suzhou pingtan苏州评弹, musical/oral performance art, storytelling and ballad singing in suzhou dialect
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findsuzhou · 2 years
Huangdai Pingtan Museum officially opens
Huangdai Pingtan Museum officially opens
The Huangdai Pingtan Museum黄埭评弹博物馆 officially opened to the public yesterday, which offers free admission. Legend of Chunshen Jun, a pingtan performance, debuted on the same day. An online version of the museum has also been rolled out. Located in Suzhou Pingtan Park, the museum covers an area of about 600 square meters. There are nine theme chapters to display the Jiangnan culture, the origin…
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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smavro · 8 months
Once Again on the Alleged Differences between Marx and Engels - S.Mavroudeas 2023 WAPE Forum
Frederick Engels: The First Marxist? The 2023 World Association of Political Economy (WAPE) Forum took place in Pingtan city (Fudgian province, China). In this forum I presented a paper titled ‘Once Again On The Alledged Differences Between Marx and Engels’. The paper confronts the attacks by many older and newer anti-Engelsionists (prominent among them M.Heinrich and D.Harvey) against Engels…
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designerhk · 1 year
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Pingtan Book House by Condition_Lab
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pugzman3 · 2 years
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argumate · 2 years
Pingtan Maritime Safety Administration in Fujian Province issued a navigation warning on Friday, saying that live-fire training missions will be carried out in waters near Pingtan island from 8 am to 9 pm on Saturday. All ships will be prohibited from entering. Live-fire training means using bullets that don't have eyes, and those who enter without permission will face the consequences. It is not ruled out that there will be more live ammunition drills in the next few days. If needed, we could also delimit missile test areas and conduct ballistic tests. During the sensitive period, the People's Liberation Army will monitor Pelosi's plane in a timely manner. If it is found flying toward our airspace, the PLA fighter jets could warn, follow, intercept, electronically interfere, force a landing, or drive it back. In this process, any consequences may occur, and the responsibility rests entirely with the US.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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Of the many islands off the coast of East China's Fujian Province, the biggest is Pingtan, with its traditional stone houses sitting on the hills and wind turbines turning slowly on the sparkling sea.
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schoenes-thailand · 4 days
Taiwan erhöht die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen für die Amtseinführung des neuen Präsidenten angesichts der Bedrohung durch China
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TAIWAN: Das Verteidigungsministerium von Taipeh gab an, in den letzten 24 Stunden sieben chinesische Flugzeuge und ebenso viele Marineschiffe rund um Taiwan entdeckt zu haben. Taiwan erhöht die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen für die Amtseinführung des neuen Präsidenten angesichts der Bedrohung durch China Das Verteidigungsministerium von Taipeh gab an, in den letzten 24 Stunden sieben chinesische Flugzeuge und ebenso viele Marineschiffe rund um Taiwan entdeckt zu haben. Ein chinesischer Militärhubschrauber fliegt über die Insel Pingtan, den Punkt in China, der Taiwans Hauptinsel am nächsten liegt Veröffentlicht am 19. Mai 202419. Mai 2024 Am Vorabend der Amtseinführung von Lai Ching-te als neuer Präsident Taiwans hat die Küstenwache der Insel am Wochenende angesichts der zunehmenden Präsenz chinesischer Schiffe ihre Patrouillen verstärkt. Die Küstenwache von Taipeh teilte am Sonntag mit, sie habe Personal entsandt, um „rund um die Uhr und in der Nacht“ rund um Taiwans drei große vorgelagerte Inseln zu patrouillieren: Kinmen, Matsu und Penghu. Taiwan erhöht die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen für die Amtseinführung des neuen Präsidenten angesichts der Bedrohung durch China Das Verteidigungsministerium von Taipeh gab an, in den letzten 24 Stunden sieben chinesische Flugzeuge und ebenso viele Marineschiffe rund um Taiwan entdeckt zu haben. Ein chinesischer Militärhubschrauber fliegt über die Insel Pingtan, den Punkt in China, der Taiwans Hauptinsel am nächsten liegt Veröffentlicht am 19. Mai 202419. Mai 2024 Am Vorabend der Amtseinführung von Lai Ching-te als neuer Präsident Taiwans hat die Küstenwache der Insel am Wochenende angesichts der zunehmenden Präsenz chinesischer Schiffe ihre Patrouillen verstärkt. Die Küstenwache von Taipeh teilte am Sonntag mit, sie habe Personal entsandt, um „rund um die Uhr und in der Nacht“ rund um Taiwans drei große vorgelagerte Inseln zu patrouillieren: Kinmen, Matsu und Penghu. „Um die Sicherheit des Seegebiets und die Grenzsicherheit während der Einweihungszeremonie zu gewährleisten, führte die Kinmen-Matsu-Penghu-Abteilung der Küstenwache des Ocean Affairs Council erneut einen starken Patrouilleneinsatz durch … um verdächtige Ziele genau zu überwachen“, hieß es in ein Statement. „Die Abteilung Kinmen-Matsu-Penghu sagte, dass die nationale Sicherheitsarbeit während der wichtigen Feierlichkeiten nicht nachlassen werde“, fügte sie hinzu. Das Verteidigungsministerium von Taipeh berichtete zuvor, dass es in den 24 Stunden vor 6 Uhr morgens am Sonntag (22:00 Uhr GMT, Samstag) sieben chinesische Flugzeuge und sieben Marineschiffe rund um Taiwan entdeckt habe. Lai verbrachte seinen Sonntag beim Garnelenfischen mit Führern einiger der wenigen verbliebenen diplomatischen Verbündeten Taiwans, darunter der Präsidentin der Marshallinseln, Hilda Heine.
