plugs on some men look especially obvious.
4.One human hair can support 3.5 ounces.
That's about the weight of two full size candy bars, and with hundreds of thousands of hairs on the human head, makes the tale of Rapunzel much more plausible.
5.The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger.
And the nail on the middle finger of your dominant hand will grow the fastest of all.Why is not entirely known, but nail growth is related to the length of the finger. it the longest fingers growing nails the fastest and shortest the slowest.
6.There are as many hairs per square inch on your body as a chimpanzee.
Humans are not quite the naked apes that we're made out to be. We have lots of hair, but for most of us it's not obvious as a majority of the hairs are too fine or light to be seen.
7.Blonders have more hair.
They're said to have more fun, and they definitely have more hair.. Hair color determines how dense the hair on your head is. The average human has 100,000 hair follicles, each of which is capable of producing 20 individual hairs during a person's lifetime. Blondes average 146,000 follicles while people with black hair tend to have about 110,000 follicles. Those with brown hair fit the average with 100,000 follicles and redheads have the least dense hair, with about 86,000 follicles.
8.Fingernail grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.
If you notice that you're trimming your fingernails much more frequently than your toenails you're not just imagining it . The nails that get the most exposure and are used most frequently grow the fastest. On average, nails on both the toes and fingers grow about one-tenth of an inch each month.
9.The lifespan of a human hair is 3 to 7 years on average.
While you have quite a few hairs each day, your hairs actually have a pretty long life providing they aren't subject to any trauma. Your hair will likely get to see several different haircuts, styles, and even possibly decades before they fall out on their own.
10.You must lose over 50% of your scalp hairs before it is apparent to anyone.
You lose hundreds of hairs a day but you'll have to lose a lot more before you or anyone else will notice. Half of the hairs in your pretty little head will have to disappear before your impending baldness will become obvious to all those around you.
11. Human hair is virtually indestructible.
Aside from it's flammability, human hair decays at such a slow rate that it is practically non- disintegrative, If you've ever wondered how your how clogs up your pipes so quick consider this: hair cannot be destroyed cold, change of climate, water, or other nature forces and it is resistant to many kinds of acids and corrosive chemicals.
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culinaryphysics · 1 year
This book is an International Bestselling Fitness Book for Women. It's not a quick-fix workout plan or a bodybuilding guide. However, it is a comprehensive exercise and nutrition book that reveals effective strategies for losing fat and gaining muscle. Forget about complicated diets and excessive gym sessions. You don't even need cardio. Thinner Leaner Stronger teaches you how to transform your body through enjoyable eating and manageable workouts. Inside, you'll find common fitness mistakes, muscle growth insights, personalized meal plans, a year-long strength training program, honest supplement advice, and more. Backed by 367 scientific studies, this acclaimed book has sold over 400,000 copies worldwide. You don't need to follow a bland diet or hate your workouts for a beach-ready body. TIMELINE: - The Deadlift 00:41 - The Rest of The Exercises You’ll Be Doing 00:54 - Is A Spotter Necessary? 01:09 - Chapter 20 01:11 - Your Thinner Leaner Stronger Workout Plan 01:17 - Remember the Basics 01:24 - Warm Up First 01:41 - Your First Workout Routine 02:01 - Your First Weeks 02:16 - Change It Up 02:50 - Chapter 21 02:52 - The No-BS Guide to Supplements 03:01 - Protein Supplements 03:17 - BCAAs 03:34 - Pre-Workout Drink 03:51 - Creatine 04:09 - HGH Boosters 04:18 - Glutamine 04:28 - Nitric Oxide Supplements 04:39 - Multivitamins 04:49 - CLA 05:03 - Fat Burners 05:13 - Green Tea Extract 05:21 - Fish Oil 05:54 - Chapter 22 05:55 - The Thinner Leaner Stronger Supplement Routine 06:03 - Protein Supplements 06:17 - Pre-Workout Drink 06:22 - Creatine 06:39 - Glutamine 06:48 - Nitric Oxide Supplements, Multivitamins, and Fat Burners 06:54 - CLA 07:01 - Green Tea Extract 07:10 - Fish Oil 07:33 - Chapter 23 GET the FULL audiobook AT NO COST here, Thinner Leaner Stronger, https://amzn.to/3PiMwj3 NEXT VIDEO: SCIENCE of Building the ULTIMATE Female Body by Michael Matthews #6 | Book Summary Part 6, #podcast #michaelmatthews #dietplan #booksummary #audiobook #weightloss #diet #workoutplan Please like and subscribe to my channel (culinary physics) for more book summaries and nutrition tips related videos, and let's grow together as a community. Use the keywords “podcast” “Michael Matthews” “diet plan” “book summary” “audiobook” and “weight loss” in your comments to help others discover this video. by Culinary Physics
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vermilionhealth · 1 year
9 Health Secrets that Women Over 50 Need to Know!
Life expectancy for women all the world over is 80.5 years, and you may live much longer than that! Do you know that taking care of your health can help you to celebrate more birthdays and increase the quality of your life?
You probably know that women tend to live longer than men.
However, you may be surprised to learn that women are at higher risk for many conditions that are common in old age. That includes cataracts, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke.
