#now I guess the Captain's flashbacks are a) very tightly focussed on him with no interaction or even observation by the others
carpe-mamilia · 7 months
Nathan: What are some of your favourite Captain moments over the series?
Ben: Well obvi- I think, yeah, definitely the Havers episode, because it was really nice to be... again, it felt indulgent at the time, but actually we were able to kind of put enough story around it to make it sit. But it was a kind of little glimpse, and, um, my friend Pete, who played Havers, did it so well -
Mat: Yeah.
Ben: - that it was so delightful to do those scenes because it felt that we were going into territory that you just look behind the curtain a little bit, and it's like "ohhh that's who he is!"
Nathan: Yeah.
Ben: And - but that's all you need, you just need to see who he is. So you kind of, every time you see him after that, you know that this is a man who has so much, ah, pain and suffering going on under the surface. And we all do.
Nathan: And we love him more for it!
Ben: We're all - every single character, everybody you meet in your life has stuff going on you don't know about.
Nathan: Absolutely.
Ben: And so it's kind of just humanising the character, to a point. But I love those scenes because they had to be quick, they had to be on the money, but it had to get across all of this emotion that wasn't allowed to come out. And, um, lovely to be able to play that, as part of that character, yeah.
(Inside Ghosts, 'Gone Gone')
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