#ough its late and I'm in bed on my phone compared to being on desktop for the last one so like. forgive me
bronzetomatoes · 1 year
omg i love monoma as well hes so cool and yes the overlooked characters are great. personally i like the villains more than the students, but your faves are good choices. hawks *is* a fucked up babygirl in all the worst ways... not sure how far youve gotten so i don’t want to spoil but uh, do you know about what happened with best jeanist and hawks? man. for a while there..., before the later manga chapters disproved it, hawks was soooo messed up babygirl.
Also Shigaraki! he is my fave he is my discord profile picture i have written many an analysis about him! *please* tell me your thoughts about him. he only really gets interesting in a little bit of the Overhaul arc and then in the MVA/PLF arc he really shines. pleassse tell me how far along youve gotten in the story so i know what i can and can’t tell you. the shigaraki and midoriya parallels are so strong they make me go crazy. also! i stopped keeping up with bnha at around the big war thingy idk what it’s called with all the heroes and students and whatever, so i don’t know about anything after that
Okay so I'm halfway through season 5 and I don't read the manga, so that's where I'm at. I've had a lot spoiled for me just by nature of getting into a fandom that's been around for 6+ years, yk how it is, so I know a lot about Hawks but honestly not as much about Shigaraki? Honestly whenever I think about him I need to repeat that I Don't Condone Terrorism bc honestly he is. Hes an evil man but in such a sad way. Like it's so sad.
Honestly I think the part that gets me the most about him is that he couldve been anyone. Anyone at all could be Shigaraki Tomura, and Shimura Tenko was just the unlucky one, yknow? And as much as you can say that he made his own choices near the end, he never... knew anything else. If he's been having every awful thing he's done encouraged all his life, than being an evil person is obviously how he's going to turn out. I strongly recommend you (and literally everyone) read Japan v. Shigaraki (2237) SCOJ No. 4401, it's essentially an imagined future trial for him and it fucks me up, like, severely.
And Shigaraki is a lot of things, yeah? He's cold and he's calculating, and he's ruthless with his methods. He seems to flit back and forth with his ideologies (which I'd say is due to the fact that he had to pick a reason behind his villainy rather quickly, compared to the years he spent living that way Solely Because AFO wanted him to). He is a horrendous human being who's done horrendous things and has ruined thousands of lives. I think at his core though, it's such a fucking tragedy. It's sad bro.
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