Lifestyle changes and medical care can help prevent and treat many of these issues.
Read more: Who Else Wants to Lose Weight, but is Tired of Dieting?
Discover health secrets that women over 50 need to know.
Dealing with Menopause
The average age of menopause is 51. This natural decline in reproductive hormones affects your body in many ways. 
Symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats can last for several years or more, but usually decrease in frequency and intensity over time.
These strategies can help you to deal with the symptoms of menopause:
Fight weight gain. Many women notice their body weight increasing after menopause. To make matters worse, the extra pounds tend to accumulate around your waistline, where they increase your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. It becomes even more important to choose nutrient dense foods and avoid empty calories.
Manage hot flashes. Preventing obesity will lower your risk for hot flashes too. Meanwhile, you may find quick relief by dressing in layers and sipping cold drinks. If you need more help, talk with your doctor about whether hormone replacement therapy is appropriate for you.
Adjust your diet. The way you eat can reduce some of the health risks and discomfort associated with menopause. Choose foods rich in calcium and vitamin D to slow down bone loss. Skip spicy dishes and caffeine if they trigger hot flashes.
Other Health Secrets
Menopause is just one of the changes you’re likely to experience as you grow older, but there are also some big advantages. Multiple studies confirm that stress drops and happiness peaks in old age.
Try these techniques to deal with other changes as you age:
Drink in moderation.  Government surveys show that alcohol use has increased in women over 60 during the past two decades. Keep in mind that your sensitivity to alcohol increases as you age. Talk with your doctor or call a hotline if you’re having trouble managing your drinking.
Pamper your eyes.  Cataracts are the leading cause of preventable blindness. Regular eye exams can enable early detection and treatment for a wide range of issues that often develop gradually after 40. It also helps to quit smoking, wear sunglasses, and take breaks from screen time.
Check your hearing.  About one in three adults experiences some hearing loss by the age of 65. That damage usually accumulates over the years, so start protecting your ears as soon as possible. That includes minimizing your exposure to loud noises and wearing safety gear when necessary.
Work out. Physical exercise can help you manage your weight, increase muscle mass, strengthen your bones, and condition your heart.  Design a balanced program of resistance training, aerobics, and stretching.
Continue learning.  Spend time on educational activities and hobbies that stimulate your brain. Many state universities and colleges grant tuition waivers to eligible residents who are 60 or older.
Stay connected.  Your mental and physical health are closely related, so being isolated can cause physical symptoms, like high blood pressure and weakened immunity. Spend time with family and friends. Join a club or visit your neighborhood senior center.
While genetics play a role in how you age, there are many factors that you can control.  Adopt healthy habits that can help you to live longer and continue enjoying the activities you love. If you like today’s tips, please share! Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating, gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today! Click here to read the raving reviews!
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hjelmsmall66 · 1 year
Will Certainly Madri Raspberry Ketone Assist An Personal Burn Up Fat?
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1 matter to keep in mind when you are working to get rid of bodyweight quickly and safe that you really don't overdo it on the exercising primarily the initially weeks. What you have to do here is to focus on reading these labels as that is the only way to figure out if there are any overall health concerns for you! When a lot of people who are obese have excess physique unwanted fat, staying overweight is not exactly the identical as staying overfat. With in-run audio suggestions the end users can get the motivation they have to have to obtain their objectives and lose weight quickly. Yeah, how do you get skinny fast is it really is truly there's a complicated set of arrows right here, and it really is no wonder why a whole lot of people suffering with gout really feel like they can not figure out how to, you know, how to control it or what to do to get the bodyweight off and how to navigate this.
So the great cholesterol remaining minimal, which increases your danger of cardiovascular sickness and type two diabetes. Soon after that, bodyweight loss slows down and settles between a balanced one to two lbs a week. The body responds to these actions by slowing the metabolic process and breaking down the muscle tissues, among other system modifications. Most men and women trying safe weight reduction must lower their calories by all-around 500 a day. I had to take a 15-minute break to recuperate and then start off enjoying again. Men and women interested in lifestyle extension frequently think about fasting (abstaining from eating for a provided volume of time) or caloric restriction (a reduction in the amount of calories consumed while retaining nutritious nutrition) as a way to reduce calories and reduce fat safely. Even though a lot of have phrases like “healthy” and “natural” on the label, a lot of are drenched in sodium, and some with sugar as effectively.
And this is going to be counterintuitive to a great deal of you simply because one particular of the suggestions of large blood strain is to cut out the salt, ideal, which is essentially creating the difficulty worse. So from a dietary standpoint, on the good side of things that you can include into your breaking of your rapid, right, the intentionality behind that for the reason that you know, you can not do too a great deal keto due to the fact that'll generate, you know, a problem with the excretion of uric acid. Put your palms on the desk behind you. Listing out your concrete aims on post-its and put them in and all over your household and office - your up coming to your bed, and so forth. This will support you continue to keep track of your target and staying devoted all the time.