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König Mswati III. von Eswatini, links, Taiwans gewählter Präsident Lai Ching-te, Mitte, und Taiwans gewählter Vizepräsident Hsiao Bi-khim, rechts, fischen auf einer Garnelenfarm in Taipeh Derzeit unterhalten nur zwölf Länder formelle diplomatische Beziehungen mit Taiwan, vor allem ärmere Entwicklungsländer. Von Lai, der von Peking als „Separatist“ verabscheut wird, wird erwartet, dass er in seiner Antrittsrede am Montag verspricht, Stabilität zu gewährleisten, indem er den Status quo in den Beziehungen der Insel zu China aufrechterhält. Vor seiner Amtseinführung werden Anhänger der oppositionellen Taiwanesischen Volkspartei (TPP) in Taipeh marschieren, um gegen Lais regierende Demokratische Fortschrittspartei (DPP) zu protestieren und von Lai die Durchführung von Parlaments-, Justiz- und Verfassungsreformen zu fordern. „Gefährlicher Separatist“ China beansprucht das demokratische Taiwan als Teil seines Territoriums und unterhält eine fast tägliche Militärpräsenz mit häufigen Einsätzen von Kampfflugzeugen, Drohnen und Marineschiffen rund um die Insel. In den letzten Monaten hat das Unternehmen Küstenwacheschiffe rund um Kinmen entsandt, eine von Taipeh verwaltete vorgelagerte Insel, die nur 5 km (3 Meilen) von der chinesischen Stadt Xiamen entfernt liegt. Kinmen war Schauplatz verschärfter Spannungen, nachdem Lai, den China als „gefährlichen Separatisten“ bezeichnete, bei den Wahlen in Taiwan im Januar gewählt wurde . Ein tödlicher Fischereiunfall im Februar mit einem chinesischen Schnellboot löste einen Streit zwischen China und Taiwan aus, der noch nicht gelöst wurde. Es hatte vier Menschen an Bord und kenterte am 14. Februar in der Nähe von Kinmen, während Taiwans Küstenwache es verfolgte, wobei zwei Menschen ums Leben kamen. Die Küstenwache von Taipeh verteidigte ihr Vorgehen mit der Aussage, das Boot befinde sich in „verbotenen Gewässern“ und sei im Zickzack unterwegs, bevor es kentere. Aber Peking hat Taipei beschuldigt, „die Wahrheit“ über den Vorfall zu verbergen. China hat seitdem seine Patrouillen rund um Kinmen verstärkt. Mindestens fünf Formationen offizieller chinesischer Schiffe sind diesen Monat kurzzeitig durch die eingeschränkten Gewässer von Kinmen gesegelt. Auf der anderen Seite der Meerenge in der chinesischen Küstenstadt Pingtan, wo sich auch eine Militärbasis befindet, sagten Reporter der Nachrichtenagentur AFP, sie hätten am Sonntagmorgen mindestens zwei Militärtransporthubschrauber über ihnen fliegen sehen.   - QUELLE : AL JAZEERA UND NACHRICHTENAGENTUREN   Read the full article
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insurgentepress · 5 days
Descubren calendario astronómico de 2,200 años en suroeste de China
Un artículo publicado en @INQUA reveló que un equipo de arqueólogos chinos encontró este asentamiento humano austranesio en la isla de Pingtan, provincia de Fujian, al sureste del país.
