#novel prapai said that he'll never lift a finger anymore after living alone in london but the moment sky told him to clean his bathroom
theyellowhue · 2 years
I think its so hilarious that former playboy Prapai said "no" to sex with his whole chest and when he admitted that, "okay, i played servant all day for you BUT NOT FOR SEX. The end goal for today was to get kisses from you and maybe heavy petting" then you can just see the resolve in his eyes disintegrating but he was still firm on "what i really want is to love you and have your heart and if that leads to sex, then thats just a bonus not a priority"
Prapai really went from playboy to devoted house husband after a one-night stand and a single date from a college kid who is so emotionally guarded that the walls he built around his heart could make the great wall run for its money
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