#poirot 3x11: the mystery of hunter's lodge
poirott · 2 years
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Family unit vibes
Hercule Poirot, Captain Hastings, Miss Lemon and Chief Inspector Japp
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poirott · 7 years
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"Poirot has most of the characteristics that the British of the time were supposed to despise in bourgeois foreigners. He is vain, fussy, dapper and conceited enough to expect that everyone has heard of him and admires him. Yet it is vital that he is acceptable as a foreign hero to the readers. So although he has the veneer of a foreigner, he possesses the manners, social graces, values and sentiments so important to the British. His friendship with a proven British loyalist, Captain Hastings, also endorses his credibility." - Cathy Cook, The Agatha Christie Miscellany
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poirott · 7 years
Poirot eps on Youtube
To anyone new to Agatha Christie’s Poirot who wants to check out the tv series, fans on Youtube have recently uploaded the following episodes in full and in good quality:
1x01: The Adventure of the Clapham Cook
1x02: Murder in the Mews
1x03: The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly
1x04: Four and Twenty Blackbirds
1x06: Triangle at Rhodes
1x09: The King of Clubs
1x10: The Dream
2x09: Double Sin
3x08: The Mystery of the Spanish Chest
3x10: The Affair at the Victory Ball
3x11: The Mystery of Hunter’s Lodge
6x01: Hercule Poirot’s Christmas
10x04: Taken at the Flood
13x04: The Labours of Hercules
Being Poirot documentary
Happy watching! :) (Edit: More eps in part 2 here!)
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