Agencias/Ciudad de México.- Una tumba bien conservada, que data de la dinastía Han Occidental (202 a. C.-25 d. C.) e incluye un calendario astronómico en tablillas de madera, ha sido descubierta en el suroeste de China. El Instituto de Investigación Arqueológica y de Reliquias Culturales de Chongqing desarrolla el proyecto de excavación que deparó este hallazgo, en el distrito de Wulong en la…
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New Archaeological Find Redefines Austronesian People's Origins
Archaeological findings on Pingtan Island suggest Austronesians inhabited areas beyond Taiwan 7,300 years ago, expanding historical understanding.
via South China Morning Post, 23 December 2023: The news articles present the re-location of the Austronesian homeland from Taiwan to China as something new, but it is not. Taiwan is where the earliest evidence (at least until recently) can be found, but even from a decade ago the general thought was that the Austronesian populations in Taiwan likely came from South China. Chinese archaeologists…
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piyasahaberleri · 9 months
Turistler, bu tarihsiz görüntüde Tayvan'ın Pingtan Adası'nın yanından geçen bir Çin askeri helikopterini izliyor. — AFP/DosyaTayvan Başkan Yardımcısı William Lai'nin geçtiğimiz günlerde ABD'ye yapmış olduğu ziyaretin peşinden Çin, adanın ayrılıkçı güçlerine öfkeli bir cevap olarak Tayvan çevresinde bir takım askeri tatbikat başlattı.Çin, Tayvan'ı kendi toprağı olarak görüyor ve Pekin, ABD'nin desteğini alan demokratik, kendi kendini yöneten adanın kontrolünü ele geçirmek için güç kullanmayı reddetmedi. Son yıllarda Pekin, Taipei ile Washington içinde "gizli saklı antak kalma" olarak görmüş olduğu duruma bir tepki olarak adaya yakın askeri faaliyetlerini artırdı.Askeri tatbikatlar, Çin'in ada devletindeki ayrılıkçı muhalif güçlerine "sert bir uyarı" olarak adlandırıldı. El Cezire.Çin Halk Kurtuluş Ordusu'nun (PLA) Tayvan çevresindeki bölgeden görevli Doğu Cephesi Komutanlığı, Cumartesi sabahı yapmış olduğu kısa açıklamada, Tayvan çevresinde ortak deniz ve hava muharebe hazırlık devriyeleri yürüttüğünü söylemiş oldu.Doğu tiyatrosu komutanlığı, PLA'nın hava ve deniz sahalarının kontrolünü ele geçirmeyi kontrol etmek için gemi-uçak koordinasyonu ve "gerçek harp kabiliyetleri" benzer biçimde mevzulara odaklanan ortak deniz ve hava kuvvetleri tatbikatları düzenleyeceğini de sözlerine ekledi.Doğu komutanlığı sözcüsü Çin'in devlet yönetimine "Silahlı kuvvetlerin gerçek harp koşullarında savaşma kabiliyeti kontrol edilecek" dedi. Xinhua haberler.Sözcü, "Devriyeler ve tatbikatlar, Tayvan bağımsızlık ayrılıkçılarının yabancı unsurlarla gizli saklı anlaşmalarına ve onların provokasyonlarına karşı sert bir uyarı işlevi görüyor" dedi.Cumartesi günü Tayvan müdafa bakanlığı, Çin'in adaya yakın son olarak askeri tatbikatlarını şiddetle kınadı ve misilleme için lüzumlu kuvvetleri göndereceğini ve ulusal güvenliği sürdürme kabiliyetine, arzusuna ve güvenine haiz bulunduğunu duyuru etti.“Askeri tatbikatın bu kez başlatılması, Tayvan Boğazı'nda sulh ve istikrara destek olmakla kalmıyor, hem de [China’s] militarist zihniyet" dedi.Tayvanlı yetkililer ve analistler, Çin tarafınca meydana gelen son askeri harekatın Tayvan Başkan Yardımcısı William Lai'nin ABD ziyareti tarafınca kışkırtıldığını söylemişlerdi. Çin dışişleri bakanlığı, Lai'nin ABD'ye gelişiyle aynı zamana denk gelen bir bildiri yayınlayarak, "Tayvan bağımsızlık ayrılıkçılarının" ABD'ye her türlü ziyaretine karşı bulunduğunu söylemiş oldu.Bakanlık, "Lai, Tayvan'ın bağımsızlığının ayrılıkçı konumuna inatla bağlı ve baştan sona bir baş belası" dedi.ABD Başkanı Joe Biden, Cenup Kore Devlet Başkanı Yoon Suk-yeol ve Japonya Başbakanı Fumio Kişida yaptıkları ortak açıklamada Pekin'in Cenup Çin Denizi'ndeki "tehlikeli ve saldırgan" davranışını kınadılar ve "bölgesel güvenliği sağlama kararlılığında emin olduklarını" söylediler. Hint-Pasifik angajmanını güçlendirin ve ortak refahı teşvik edin”.Geçen yıl Çin, ABD Temsilciler Meclisi Başkanı Nancy Pelosi'nin Taipei'yi ziyaret etmesine tepki olarak Tayvan civarlarında günlerce devam eden kapsamlı askeri tatbikatlara başladı.Pelosi'nin ziyareti sebebiyle Çin, J-20 gizli saklı harp uçağı ve konvansiyonel roket tecrübe etme atışlarını içeren benzeri görülmemiş altı gün süresince askeri tatbikatlar gerçekleştirmiş oldu.
