#or the pen flies out of the loop holder because again it is almost 7 years old and stretched out a little so it's less secure
softgrungeprophet · 1 year
my current dying tablet is a Wacom Bamboo Fun (CTH-461) — it's my second one technically. The first one I had for about 5 years was my first tablet, from like? 2011 or 2012 to 2016?? the replacement was the same model, from 2016 to now
it's very much an entry-level, small tablet in the $80-100 range (or at least, i paid $80 for it), and they stopped making it years ago (actually when i bought my second one in 2016, they were already no longer making them lol i just lucked out)
It's small, barely under 6"x4", 1024 levels of pressure sensitivity, etc., very much out of date by now
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Look at that mid 2000s chunky piece of tech. Like I said, it's dying, pretty much the same way (cable issues) as the first one now after nearly 7 years (not a bad run! it's served me well and I've dropped it off of my bed many... many times, i'm surprised it actually lasted longer than my first one)
But thanks to bluef00t (thanks again a million times) I'm upgrading, though of course still in the $80 range, to a Huion HS611 so it will be interesting to use a modern, not 10+ year old model of drawing tablet for the first time—
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am EXTREMELY curious to see what it's like to draw on something with 8x the pressure sensitivity and 2x the resolution of what I've been using for the past 11-12 years LOL leaving the stone age and entering the age of steel
i've also never used a pen with tilt so that should be interesting?? i don't think it has an eraser tip on the end, but tbh i've been using my bamboo's eraser less and less frequently and just using the nib end with transparency so i'm not too miffed about that (5 years ago it would have been a deal breaker though)
its active area is also 10"x6" which I am definitely looking forward to. My Bamboo is fine, it's not tiny, but it's def cramped, so nearly doubling the size to something a little more spacious sounds very nice...
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