US, Uk and India at ideal prices and the fastest delivery time. Is Master Cleanse How To Do A Organic Detox The Correct Way And Drop Bodyweight Speedy offered and ready for delivery in in Colombia? The golden rule to shedding fat is to burn extra calories than you’re consuming - eating more healthy aids with this, and exercising get your metabolic process going in flip assisting you drop bodyweight more rapidly. Download your totally free quick start off guidebook to get started now. Really don't get started out with the idea of taking off 50 or 105 pounds in a 2 - 3 months, this would be pretty challenging and probably unsustainable. Really do not just eat when and no matter what you can. Even Although doing work out the most powerful way to bodyweight loss it can unquestionably help speed up the method. This phenomenon, recognized as yo-yo dieting, displays that extreme dieting does not lead to maintainable fat management. Conventional dieting mentality, 1 on 1. 1 of the finest means how to drop fat quickly naturally and permanently is to prepare meals. Even so, a great deal of men and women consider to shed weight rapidly by crash diets and excessive calorie cutting.
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Weight Loss Supplements Buying Tips
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merican spends $50 billion every year on weight loss programs and diet pills. Unfortunately, 22% of this goes to fake weight loss products.
More and more people are facing the problem of obesity and a lot of them are resorting to weight loss supplements. While some people have benefited from these supplements, there are still a lot of people who are clueless on what type to buy. In the end, they are left frustrated without loosing a single pound.
Worry no more! Here are some proven tips to help out weight losers wannabes when buying diet pills in the market:
1. Before buying diet supplement, consult a doctor. There are weight loss supplements that are available only by prescription. Do not forget to tell the doctor about allergies to certain medication and health history.
2. For over the counter supplements, decide what kind to buy. There are numerous types available in the market today. Some are appetite suppressants while some help the body to absorb fat. Also, do not forget to check the ingredients and carefully read the labels to avoid serious side effects like high blood and heart valve lesions. Also, make sure it will not react negatively on any other medications that are currently being taken. It would also help to have it checked by the doctor before taking it.
Weight Loss Supplements Buying Tips
3. Keep in mind that all weigh loss supplements, even those that are prescribed by doctors, carry risks. It is for this reason that all instructions must be followed carefully and religiously. Stop taking the supplements if unusual symptoms are being noticed.
4. Choose diet pills that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration agency of FDA. These products are monitored and carry minimum risks.
5. Beware of over the counter diet pills that contain Ma Huang. This is a strong stimulant that has been associated with death especially among professional athletes.
6. When purchasing online, make sure that all the weight loss supplements are sealed. Do not accept bottles that were tampered with.
7. Remember that dietary products that promise quick weight loss usually do not have the approval of FDA. Most of these products have severe side effects that lead to drastic weight loss.
8. Research the internet for diet pills that are proven to have side effects. For example, a Brazilian diet pill was recently sold in USA that contains drugs and chemicals like antidepressants, tranquilizers, and amphetamines. This pill was advertised as all natural but was proven dangerous to health.
Weight Loss Supplements Buying Tips
9. Never buy Ephedra based supplements; they are deeply associated with strokes and death.
10. Look for supplements that contain essential nutrients like Omega fatty acids, B12, calcium, and liver oils which are very important especially to women.
11. Buy products that are endorsed or recommended by health professionals or body builders.
12. Do not depend on weight loss supplement alone. Eat healthy and exercise. Try working out in the gym for at least 3 times a week and get incredible results!
Weight loss supplements have been in the market for sometime now but their effects in the long run has not yet proven. People who are serious about losing weight must aid supplements with exercise and well balanced diet. This is the most effective way in shedding pounds the healthy way.
Weight Loss Supplements Buying Tips
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What is the Practical Age to Seek Long Island Plastic Surgery Group?
The most common age group seeking plastic surgery procedures is in the age range of 35 to 50. The Long Island plastic surgery group performed a great number of cosmetic surgeries each year. The number of surgeries performed in the US has increased since 1997. What Are The Top Surgical Procedures Provided By Long Island Plastic Surgery Group? Although there’s a variety of cosmetic surgeries, breast augmentation, tummy tuck and liposuction are the most common procedures. They are received by patients in their 30s and 50s. Why This Age Range? Plastic surgeons treat patients under and over 35 and 50. However, the age range 35-50 is the most common because of a mixture of factors. Most women prefer to wait until they are done having children before they repair the changes that might have occurred after childbearing. Furthermore, plastic surgery is costly. And if it’s not medically necessary, the insurance won’t cover it. Thus, financial considerations can be another reason. What Is The Riskiest Plastic Surgery Procedure? Any surgery comes with risks. But some are riskier than others. Compared to other cosmetic surgeries, a body lift is associated with the most substantial risk. The reason for this is that it involves several procedures. It includes lifting the belly, genitals, things, and buttocks to improve the overall appearance of the boy. The procedures are performed on people who underwent a significant amount of weight loss rather quickly. Furthermore, body lift involves anesthesia. Is Liposuction Risky? In addition to body lift, another risky plastic surgery is liposuction. Contrary to what other people think, this surgery is not a quick fix to get rid of excess body fat. Many people who want to undergo this procedure have tried dieting and exercising. But everything did not work. This procedure involves reshaping the proportions of the body. It is quite risky because blood clots may happen. It is also possible to experience perforation of the stomach wall and start systemic infections. What Of Facial Reconstruction? It involves various sections of the face and it is considered complex. Most people who undergo such a procedure want to fix the disfigurement on their faces, instead of purely vanity. How To Make Cosmetic Procedures Safe? As mentioned, no surgery involves no risk. Every surgery, whether it is plastic surgery or not, comes with risks and complications. The only way to lower those risks is to ensure that the procedure is performed by qualified, well-experienced surgeons. That’s why it is pertinent to speak to various surgeons before settling with one doctor. Consulting with plastic surgeons before undergoing a procedure is necessary to get to know the doctor and the procedure. You should also consider a plastic surgeon who offers various cosmetic surgery procedures so you don’t have to go somewhere else if you want another treatment. If you wish to change something in your body, talk to our Long Island plastic surgery group at Cold Spring Plastic Surgery. Request a consultation today at (631) 470-9650.
