#ooc: if you are curious what is going on look up the tag 'backstory facts'
A passing conversation is heard || The web’s strings
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            --- “My tome..? What about it?”
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             “You’re clearly unfamiliar with it’s origins, correct?”
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               “..Well, yes, I suppose that’s true. How do you know that?”
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               “I am a scholar, such as yourself. The sole reason I’ve come here is due to the connections of your own tome, Apophis. Is that not it’s name?”
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               “I...” Astarot paused with surprise. “You are- correct in it’s name. However, what connections might it have to-”
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                  He holds up his own tome. “It’s relations are that of bonding in my own. Can you guess this one’s name?”
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                  He jolts. “That’s- Could that one possibly go by the name Sang-”
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                “Sanguis, that is correct.” He dawned a smile, holding out a gloved hand. “Where are my manners? My name is Sadao. I am the lord of the Kingdom Rei, a kingdom quite far from here. May I ask for yours?”
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              “...” He hesitates, but takes the other’s hand in his. “Astarot. I am merely a scholar...But how did you find me?”
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              “How else? Sanguis told me where to go.” He replies casually before breaking their contact, placing his own hands behind his back. “If you wish..Come with me to the place I am staying. I am certain you would like to learn more of our tomes and their origins.”
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            “No- I’d be glad to, S- your highness.”
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             “Sadao is just fine..come now. It is best we make haste lest the night falls too heavily.”
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glassesandkim · 5 years
it seems like the fandom's response to lack of backstory for nico or hell any noticeable flaws is to pretend is he in fact flawless and will always be in the right when conflict arises in the relationship and to villify levi i guess. i'm seeing people kinda preemptively ready to hate his guts because how dare he struggle in his first real relationship. honestly the whole i don't want drama talk nico was giving in 15x08 is actually immature and unrealistic and i hate that fandom doesn't see it
(con’td) and when you point it out and criticize nico for it all of a sudden you hate nico??? i can love nico kim and still know when he is acting like a dick and making assumptions on someone based on your own baggage (because levi never once acted like he was shame spiraling at all, let’s be honest here) and then walking away from conflict is not a mature thing to do. so yeah nico gets to have his feelings about whatever conflict comes up but so does levi.
i really don’t get why to the fandom one of these character’s feelings matters more and that’s what i’ve been seeing. talks of how nico gets to be mad about the whole situation with levi’s mother in 15x16 nevermind that we don’t know much about levi’s home situation and there could be a plethora of reasons as to why he hasn’t come out but more importantly it’s his coming out. and he should push himself to do it when he isn’t ready because nico doesn’t want drama? really??
I can’t comment too much on the fandom giving each other a hard time about differing opinions since I don’t personally see it on my dash. But I know the issue exists as they tend to do in fandoms in general and I’m privileged to live in my little bubble of bliss (for now, I guess?). So my knowledge is limited to the people I follow, from your asks, and what I see sometimes when I check the tags. But yes, I’ve seen discussions about the way Nico and Levi handled what happened in the elevator and afterwards.
And I agree with you about Nico. If you follow me, you know I am head over heels, crazy in love with Nico Kim. If he kicked a puppy, I’d probably still love him. 
But of course, I recognize that kicking a puppy is wrong. And it’s why my initial reaction and continued opinion on Nico’s rejection of Levi was: wow, that was a dick thing to do. Could Nico have reacted better? Probably. Do I think it was cruel since he was pursuing and confusing that boy to a point of making all of us crazy? Yes. Do I understand why he aborted ship with Levi after Levi confessed it was his first kiss with a man? Also yes. (I wrote a whole thing when I started answering this ask but decided it was going wildly off topic but if people are curious, I’ll talk about it.)
So no, I don’t see Nico as flawless nor do I think Levi should be vilified if he were to find that coming out to his family hard and struggle with it. And just because you say you don’t want something or are okay with something, doesn’t always prepare you for what’s ahead. (I mean, look at Owen and Cristina. Owen loved her enough to say he doesn’t want kids but it’s one thing to say it and another to live it.) 
Add on to the very complicated and sensitive process of coming out. Add on again coming out to family who you love and who may or may not love you once you do come out. It is not an easy thing to do, ever. Sometimes it is literally choosing life or death to come out. 
And I don’t think Nico would be naive enough to believe that Levi wouldn’t struggle at all with coming out. Nor do I think Nico’s never struggled with it either. I think he believes Levi isn’t ashamed of himself and I also think Levi isn’t. But I don’t think they believe it won’t be a struggle. Like you said, there is a plethora of reasons as to why someone would struggle to come out. Being ashamed is probably the last one in relation to Nico and Levi. 
And I think it would be OOC for Nico to be mad at Levi for not coming out to his fam after we’ve seen him basically claim to be the mayor of Levi Is The Best Evarrrr town. I also think it would be grossly OOC and off narrative for Levi to refuse to come out to his family EVER if the ONLY reason is shame seeing how he’s been so openly and happily living his truth at work and how the writers have built Levi up since the beginning. And that would be the only, very specific, situation in which I would side with Nico and let him have the moral high ground. But even then, Levi gets to feel whatever he’s feeling and Nico is still not right to push and should only excuse himself from the situation if he can’t be supportive and behave and understand that coming out is hard. 
