#oops i literally missed the time i should leave writing this. i'll have to take the next bus and arrive late rip
fairysteve · 1 year
woke up checked my activity and now i'm trying not to write something for the model au because i need to leave actually i do not have time
but if i can remember the lines i thought of later i guess i will write something for the model au
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farfromdaylight · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @anneapocalypse! i'm lazy (and should be working on nano oops) so i'm not tagging today, but take it if you want.
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
37. (Add 16 if you want to count my old account.)
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
302,601. (Add 37k for my old account.)
I have written approximately 500,000 words of fic that has never seen the light of day. Maybe one day it will.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Final Fantasy, primarily, with a focus on XIV and VII these days. I've written sparsely for other fandoms.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
catching sunbeams - Miraculous Ladybug, Marinette/Adrien
remember me when i die (for you) - FFXIV, Crystal Exarch
forget-me-(not) - FFXIV, Warrior of Light &/ Crystal Exarch
the miniskirt - FFXIV, Warrior of Light/Crystal Exarch (NSFW)
roaming sheep - FFXIV, Warrior of Light/G'raha Tia (NSFW)
It's kind of nice for almost all of my most-kudos'd fic to be in my current fandom. It helps, of course, that I write the most popular ship in it. The highest-kudos'd fics were posted near the height of their respective fandoms, so.
I'm also very pleased roaming sheep has done this well! In my experience, oneshots do better than longfic with regard to kudos.
This got long so here's a cut...
5. do you respond to comments?
Yep! I try to reply to all of them, though if someone leaves multiple comments at a time on a chaptered fic I might just reply to the last one. I'm sure I've missed some along the way but I'm always thrilled to get a comment.
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angst isn't really the right word, but dead end (FFVII, Cid & Vincent) has a very deliberate ending. I tried to write it like a horror movie, where the ending is sometimes ambiguous or otherwise inconclusive.
Or, well. I suppose roaming sheep has an exceptionally angsty ending, LOL.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's gotta be the oath, which is literally wedding fic.
8. do you get hate on fics?
Nope, never.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Any kind, though I'm pretty inexperienced with F/F fics -- I love many F/F couples but I've never been driven to write fic about them, so I'm lacking in that regard.
These days, if I want to write NSFW fic on its own, it's less likely I'll publish it. I'll write it, but I'll keep it to myself. (I wrote a 15k fic earlier this year in this vein.) I've gotten to the point that I generally want the porn to be part of the plot. That said, I do have some ideas for oneshots, so you never know.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
The Fallout/Final Fantasy VII one is the big one. The total fic is almost 350k. I have posted 10k of it. Maybe one day I'll be able to revise it.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not fic, but I've posted some RP before. This was generally not the best idea as it's rare for a RP thread to reach completion, and interests change, etc.
I guess actually blinded by light (FFXIV, WoL/Exarch) counts for this to a degree, because a good chunk of Mel's dialogue was written by @shepherdtostars; I just turned it into fic.
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
My OCs, who I've loved for 20 years. They're married, in love, and I have written approximately 2 million words about them.
I don't have a favorite fandom ship.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
stares at beyond the vault... i love you but you're such a behemoth, why did i do this to myself
16. what are your writing strengths?
Dialogue! I can write banter all day long.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Description. I see the scene in my head like a movie, so I forget... that not everyone does... and I have to write the scene I'm seeing LMAO. I'm working on it.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
This is an oddball question. Just write it? Like, either write "they said in (language)" or get an accurate translation of what you want to say.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Sailor Moon, probably. Or Digimon.
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Waffling between dead end and blinded by light. dead end was a real stretch for me in a lot of ways and I'm still very proud of it all these years later. blinded by light is just fun, I really like rereading it. heaven can wait (FFXIV, WoL/Exarch, NSFW) falls in this category too, I'm so happy with it.
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skip-to-my-lup · 5 years
that’s not my name pt. 3
He has to admit. He has a bit too much fun the third go around.
It's summer and the local farmer's market is thriving. He's just finished buying the best fresh ingredients that his paycheck can buy, which is a surprising amount thanks to the sale going on, when a warm hand finds his. It's larger and a little sweaty, but not all-together unpleasant.
For a stranger's hand at least.
He's about to rip his hand from the unfamiliar grip, but a voice stops him. "C'mon, Lup." It's gravelly and a lot deeper than he'd expect from the smaller man. "You gotta stop running ahead like that. I'm going to end up losing you that way."
The man isn't unattractive by any means, but he is a bit too plain for Taako's tastes.  Which, if he's being honest, are quite refined. But, he has to admit that between the glasses and brown frumpy hair he's actually kinda cute. And, while the denim on denim would look absolutely horrible on most people he makes it work somehow.
This Lup person certainly is lucky.
He walks with the man for a few steps. He realizes that it's been a while since he's held someone's hand. It feels nice. But it also feels like he's cheating a little bit by not admitting to this poor frazzled man that he is, in fact, not his significant other.