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travonfeng · 2 years
How to shift midlife weight gain for good
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“Middle-aged spread is a myth!” screamed headlines last year, after a study by an international team of researchers revealed that the body’s metabolism doesn’t actually slow down until we reach our 60s.
But while science might say one thing, millions of people in their 40s and 50s contemplating their own widening waistlines would argue otherwise.
For men, a thicker waist tends to present as a “beer belly”, thought to be because men are more predisposed to visceral fat – fat wrapped around the organs – which pushes the abdomen outwards and feels hard to the touch. Women tend towards all-round thickening, thanks to subcutaneous fat that sits directly under the skin and feels softer.
Either way, as a high waist measurement is correlated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, it’s something we should all worry about. (Quick tip: if the circumference of your waist is more than half your height, that counts as high.)
But if our rate of metabolism – how fast the body burns calories – can’t be held responsible for a widening waist as we age, what can? And, crucially, is there anything we can do about it?
With the help of experts, we’ve identified five reasons your stomach might be less svelte now than in your youth – and what you can do to regain your waist.
The problem: You have less diversity in your gut bacteria The role and effect of the bacteria in our gut is at the cutting edge of diet science at the moment, and research is now pointing to the fact that our gut microbiome changes as we get older, says Emma Bardwell, a registered nutritionist and women’s health specialist (emmabardwell.com).
“Diversity of certain species and strains depletes with age, and having low levels of bacteria such as Akkermansia muciniphila has been associated with obesity, diabetes, inflammation and metabolic disorders.”
The Solution “Focus on diversifying your microflora,” says Bardwell. “Forget expensive probiotic supplements: I’d advise starting to increase the amount of plant fibre in your diet. Research shows an association between increased gut diversity and eating at least 30 different types of plant foods a week – not just fruit and veg; it includes wholegrains, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices.
“Don’t fret too much over numbers, though: aim for a plant-focused diet (it doesn’t have to be vegan, by any stretch) and just try to add in some variety, so you’re not eating the same plant foods each day.”
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The problem: You have less muscle mass than you used to “While last year’s study showed that metabolism doesn’t slow until after the age of 60, what the study didn’t account for is loss of muscle mass,” says nutritionist Emma Bardwell. “We lose 1-2 per cent a year from our 30s onwards. It’s imperceptible perhaps at 35, but by 50 we’re starting to really notice it, especially around the waistline.
“Muscle is metabolically active [meaning it uses up calories], so it plays a role in keeping us in shape; muscle loss – sarcopenia – means a small reduction in metabolism, possibly 100-200 calories a day. This might not sound like a lot, but overconsuming, day in, day out, will lead to weight gain.
“Couple that with the fact that we tend to move less as we get older and you can see the problem.”
The Solution Keep an eye on your portion sizes and avoid snacking. Yes, your general diet is more important than the fact that the amount of calories going in needs to be equal to, or fewer than, the amount of calories going out to avoid gaining weight.
But, as Bardwell explains: “We’re a nation of snackers. If you eat proper, filling, satiating meals, you’ll keep blood-glucose levels steady and avoid crashes and dips in energy that inevitably leave us reaching for ultra-processed quick energy fixes.”
Just as importantly, try to integrate calorie-burning activity into your day that isn’t organised exercise: take the stairs instead of the lift, walk to the shops, do gardening and housework. And when you do work out, choose exercises that will help build muscle.
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The NHS recommends you do at least two muscle-strengthening sessions every week. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories it will burn, but gaining it doesn’t have to mean pumping iron: sit-ups, push-ups, lunges and squats all strengthen muscles, as do yoga, pilates and tai-chi.
The problem: You’re stressed Of course you are stressed – we’re all stressed – but whether it’s a job, raising children or dealing with elderly parents, stress tends to hit a peak in our middle years.
Chronic levels of stress send the hormone cortisol – associated with fat deposition around the middle – into overdrive, and that can be compounded by self-medication through comfort eating and alcohol.
The Solution It’s not a revolutionary approach, but it works: if you cannot avoid stress, instead find ways to mitigate its effects. That means making sure you are getting enough sleep, and trying anything else that helps to get your brain back in balance, such as mindfulness, meditation or yoga.
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The problem: You’ve hit the menopause For women, all of the above is compounded by the hormonal shift that happens in middle age. “In menopause, women are dealing with side effects such as poor sleep, bladder weakness and low self-esteem, which can affect appetite and the motivation to exercise,” says women’s health specialist Emma Bardwell.