But in conclusion, I totally agree with this: 
nico gets to have his feelings about whatever conflict comes up but so does levi.
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youngrevolutionary · 5 years
just curious (not the same anon but a different. i have been lurking) but what sort of things do you avoid when you want to follow a blog? idk how to ask this the right way
I haven’t answered my asks in a few days and I’m sorry I sat on this one. Hopefully, you’re still lurking to read it! 
Please, friends (and curious anon), don’t take offense to this-- but I follow too many blogs, so my selections as of late have been a bit higher because I too often miss the writing that I want to see from people I regularly follow. That said: 
     Canon Divergency 
I usually don’t follow canon divergent blogs. A writer has to really convince me that it’s worth following a certain way a canon character is written. Some exceptions to this could be, an example, a character that doesn’t ‘actually’ die, or a character that was written off in some terrible fashion in its canon media, or-- shit, there’s a lot of factors that go into why I would follow. 
But really, aren’t all canon blogs canon divergent if we’re crossing onto ‘uncharted territories’ and writing out their lives in the ‘after’ of things? You could easily argue that I am a canon divergent blog, considering that I write Seifer, Zell and Rinoa post-game. 
But like, there are some variances to characters that I struggle seeing as a certain way. Say, if you were to erase a crucial part of a character’s backstory, something that is universally known and you decide to replace it with something (generally on the basis of self-fulfillment) instead, it makes me less inclined to write with you. An example (and take it exactly like that, as an example) being if you were to take Seifer and instead of making him straight or bisexual, you simply make him gay. Just. 1000% loves the D, has never loved women, has never dated women. In fact, he never dated Rinoa. They were ‘just really close friends.’ You’re erasing the relationship that was established in the canon between him and Rinoa. You’re unmaking the extensive list of headcanons that I have spawned from this one singular fact. I can’t write my character the way I want to write him if you undo my years of development. 
       Personal Posts (OOC-Overload)
Another reason for my reluctance to mash that Follow button (and sometimes mash it to Unfollow) are excessive OOC posts. I’m not talking about Aesthetic posts (though queue those out if you’re going on a reblog spree, please, I beg you) But I’m speaking more on the using your RP blog as a personal blog. 
I’m not here to police anybody’s blog, you do you, but I won’t be following you if you are using both as one and the same. Want to vent about your day? Fine. Make multiple posts about it? Ehhh.. bye. 
         Lack of Interest 
Honestly, following a blog that holds little interest to me or to what I’m wanting to write. I won’t be following your Avengers muse anytime soon but that won’t stop me from supporting you in doing so. 
         Conflicting Rules
I’ll tag my nsfw but if your rules are setting me up to where you expect to police my blog, I won’t waste my time. I’m not here to provide a safe space for your comfort, I’m here to creatively express myself through writing. 
This is already too long of a response to this question but I hope that it kind of sheds some light into follow/unfollow policy for me? It looks like a lot but it’s just covering the important ones. 
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ladyloveandjustice · 6 years
Bounen no Xamdou and kiznaiver are some shows im curious about that i havent put any effort into yet
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing | 5 star recommendation
fav characters: Haru and Nakiami. I remember liking Akiyuki’s parents too.least fav characters: Furuichi was such a Nice Guy TM it was…incredible. But at least the show seemed to know that. He honestly got way too much screen time though. That commander guy too. Also his sassy secretary, who according to my liveblog literally told Haru the commander would rape her and then was like “lol just kidding” god WHY. It was so completely random too.fav relationship: idk Haru and her sister? Haru and Akiyuki? NO IDEA.fav moment: Haru kicking that soldier in the face was pretty good. So was Haru slapping Furuichi who had it coming so hard. Haru reuniting with her sis and Haru and Nakiami bonding. I had to go back in the tag to find these.headcanons/theories: it’s been way too long since I watched the show to have that.unpopular opinion: Haru is great, apparently that is unpopular. Do you see that list of things she did.how’d you find it: Think it was on Netflix and I was just like, let’s do it, that art looks nice.random thoughts: The anime had great art and fun concepts and and interesting world and some characters with a lot of potential if i remember but it all ended up kinda a mess by the end. it’s one where I really loved the vibe but wish it had been more competently written. The fact i cannot tell you what the plot was at all should tell you how memorable it was. I remember the ending being totally confusing and depressing and that’s it. That opening was rad though.
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing | 5 star recommendation
(It’s kinda a tie between those. i mean it’s not horrific but. i wouldn’t recommend it)
fav characters: god i can barely remember anything about them they were that blah. looking it up i’ll go with maki because she’s bi. least fav characters: no idea. i guess Tenga because iirc he made a rape joke for no reason. it seemed v. ooc though.fav relationship: MAKI’S GAY BACKSTORY I GUESS.fav moment: I literally remember nothing that’s how blah this anime was. again i’ll go with Maki’s gay backstory it was full on tragic lesbians and bury your gays but at least it got my attention.headcanons/theories: I don’t care enough.unpopular opinion: let maki have a girlfriend you cowards.how’d you find it: I was like, reviewing all the anime that season I could for the sake of an article so i forced myself through this onerandom thoughts: I guess this anime was the definition of mediocre because like i said, i remember nothing. except the gay thing. AND I DIDN’T WATCH IT THAT LONG AGO. 
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