#purple's parents are called Rose and Indigo in my hcs of this hehe
midnightsnackblog · 2 months
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This time around purple's family
A mutually beneficial relationship characterized by their association with Mango Tango. While Indigo had connections with Mango Tango, their bond extended beyond mere acquaintanceship.
Mango Tango was the first stick figure that he met once he entered the city, and soon he gained a reputation for winning tournament matches. 
Indigo struggles to cope with their emotions and often resort to violence, causing harm to themselves and those around them.
Indigo met Rose after a challenger he defeated, followed him home. When the associate tried to attack Indigo, Rose came to his rescue and managed to take out the assailant.
They met often and had a child. Indigo feared being a father, but Rose's support helped him embrace parenthood.
The couple's once harmonious relationship has been shattered due to their inability to see eye to eye on how to raise their beloved son. What was once a joyous and idyllic family unit has now become a shadow of its former self, with tension and discord replacing the once peaceful atmosphere.
Indigo, a stern and determined father, would spend hours training his son Purple. His training regimen was intense, often pushing Purple beyond his physical limits. Despite his efforts, Indigo grew increasingly frustrated with the lack of progress he saw in his son. To make matters worse, Rose, Purple's mother, would often disrupt the training sessions, causing even more tension between father and son.
During a trip that Indigo took with Purple, they went to train in a secluded location for three months. However, Rose, Purple's mother, was strongly against the idea of her son undergoing rigorous training. Due to her absence, Indigo's training became relentless and severe, making it one of the worst times in Purple's life. He was constantly pushed to his limits and had to struggle to keep up with Indigo's intense demands. In one particular training session, it was pouring rain, and Purple lost his footing, slipping from a cliff and landing on the harsh rocks below. The impact was so severe that he blacked out from the pain and exhaustion. Indigo felt immense guilt over the incident and realized how much stress and exhaustion he had caused his son. He immediately cut the trip short and headed back home.
After the incident, Purple's life took a sharp and unfortunate turn. Their household became a constant battleground as their mother and father engaged in frequent arguments. Despite Purple's efforts to make peace between them, the situation only seemed to worsen. In an attempt to keep the peace, Purple reluctantly agreed to take part in Indigo's training, even though it wasn't something they were particularly interested in.
The situation took a drastic turn as Rose unexpectedly fell ill with a debilitating sickness. Indigo, who was determined to find a cure for his beloved wife, became increasingly desperate and began to push Purple to the limit in their training sessions. As Rose's condition worsened, Indigo's emotions got the best of him, and his behavior became erratic and impulsive. He would vent his frustration by taking it out on inanimate objects, from a simple creaking door frame to even punching holes in the wall. 
During a single training session, Indigo's aggression got the best of him, leading him to almost attack his wife. She pleaded with him to stop and let their son rest, but the situation quickly spiraled out of control. With no other option left, Indigo made the difficult decision to leave his family behind. As he walked away, he could hear his son's heart-wrenching pleas for him to come back and see his wife sobbing in despair.
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