"As much as I like the attention, my man. I don't believe that I'm the person you were looking for."
The man yelps and withdraws his hand as if he'd been burned. He looks Taako up and down before gasping. He points a finger at him and it takes an awful large amount of self-control for Taako not to be too offended.
"Are you Taako?"
"Got it in one." He laughs. "How'd you know?"
"Merle mentioned meeting a Lup look-alike on the bus about a month ago. I thought he was just trying to be funny, but it appears as though he wasn't lying."
"Was that the old dwarf or the big guy with the sideburns?"
The man guffaws. "God. Merle's going to hate it that you called him a dwarf."
"So, old guy then. Got it."
Taako watches as the man laughs even harder. It takes him a little while to get himself under control. He's pretty sure that the joke wasn't that funny, but he can't help the smirk that spreads across his face.
"Oh, man," He says once he's finally calmed down some. "Lup would love to meet you."
"At this rate I probably will, what with so many of you mistaking me for her," Taako says dryly.
A ringtone breaks through their conversation. It takes a second for Taako to recognize it, but he's pretty sure it's from an anime. The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone and… yes. That's definitely an anime phone case.
"Sorry, I—"
Taako waves a hand. "I need to be going anyways. See you and your crew around I guess."
The man answers the phone. Taako goes to leave by the man holds up a finger "One sec," he says into the phone as he fumbles in his other pocket. He pulls out a small pad of paper and starts writing. After a moment he rips the paper out and holds it out to Taako.
"Here. "
"What's this?"
"My number. I—"
"You know usually I get a name before a number." Taako winks.
The man splutters, cheeks red. "I-It's not! I'm hap-p-pily—!"
Taako laughs.
The flustered man before him groans as he rubs a hand underneath the bridge of his nose. "God what am I getting myself into."
"Probably a lot of trouble."
"Apparently." He sighs. "My name is Barry. I'm giving you my number because I'm pretty sure that Lup would like to meet you sometime, but she hasn't met you yet so I'd hate to just give her number out. So I figured, if you were interested, we could chat a bit more when we're not going in different directions. And then set up a hang-out between everyone."
"I'll… think about it."
Barry nods. "I get it. No pressure. Just knew I'd regret it if I didn't. Take care, Taako."
"You, too."
"Bye!" Barry gives him a friendly wave before turning around and bringing his phone to his ear. "Sorry about that. I had to…"
And then he's lost to the crowd. 
Taako looks down at the paper. Scrawled in messy handwriting is an unfamiliar local number below the name Barry. He's pretty sure that he'll never actually text the man. He can't deny that there's a growing part of him that wants to, but what would he even do?
He'll probably never find out, though, because just as he's about to stuff the paper into his pocket a young boy knocks into him, sending the paper flying, his groceries spilling, and himself falling to the ground.
He watches it all in slow motion. He tries to catch it, but the wind steals it away and he loses sight of it amongst the trees above. Tomatoes, schallots, and potatoes roll away. And, he crashes onto his butt, lightly scraping his hands in the process of catching himself.
And a bike whizzes through the spot that he'd been standing moments before.
"I'm sorry, sir!" The boy says loudly as he scrambles over to him to check on him. "Are you hurt?"
"No." He looks down at his scraped hands. It'll be a bitch in the kitchen, but he's dealt with worse. "I'm fine. How about you, though?"
"I'm good! But, may I say that those hands don't look all that good."
Normally Taako would push him away, but all these strangers coming in and out of his life in the last few months must have desensitized him some because he allows the kid in his personal space with no problems. The kid gently inspects his hands and he shakes his head at how torn up they are. Without missing a beat, he reaches down and unzips a fanny pack around his waist. Pulling out two large band-aids, a small alcohol swab, and a package of antibiotic he offers them to Taako. "Here. I'll go get your groceries while you put those on."
He doesn't give Taako much choice because once the items are no longer in his hands he's turning around and dashing off to retrieve his groceries. Taako is left sitting on his ass, shocked, and unmoving. All he can do is watch as the kid collects everything save for a squashed tomato. He shakes himself out of it and stands as the boy returns and starts putting his groceries back in the, miraculously untouched, bag.
"I'm sorry, again, sir. There was a bike coming by and you weren't looking so I had to—"
"It's okay, kid." He takes one last forlorn look at the trees before turning back to the kid. "I guess I should actually be thanking you, though. A beaten up tomato is better than a beaten up Taako."
The boy blinks. "Is that your name?"
He braces himself. "Sure is."
"That's so cool! Mine is Agnus!" He gives him a bright smile as finishes returning his vegetables to the bag. "It's nice to meet you, sir!"
"Angus?" A voice shouts above the crowd. "Angus, where are you?"
"Over here, dad!" He turns around and waves. At first Taako doesn't see any one and then—
One of the most handsome men, aside from himself, appeared to be making his way through the crowd in his direction.