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findsuzhou · 2 months
Suzhou Entertainment Guide | March 25 - 31
Piano Duet Concert Time: 7:30 p.m., March 28Venue: Kunshan Culture & Arts CenterTickets: 380/280/180/100 yuan The concert includes pieces of Hummel, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert. Pingtan Impression Dance Drama Time: 7:30 p.m., March 28; 7:30 p.m., March 29; 2 p.m., 7:30 p.m., March 30 and 31Venue: Suzhou Bay Grand TheatreTickets: 680/480/280/180 yuan Directed by renowned Chinese…
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shahananasrin-blog · 9 months
[ad_1] A man stands on a jetty behind a tourist boat and Chinese flags on Pingtan island, opposite Taiwan, in China's southeast Fujian province on April 9, 2023. — AFPAs Taiwanese Vice President William Lai landed in the United States while en route to Paraguay, China said Sunday that it "will take resolute and forceful measures to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity" with Washinton also joining the fray monitoring the emerging situation. Lai is bidding for the Taiwanese presidential elections in the coming year. Currently, he is stopping in New York to and from Paraguay where he is set to attend the inauguration of president-elect Santiago Pena. China considers Taiwan part of its territory and planned to integrate it with the mainland one day while ramping up political pressures upon it. Chinese foreign ministry said in an online statement: "China is closely following the development of the situation and will take resolute and forceful measures to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity."Lai has been more outspoken about independence than Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen.The Harvard-educated doctor-turned-politician has previously described himself as a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker", and reiterated this week when speaking with a local television channel that Taiwan was "not part of the People's Republic of China (PRC)". This picture taken on July 12, 2023, shows Taiwan's Vice President William Lai (R) shaking hands with Paraguay's President-elect Santiago Pena Palacios at the Presidential Office in Taipei. — AFP"The Republic of China and PRC are not subordinate to each other," he said, using Taiwan's official name.On landing in New York Sunday, Lai said on Twitter, now X: "Happy to arrive at the Big Apple, icon of liberty, democracy and opportunities," adding that he was "greeted at the airport by representatives of the American Institute in Taiwan, the United States's de facto embassy for the island.""Looking forward to seeing friends and attending transit programs in New York," he wrote.Lai is expected to continue to Paraguay, then stop in San Francisco on his way back.Downright troublemakerIn the week leading up to Lai's departure, incursions by the Chinese military around Taiwan's waters and airspace — which have been happening near-daily in the past year — were larger than usual.On Wednesday, the defence ministry said 33 Chinese warplanes and six vessels had been detected around the island in a 24-hour window."China is firmly opposed to any form of official exchanges between the US and Taiwan, is resolutely opposed to separatists seeking 'Taiwan independence' entering the US under any name and for any reason, and firmly opposed to any form of official contact between the US government and the Taiwanese side," China's foreign ministry spokesperson said."China expresses strong dissatisfaction with and strongly condemns the US insistence on arranging William Lai's 'transit' to the US," the spokesperson added, labelling Lai a "downright troublemaker". [ad_2]
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lookupchina · 10 months
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Pingtan, also known as Pingtan Island, is a beautiful island located in the East China Sea, off the coast of Fujian Province, China. Known for its pristine beaches, vibrant culture, and rich maritime history, Pingtan offers a variety of attractions and activities for visitors to enjoy.
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noisynutcrusade · 11 months
Italian fashion designer builds dream life on Fujian Province island
Pingtan island Photo: VCG Of the many islands off the coast of East China’s Fujian Province, the biggest is Pingtan, with its traditional stone houses sitting on the hills and wind turbines turning slowly on the sparkling sea. Boasting a modest beauty, Pingtan is popular with tourists, but it has also attracted many foreigners seeking a pleasant place to settle down. Among them is Italian fashion…
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asiainsider · 1 year
China-Taiwan tensions could grip 2024 election as Musk, Buffett and Dalio sound alarms
Chinese tourists walk past an installation depicting Taiwan (R) and mainland China at a tourist area on Pingtan island, the closest point to Taiwan, in China’s southeast Fujian province on April 6, 2023. Greg Baker | AFP | Getty Images Fraying U.S.-China relations and rising tensions over Taiwan have influential business leaders such as Elon Musk and Warren Buffett sounding alarms about a…
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