#promise i'm coming back to that warlock barry idea from yesterday too
kravkalackin · 3 years
“Could I perhaps ask you something? I don’t want to be rude, I’ve just been beyond curious all night,” Kravitz said, and he genuinely could not remember the last time he enjoyed himself so much. It was a little frustrating if he was being honest. 
He just wasn’t a fan of their typical galas and balls. Everyone trying to vie for his attention, having to put on a show all night, knowing that he couldn’t trust anything someone said as a genuine compliment or desire to get to know him. It was all a careful dance for power. 
His mother had suggested the masquerade idea, just to give him a night where he could have some fun and not have to worry about all those things. He really hadn’t thought it would work, that people would just be able to sense it was him or something. There was certainly a lot of talk about where the prince was all night, but Kravitz really wasn’t paying much mind to it. 
Sure, the accent was a little silly, but most people seemed to have no idea it was him under all the feathers and gems. His current companion seemed none the wiser, at least.
“Shoot, can’t promise I’ll answer though,” he said, and Kravitz could just make out a wink through the eyehole of the rather peculiar mask he wore. 
“Fair enough,” he said, smiling despite himself. “I was just wondering what exactly is your mask?” he asked, and the other man laughed. It was a louder laugh than was typically considered polite at these things, and Kravitz noticed several people look their way. He found he didn’t much care though. “I just, I can’t tell if it’s a weasel or a rat or, well whatever it is it’s certainly cute,” he added quickly. 
“Mongoose my man,” his companion said confidently. Kravitz raised an eyebrow at that, but it probably remained unseen under his own mask. 
“Certainly a unique choice. Why did you go with a mongoose?” he asked, because it was simply interesting. This man was so interesting, Kravitz couldn’t remember the last time he just talked to someone for so long, and he wasn’t anywhere near bored. 
“They have specialized acetylcholine receptors that make them impervious to venom,” he answered breezily, which wasn’t the answer Kravitz expected. “Very surprisingly dangerous, they’re known for killing snakes,” he continued. 
“What about birds?” Kravitz asked, the other man pausing for a moment as he gave him a look over, clearly taking in the black feathered mask of his before chuckling. 
“I don’t think you gotta worry your pretty little head there babe,” he said, and Kravitz was thankful for the mask in an all new way now. No one could see his embarrassment. Before he could think of some way to respond his companion was changing the subject. “So, you ever been to one of these shindigs before?” he asked. Kravitz chuckled a bit as he nodded. 
“A few, yes. And you?” he asked, and it felt a little like cheating, but he’d been trying to place the man all night. Certainly if they’d met before he would have remembered someone like him, but there were so many people at these things, and Kravitz was a bit of a recluse. 
“No, first time actually. Was kind of hoping to meet the prince,” he said, and Kravitz was trying to remember if there was anyone of note they had invited this time. He had not been paying attention to the guest list though, he never did. 
“Oh, I doubt anyone’ll see him. From what I hear he’s not much of a fan of the big parties,” he said, hoping it came off as casual. His new friend didn’t seem suspicious, shrugging without much care.
“I guess I can get that. I mean to be fair, when I came to this thing I expected to do a lot more dancing than walking around a garden,” he said, and they had been out in the garden for a while. Most of the night, if he was being honest. “Can’t say I’m complaining though,” he added. His voice sounded genuine, and taking a deep breath Kravitz steeled his nerves. 
“Would you care for a dance?” he managed to get up the courage to ask, holding out a hand. The other man seemed surprised, glancing down at his hand for a moment before nodding and taking it. The music was quieter out here, but they could still hear it just fine. 
“Sure, wouldn’t mind knocking another thing off the ol’ bucket list,” he said, moving in closer. Kravitz fell into leading with ease, and it was honestly a little funny as his companion tried to follow. He was clumsier than expected, but it didn’t take too long for them to get into a rhythm. Slower than Kravitz was used to to compensate, but yeah he certainly couldn’t complain. 
They kept talking as they danced, and Kravitz had no idea how long they kept like that for. He did know that he was gripped with the desire to pull up this endlessly intriguing man’s strange adorable mask just enough to be able to kiss him more times than he would care to admit. 
The clock charmed for midnight, and he was very disappointed when the man in his arms pulled away. 
“Shit, is it that late already? I should... probably be heading out,” he said, and Kravitz wasn’t able to hide his disappointment at that. 
“These tend to go well into two or three in the morning. Perhaps you could stay another hour?” he offered. The man looked conflicted before eventually shaking his head. 
“Nah, I’d love to, but I’ve got a shift in the morning. It’s already gonna be hell waking up after all this,” he said, and Kravitz cocked his head to the side curiously at that. 
“A shift?” he asked, and ask soon as the question left him the other man froze. He could see his eyes go wide inside the mask, an obviously caught red handed look on his face. 
“Y-yeah, that’ll just be our little secret, alright babe?” he asked, trying to sound confident but not quite managing to capture the same ease as before. Kravitz probably would have brushed it off, but from that reaction, combined with so many other little idiosyncrasies from the night that did nothing but charm him, one thing was obvious. 
Whoever this was, he wasn’t supposed to be here. 
“I really should head out,” he continued, and Kravitz wanted to keep protesting. The words got stuck in his throat when suddenly this man closed the distance between them again. He couldn’t see when his mask was pushed up just enough to expose his lips, but he didn’t hesitate to respond when the stranger gave him an all too short kiss. 
“But thanks, it was, ya know, a regular fucking fairytale of a night,” he said once he pulled away. 
“Wait-” he tried, but his companion was already dashing off between some of the large bushes and topiaries. He went after him, because he had to get his name. There was no way Kravitz would be able to find him again if he lost him now, not if he wasn’t even on any official guest list. 
Whoever he was though, he was fast. 
And apparently sneaky. None of the guards reported seeing a man in a mongoose mask leaving through the front exits.  
It didn’t make any sense. It was strange and inscrutable and utterly fascinating. 
And Kravitz was utterly in love. 
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