It should be a crime to look so crisp in a pink button down shirt, black slacks, and shoes so shiny that he could see his own face in them. But no. Here this man was, a free man no less, and the literal definition of tall, dark, and handsome as hell.
"There you are!" The man kneels down to be down on Angus' height. "How many times do I have to tell you not to run off on me?"
"Sorry. There was a bike coming and I could tell that Mr. Taako here wasn't going to see it in time so I had to come over and make sure that he wouldn't get hurt."
The man groans. "That's very brave of you, but you have to be careful. I thought I had lost you."
"I know…" Angus looks down. "I'll make sure to tell you where I'm going next time."
Taako can tell that the man is quite exasperated, but the smile he gives is genuine despite that. He reaches forward and gives his son a hug. "I'd prefer there not be a 'next time', but I suppose I'll have to settle for that for now."
He stands, hand still on Angus' shoulder, and when he turns in Taako's direction, he's pretty sure that a lesser man would have melted on the spot.
"Are you alright?"
Taako could slap himself for stuttering. Who was he? That Barry guy?
The man glances down at Taako's hands. "Are your hands okay?"
Taako looks down at them and fully registers the blood that was appearing in the scrapes, staining the unopened supplies Angus had given him.
"Here, let me see them." The man reaches forward and takes Taako's hands in his own. Taako looks down at them as well and notices that they're starting to bleed a little bit where he had been unconsciously crushing the first aid supplies that Angus had given him. He looks up and finds the man frowning. "There's a bench over here, let me help you get these cleaned up."
"I'll get the groceries, sir."
Taako really wants to refuse, but he can't find the energy to. So, without much prodding on this handsome stranger's part, he's led over to a bench on the edge of the park near the market. It's a lot less crowded and offers a bit more privacy.
"Here," Angus says as he hands his father a pair of gloves retrieved from his fanny pack as well.
The man puts them on with practiced ease (Jesus was this guy a doctor or something?!) and reaches out for Taako's hands. He pauses and looks to Taako, "May I?"
"Sure, my dude."
He reaches out and takes his hands in his and they're… surprisingly gentle. And cold. He'll blame the chills he's experiencing on this man's cold doctor hands. 
Speaking of which…
"You know, usually I get a name before someone holds my hand."
Baring that Barry guy, anyways.
The man pauses in his careful scrutiny to look at him, abashed. "Sorry. The name's Kravitz."
"Nice to meet you."
"You as well." This Kravitz fellow smiles.
"Is it okay if I go over and look at the stand over there?" Angus pipes up. He looks… almost mischievious and Taako isn't sure how to take that.
Kravitz weighs the idea of his son going off again. "Please leave your fanny pack here, I feel as though I'll need the gauze in it. "
"Yay! Just come get me when you're ready to head out," Angus says with a wink. 
"And stay in—"
And then he's gone.
"That boy," Kravitz sighs. "Don't mind him. He's been trying to set me up with someone for a while now."
"Oh?" He winces as the man cleans his wound with a alcohol wipe.
"Sorry." Kravitz pauses, presumably to give Taako a moment to recover from the stinging in his hand. After a few moments he returns to the task at hand. "And yes. I overheard him talking to our neighbor, Killian, about it. Apparently it's his year-end goal."
"That's quite the goal."
"Yes it is," he laughs. "I don't have the heart to tell him that it's not that simple."
"I mean..."
Taako clamps his mouth shut and looks anywhere but at the near stranger before him.
Usually he has more control over his speech. And doesn't say more than two words to complete strangers and minds his own business when not at work. He also usually doesn't have any interest in dating a man with a kid.
But, if he was being honest, he was getting pretty tired of his usual routine.
"If you were interested I would like to pay you back for helping me. Maybe take you out to a local café or something? I know the barista at Vin et Poterie. She makes the best tea and dirty bean water you could ever imagine."
Taako is pretty sure that the offer is a shot in the dark from the way that the man focuses back on his hands while bandaging them with gauze. Part of him wants to take the offer back with a joke, but it isn't one.
Not really.
Kravitz gently tapes the bandages and Taako expects him to take his hands away. To let go. But, instead, he keeps a gentle hold on them. Taako looks down and can't help but admit that out of the strangers' hands that have held his own today, he much prefers these.
"Dirty bean water, eh?"
"Yeah," Taako laughs as he meets Kravitz's dark brown eyes. "I'm not much of a coffee drinker myself, but all of her customers are always raving about it."
Kravitz nods. "I suppose I didn't really have anything else important to do with the rest of my day."
Taako feels an excited fluttering in his stomach as the man holding his hands smiles at him.
"I'll have to drop Angus off with our neighbors, but I imagine you have to drop off your groceries at home as well?"
Taako looks down at the groceries. They were just vegetables and fruits… "None that need to be refrigerated right away."
"Well." Kravitz laughs. "Then I guess we can drop Angus off together and then go off to enjoy some tea and dirty bean water."
"Sounds like a date."
And then they were off.
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