“That’s because insomnia raises levels of ghrelin and lowers leptin, meaning we’re hungrier and find it harder to feel satiated.”
The decline in oestrogen levels means that women tend to shift from a traditional “pear” shape (nipped in waist and fat stored on the bottom, thighs and breasts) to more of an “apple” shape (rounder through the middle). And, says Bardwell, this drop in oestrogen can also make it hard to shift the pounds.
“Fat cells produce a little oestrogen and as your body wants to hold onto as much oestrogen as it can at this time, it can feel much harder to lose weight.”
The Solution For many women, HRT, which replaces the hormones that are naturally lost, is a great solution. And when it comes to weight and where fat is stored, it’s certainly effective.
One study found BMI was significantly higher in peri- and post-menopausal women than in those yet to reach menopause, but also discovered that women taking HRT had similar levels of fat and fat distribution to premenopausal women.
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While the balance of oestrogen and progesterone is often the focus when dealing with menopause , the balance of another hormone, insulin, is often overlooked, points out Dr Estrelita van Rensburg, founder of health company WellnessEQ (wellnesseq.net) and author of Eat Well or Die Slowly.
“Carbohydrate-rich diets that are typical in the Western world can lead to high levels of insulin and subsequently insulin resistance. And there’s evidence that insulin resistance can exacerbate menopause symptoms, such as fatigue, headaches, brain fog and muscle weakness.”
The problem: Your diet is starting to catch up with you “Food consists of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and the body’s hormonal response, specifically the way insulin responds, to each of these is different,” says Dr van Rensburg. “Insulin’s role is to take glucose out of our bloodstream and effectively open the door to our cells so that the glucose can be used to generate energy. And carbohydrates raise insulin levels much more than proteins or fats.”
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The issue is that if you’ve been eating a relatively high-carb diet throughout your life, your body will have been running on high levels of insulin and, over time, the cells stop responding: a process known as insulin resistance. But that glucose has to go somewhere, so if the cells won’t take it, the body stores it as fat – generally in and around the abdominal area.
The Solution Overhaul your diet. It is possible to reverse insulin resistance through a combination of diet, exercise and weight loss – and there are no quick and easy fixes. It’s the same dietary advice you will have heard before: cut out processed foods and avoid simple sugars and starchy carbs.
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But don’t worry that you’re going to feel hungry. “Once you start eating good protein and fat, you’ll find it’s very satiating,” says van Rensburg. “It doesn’t drive you to eat more in the way sugar and starch keeps you feeling hungry [because sugar and starch cause blood-sugar peaks and troughs].”
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bowendale3 · 2 years
Multifunctional Revoflex Xtreme For Fitness
Moving ahead increases the strain in the assisted bidirectional energy bands, producing higher resistance and a extra strenuous workout. For multiple train choices, Revoflex Xtreme is Suitably designed for each genders, this train pack incorporates different varieties of tools needed to perform a quantity of steps in train. A regular work out with these instruments allow you to to increase your chest, again, arms, shoulders, and abs in a single motion, and give an ideal form to your physique inside a short while. The compact nature of this train pack makes it travel-friendly. After 14 days have handed, your preorder shall be cancelled without any prior discover and refunds is not going to be issued. Ensure each step of your corporation with industrial provides and instruments. The shop is also answerable for any discounts they want to supply. We are not able to verify whether discounts can be found when buying in bulk as we do not promote directly. We advise you to additionally affirm inventory availability with the merchant before bulk buying and whether or not a reduction might be granted. We don’t store your cost particulars, they're safe with Peach Payments. You can select between 6 completely different training ranges and forty four different exercises. When purchasing on PriceCheck's Marketplace purchase clicking the Add to Cart button, the amount restrict of the product on supply relies on the inventory levels as set by the store. This belt, suitable for men and women, will increase body warmth to promote perspiration all through the day. Maximize your burn and stomach fat loss quick by preserving body warmth and shedding excess water weight, especially in the abdominal area with this stomach wrap. Expansion of the chest, back, arms, shoulders and abdominals. As you progress ahead, the stress of the two-way force-assisted elastic bands increases, offering extra resistance and a more intense exercise. Make your body match with Revoflex Xtreme Fitness Workout Training Equipment. All you want to do is put in the effort and work for it. Free transport is relevant on noon specific orders over 50 SAR. 12 SAR shipping payment shall be utilized at checkout when the order worth is lower than 50 SAR. Will usually ship within 1 business day of receiving cleared payment. Once you could have a mobicred account, merely choose Mobicred as your fee choice when you checkout. These are indicative values primarily based on popular product prices. Develops your chest, back, arms, shoulders and abs in a single movement. The Revoflex Xtreme AB exerciser is good for abs, chest, again, arms, shoulders, thighs and glutes. We offer worth for your cash as we make certain you smile by providing you the best from renowned manufactures to offer comfort to your child and make rising up fun for your kids. With this Revoflex Exercises, you probably can tone your abs, chest, arms and almost every different part of your body conceivable with an all-encompassing exercise package. Shape & tone abs, chest, arms, shoulders, thighs and buttocks with one gear. Shop for multifunctional Revoflex Xtreme machines that can be utilized for core muscle workouts to shortly and effortlessly form the physique in areas such as the abs, shoulders, back and arms. The adjustable length band presents the ultimate resistance and has a material on the knee pad to provide consolation for the knees. Revoflex exercisers avail a flexible vary of exercise ranges that one can choose from primarily based on the exercise needs. Alibaba.com presents an intensive feature choice of Revoflex Xtreme equipment with distributors' instructions to provide residence and health club fitness gear perfect for all patrons. We do not retailer credit card particulars nor have access to your credit card data. Once your return is received and inspected, we are going to send you an e mail to inform you that we now have received your returned merchandise. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund. revoflex xtreme The Revoflex Extreme takes benefit of bidirectional energy for the nice. Through the rubber bands elevated resistance is set up on the entrance pressures and thus achieves a extra intense workout. When sliding back the built-up tension is released slowly. This returns you to simply return to your starting place. Enjoy perfect bodybuilding, residence exercise and indoor play with the assistance of versatile Revoflex Xtreme machines obtainable on Alibaba.com. They are excellent for leg and hand utilization fitness because of a TPR tube that gives good elasticity and sturdiness.
