#oh! also the sharks are important pay attention to the sharks whenever they're brought up uwu
megarywrites · 1 year
Day 15 - 30 Line challenge
posting now in case i don't write more before i head into work. this is a new location and I've been mulling over how to describe it, and this is what I have so far
A naturally-hewn archway opened out into a deep bowl-like valley, the dark crags of the stone nearly obliterated by the blanket of coral covering the walls. Rose-shaped corals, bright pink and fanning out wider than the span of my arms, pale yellow bushes with gently swaying tendrils, clusters of spikes cover in a lilac or deep red crust, pillowy mounds of soft blue that were covered with a labyrinthine design. Fish roamed freely, crustaceans skittered over surfaces or into the crevices between, sea caterpillars sat perched on the edges of some of the flatter coral, and five-pointed creatures I had only seen dried up on the shores of Psari crawled around like spiders.  “I had forgotten how much it reminded me of the Gava,” Solera said, drawing my attention away from the slow progression of the pinkish-orange five-pointed creature that had caught my eye. “The shape of it, you know?”  “That, or the court inside Katania.”  Her expression fell when I looked over at her. Memories of atrocities she had seen there must have been flashing behind her eyes, too. Of crushed hands and wrenched-out tongues and burning corpses.  I propelled myself forward a little so I could look up to where the bowl extended past our heads. All thoughts of Katania were dispelled by the sight of a herd of sharks circling just above where the rock wall ended.
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