#ofc your wants and opinions are most valued as the requester so don't be afraid to ask for whatever you like <3
prentissluvr · 8 months
sweet 🍇anon who requested for luke if you see this! lmk if you want me to be making this romantic bc i've been making it ambiguous (could be read as romantic or platonic depending on any extra details the individual reader would like to add) and then i realized i could just try and ask you! so yeah lol i just don't want to assume anything bc your request could go either way and i could make this purely hurt/comfort or i can make it hurt/comfort but they are kinda in love with each other and there are actual details about that part lol <3 either one is very doable and very enjoyable for me but i wanted to double check with you before assuming one way or the other <333
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