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spoonkiss6 · 2 years
12 Simple And Delicious Belly Fat Banishing Weight Loss Drinks That Work
Because of its protein content, milk helps fill you up for long time periods. Drink ginger tea warm or over ice, and flavor it with apples and cinnamon, mint, chai, lemon, or a dash of honey. The Fat Burning Kitchen Reviews is another excellent option for weight loss in women. Subjects who completed the study consumed 2 cups of water 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. First and foremost, drink as much WATER as you can during your weight loss journey. She recommends Nuun tablets because they taste great and provide sodium and potassium. Products that contain NSF International's "Certified for Sport"designation have been tested to ensure they only contain the ingredients listed on the label. Boehmer says water is always your best bet when it comes to hydration. The specific amount you need each day varies depending on temperature, elevation, and activity level. Meal replacement shake can be helpful as part of a weight-loss plan for some people. They are a healthy substitute for when you need something quick, replacing what could have been a less-nutritious pick, like a fast food meal. Best also says cumin water aids in regulating blood sugar levels by helping cells to respond properly to glucose and insulin. When your blood sugar is high, more glucose can be stored in your cells than you need for energy, and it can be converted to fat. After cooling, add 2 more cups of water, lemon juice, and 2-3 tbsp. Stir it well and keep it in refrigeration for one hour or you can add some ice cubes. There is a variety of pre-made protein shakes available for purchase that may be enhanced with other nutrients and vitamins. You can make protein shakes at home with protein powder and water. If you choose to do a protein shake diet, the aftermath could cause unwanted weight gain because of the restrictive nature of such a diet. Studies on weight loss maintenance tend to use protein doses of 30 to 50 grams per day of supplemental protein, which works out to one or two protein shakes per day. Protein shakes may derive their dietary protein from different sources, but ultimately, they’re all natural foods. High protein intakes do not appear to be harmful, at least among healthy people. So, changing what you drink can make a huge difference in your weight-loss efforts. Instead of saying "no" to certain beverages, try saying "yes" to the healthiest liquids for weight loss. Pair these with the11 Foods You Should Eat Every Day to Lose Weight, and you'll see the pounds melt off immediately. These meal replacement shakes need to be combined with an overall healthy diet and exercise to truly see a difference. Meal replacement shakes are not magical solutions to reducing weight; rather, they are a part of the process.
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
The Auction, Pt. 2
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Bryan Kneef x Reader. CW: discussion of sex work, "being bidded on/purchased" touching of reader - but its consensual, vaginal fingering, language. WC: 2K.
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You met with the brains of the organization for a long time. Her name was Cordelia and according to her, you were “a perfect candidate” as she eyed you up and down.
“How does this work? Is this safe? ” You asked, crossing your arms and narrowing your eyes. “How much of a cut do I get? And don't bullshit me.”
“Ah, I’ve always appreciated a woman who gets down to brass tacks.” Cordelia replied. “The cut is 50/50, off the books. We’ll screen your sexual health, of course. While those results are pending, we’ll vet you - make sure you’re of sanity and have no criminal background. This is all done behind closed doors - no one in your immediate life would be the wiser. If that’s all clear, we will arrange the date for the auction. In the meantime, we like to invest in our ladies once they’re cleared - meaning we’ll make arrangements for hair, makeup, clothes, and the like.”
You swallowed hard. “I can assure you, I’m clean. I haven’t had many partners prior.”
Cordelia nodded. “Well, then we have nothing to worry about.”
Your test results came and you received a clean bill of health. The next step was to be primped and polished. Naturally you were middle of the road - some days you could be really girly and other days, not. You weren’t tethered to any one style. But it had been awhile since you were ever able to relax, so when you were sent to a spa for a day of treatment, you jumped at the chance.
After, it was onto shopping.
You felt like Vivian from Pretty Woman as salespersons brought you dress after dress while you got your hair and makeup done. The request from Cordelia was ‘sexy, not slutty.’
You settled on a red hot mini dress with a v-neckline and center ruching for added dimension. Finishing the look was a pair of simple heels that showed off your toned gams and a pair of jeweled hoop earrings. You hardly recognized yourself in your reflection in the floor to ceiling mirror in the store. ‘This is one night; you’re playing a role.’ You told yourself. You figured if you repeated it enough times, you’d believe it.
An unmarked car came to collect you once you were done, driving you straight to the location where the auction was taking place.
You knew there would be other women there from Bonnie. What you didn’t realize was that you’d be going very last. Your nerves were starting to fry and your stomach was twisted in knots. You sipped water through a straw so as to not ruin your lipstick. Finally, there was a rap on the door and Cordelia poked her head in.
“Darling, it’s your time to shine. Now go earn your worth.”
You could hear raucous laughter, cheering and applause from behind where you stood. The music pounded and you could feel it in your bones.
Finally, the door opened - it was pitch black on the other side, save a spotlight. You said a quick prayer, even though you weren’t very religious as you stepped into the light.
Once there, the light adjusted to a more dim version and you were able to focus your vision on the crowd before you. Music played quietly in the background before a woman began to speak - someone who sounded very much like Cordelia.
What she says next and what is said after, is all blur. Bids begin to roll in and it’s in that moment you realized you were nothing more than a hooker, using your body as a means to an end. Humiliation flowed through you - you didn’t feel like you - you didn’t feel as good as you thought. Instead your worth was measured in bank rolls.
You scanned the room, men of all shapes, sizes, colors and creeds were there, waving their black AmEx cards like they were charging a steak dinner. And that’s how you felt - you were a lamb being slaughtered.
The gavel banged and you heard Cordelia exclaim, “Sold! To Mr. Bryan Kneef for two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars.”
You whipped your head at Cordelia. Had you heard her correctly? Two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars? The fact that you got to keep half made your head spin.
“And that concludes tonight’s auction. Winners may come to collect their prizes in the back.”
Cordelia wrapped her arm around your waist and began to whisk you away when you heard someone thank ‘Mr. Kneef for his payment.’ You turned to see who he was and in the dimmed light you saw it was ‘Mr. Mysterious.’
And you damn near passed out.
You sat in the room you were originally in. There was one security camera in place and Cordelia advised that winners liked to meet first before any further advances were to come.
Your leg bounced as you drank your water again. You felt as if you were there for hours but realistically it was mere moments.
The door opened and Mr. Mysteri—Kneef walked in. You smiled nervously at him and extended your arm. “Hi. Bryan, right?”
Bryan didn’t reply. Instead he gave you an intense, smoldering look. His cologne wafted over you, warm and woodsy causing your skin to goosebump.
You brought your arm back and clutched your hands behind your back. Bryan took another step towards you, as if he were trying to get a closer look at his purchase.
“Take off your clothes.” Bryan requested quietly. You opened your mouth to say something but the look in response along with a perfectly arched brow caused you to snap your mouth shut. “I want to see what I bought.”
You reached around, undoing the zipper - thankful it was along the side and not along your back.
You slid the dress off, strap by strap. You hadn’t worn a bra - just a nude thong which wasn’t even fancy - simple and basic, meant more for avoiding lines than anything else. The dress pooled at your feet and you stepped out of it. You moved to kick off your heels when Bryan interrupted you.
“Leave them on.”
You nodded and stood up, anxiously awaiting the next move.
Bryan removed his jacket and folded it neatly, hanging it over a chair. He began to roll up the sleeves of his dress shirt, showing off his muscular forearms with thick, meaty veins.
You looked up and saw the small security camera and realized this private show wasn’t so private. The sound of a finger snap brought you back to the present and you whipped your head towards Bryan. Your heart began to race and you wondered if you should just bolt. You tried to mentally measure the distance between you and the door.
Bryan approached you. His gaze softened, as if he were sorry for what he was about to say. “I’m going to touch you now. At any point if you want me to stop, I will. Consent is very important to me.”
“It is to me too.” You replied, meeting his gaze. After a beat, you continued. “You can touch me.”
His warm touch began rather innocently, along your arm up to along your shoulder. As he walked around you, he kept touching and feeling. His hand got to your ass and he let out a deep rumble as he squeezed the fat of your flesh.
Bryan walked around you. When he came around to the front of you, he cupped one breast with his hand, feeling the weight against his palm. You did your best to remain stoic, ignoring the bolt of pleasure that had shot down to your core. That changed when he firmly twisted your nipple, as you let out a moan as he did so. That earned another arched brow from him, as if taking mental notes.
He rounded you again, and you felt him close the small gap that remained. You felt his cock, hard, pressed against the small of your back. His fingers gently traced your arm and then brought it up, so it was around his neck. He ran his hand back down along your side, and you trembled under his touch. You were certain your heart was beating outside of your chest. When he got to the side of your ribs, he splayed out his hand, so his palm was against you. Slowly, his hand made way down to the apex of your legs.
“Open.” He rumbled in your ear quietly and you followed his instructions. Your breath hitched as his hand cupped your mound. Bryan’s fingers then moved to stroke you softly, teasing your clit and then moving back to stroke your folds. Your pussy grew wet, your breath became more labored as he continued his ministrations. You bit your bottom lip as he slowly but surely worked you to orgasm. Just when you thought you weren’t going to be able to take anymore, Bryan sunk a thick finger inside your soaked pussy. Your pussy clenched around his finger tightly and you let out a wrecked moan in response.
“You’re so wet and we haven’t even started.” Bryan murmured. His beard against your cheek added another layer of sensation. There was no resistance when Bryan sunk another thick finger and began to pump them in and out of you. The sound of wet filled the room and your legs felt wobbly as you gripped around Bryan’s neck harder. Your other hand found his free hand and you brought it up to your breast, encouraging him.
“I’m so close.” You panted. “Oh fuck!”
“Come for me like a good girl.” Bryan growled as he rubbed your clit with the fat pad of his thumb. He used his other hand to pinch your nipple again and you arched against him, coming so hard that you drew his fingers further in.
“That’s it, that’s it.” Bryan praised. “Oh sweetheart we’re going to have so much fun.” He slid his fingers out of you and you whimpered at the loss.
Bryan spun you around to face him. You were a mess as you watched him admire his wet fingers in the light. Bryan brought them to you and you took his fingers into your mouth, cleaning them of your juices and then imitating as to what you could do with your mouth.
Bryan gave you a salacious smile as he withdrew his fingers. He traced them along your cheek, leaving a wet trail to your mouth where he rubbed your bottom lip.
“I definitely got my money’s worth with you.” Bryan replied. “Go home, get some sleep. I’ll have arrangements made so we can have even more fun.”
You watched as he walked away, grabbing his suit jacket and exiting without so much as a second glance. You stayed frozen in place for another five minutes or so, until you realized you could redress and go home.
The car ride home left you with more questions than answers and more horny than ever. Your battery operated boyfriend ran through its battery as you replayed the evening over and over as you were too wired to sleep from the earlier events.
Eventually you did, with Bryan’s name still on your lips.
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culinaryphysics · 1 year
This book is an International Bestselling Fitness Book for Women. It's not a quick-fix workout plan or a bodybuilding guide. However, it is a comprehensive exercise and nutrition book that reveals effective strategies for losing fat and gaining muscle. Forget about complicated diets and excessive gym sessions. You don't even need cardio. Thinner Leaner Stronger teaches you how to transform your body through enjoyable eating and manageable workouts. Inside, you'll find common fitness mistakes, muscle growth insights, personalized meal plans, a year-long strength training program, honest supplement advice, and more. Backed by 367 scientific studies, this acclaimed book has sold over 400,000 copies worldwide. You don't need to follow a bland diet or hate your workouts for a beach-ready body. TIMELINE: 00:01 - Myth & Mistake #8: Eating Wrong 00:18 - Chapter 6 00:20 - The Real Science of Muscle Growth 00:38 - The First Law of Muscle Growth: Muscles Grow Only If They’re Forced To 00:57 - The Second Law of Muscle Growth: Muscles Grow from Overload, Not Fatigue or “Pump” 01:26 - The Third Law of Muscle Growth: Muscles Grow Outside the Gym 01:44 - The Fourth Law of Muscle Growth: Muscles Grow Only If They’re Properly Fed 02:15 - Chapter 7 02:17 - The 5 Biggest Fat Loss Myths & Mistakes 02:48 - Myth & Mistake #1: Counting Calories is Unnecessary 03:05 - Myth & Mistake #2: Do Cardio = Lose Weight 03:33 - Myth & Mistake #3: Chasing the Fads 03:52 - Myth & Mistake #4: Doing Low Weight and High Reps Builds “Lean Muscle” 04:05 - Myth & Mistake #5: Spot Reduction 04:21 - Chapter 8 04:23: - The Real Science of Healthy Fat Loss 04:53 - THE FIRST LAW OF FAT LOSS: Eating Less Than You Expend = Weight Loss 05:23 - THE SECOND LAW OF FAT LOSS: Eat On A Schedule That Works Best For You 05:33 - THE THIRD LAW OF FAT LOSS: Use Cardio to Help Burn Fat 05:50 - Chapter 9 05:52 - The Inner and Outer Games of Health and Fitness 06:24 - Chapter 10 06:25 - How To Set Fitness Goals That Will Motivate You 06:49 - Step One: What Does Your Ideal Body Look Like? 07:00 - Step Two: What Would Your Ideal State of Health Be Like? 07:17 - Step Three: Why Do You Want to Achieve These Goals? 07:44 - Chapter 11 07:46 - The Code of a Good Training Partner 08:55 - Chapter 12 08:57 - If You Can’t Measure It, You Don’t Know It 09:19 - The Training Journal 09:35 - How to Keep a Training Journal 09:54 – The Diet Journal GET the FULL audiobook AT NO COST here, Thinner Leaner Stronger, https://amzn.to/3PiMwj3 NEXT VIDEO: SCIENCE of Building the ULTIMATE Female Body by Michael Matthews #3 | Book Summary Part 3, https://youtu.be/trQPDu7KewI #podcast #michaelmatthews #dietplan #booksummary #audiobook #weightloss #diet #workoutplan Please like and subscribe to my channel (culinary physics) for more book summaries and nutrition tips related videos, and let's grow together as a community. Use the keywords “podcast” “Michael Matthews” “diet plan” “book summary” “audiobook” and “weight loss” in your comments to help others discover this video. by Culinary Physics
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