#not only is the marriage to alison dead but it's so much harder for them to function without each other after everything
marc--chilton · 28 days
(mgv) adam is a natural with kids and doesn't even realize it. he frets about taking care of diana on his own because he's so convinced he'll mess her up so bad -- and he's so aware of her trauma with zep, a stranger who hurt her and her family, and how soon adam melded into the gordons' lives directly after all that. it's not even a "i hope my boyfriend's kid likes me" because adam's been nervous about fucking up around her since the moment he and lawrence moved in together and diana was cleared to visit on weekends. and while lawrence admits he would have never considered adam for a babysitter before, he has, frankly, a generous amount of faith that adam is worrying over nothing.
but he doesn't think twice about cutting the crusts off her sandwiches when she asks, reassures her when she admits she wants a nightlight even though she's a big girl, he even swallows his own fear to check every closet for her when she's scared the Bad Man will come back. he lets her crawl in his lap while she reads her book, he purrs his obscenely loud, rough, engine-like purr just because it makes her laugh, complains with her about homework because, like, i know right? multiplication tables? gross.
then diana goes back to alison and adam heaves a huge sigh, having tried so hard but still not convinced he does right by her.
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ovo1990 · 7 years
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Aria Montgomery: the rundown
Season 1:
Aria is categorized as the artsy family oriented girl who spent time away from Rosewood for a year while keeping a family secret who transformed into a girl who found love in a seemingly hopeless place with her teacher while her family is falling apart. Might I say that Byron is awful for having his teenage daughter keep his secret, that put her in an impossible position because all she wanted to do was keep her family together. Its a lot for a 16 year old to handle. Cue her and Ezra’s first encounter which was way too quick to my liking. I think they should’ve tried harder to stay away from each other, I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship that I would have to hide from the world—which is what they fought about during the course of this season. She forced herself into a relationship with Noel then they all thought he was A after the whole I See You thing on the car window. I do like how she stuck by her friends. I feel like she was the most skeptical about Alison’s bull than the rest in this season.
Season 2:
Although during this season she was more free to be with Ezra since he wasn’t her teacher at this point but I feel like if she can’t be with him around her family and friends then there’s no point. Ezra should feel gross by dating a kid. Don’t get me wrong, they have their cute moments, are loyal to each other, and have strong feelings for one another I just feel like it should’ve started when she was 18 because if the Rosewood PD was full of competent officers, Ezra would’ve been in some serious trouble. Cue Jason and her little thing where he was semi obsessive with the pictures, idk how I feel about that. Is Rosewood a place where men in their 20s go cruising for high school girls to date. I think this is the season she had that “hey, I have options’’ approach to dating. The thing that I hated about this season was when the parents got the Liars to separate but at the same time I love that it gave them time to trick A(even though it didn’t work out exactly how they planned, I loved it). I thought Dr. Sullivan was full of crap.
Season 3: 
I saw a lot of growth in Aria in the next two seasons but I noticed a lot of her growing moments have to do with her relationship with Ezra. The whole train thing was pretty intense. That whole being in a crate with a dead Garrett Reynolds should’ve been traumatizing for her. I have to say, out of all the times that Ali came to them, when she came to Aria it was my favorite.
Season 4:
When Maggie came to town she had to put things realistically and first started asking herself “can I do this? he has a child”, “can I see this in my future?”, “should I be dating someone my own age?” cue Jake. I enjoyed her relationship with Jake, they were on the same level and I think it had her thinking that she can survive without Ezra, I know their relationship was intense but Jake was a realistic choice considering age, common interests, and clicking quickly. But just like Maggie pushing her away, that led to her being pulled back in when the truth about Malcolm’s paternity was revealed.he went through a lot in season 4 with lashing out at Ezra for his “book” (which I loved) finding out that Alison is alive, etc. 
Season 5:
When Ezra got shot- it gave them more in depth memories and tested them- I was not surprised when they had sex a month later. Her character has such a great dynamic with the whole Shana thing(minus the whole YouTubing her funeral thing but anyways-moving along) I think she should’ve turned to the other girls more instead of trying to check on Jenna because of her guilt. Em went through the same murder-by-self-defense thing, she could’ve turned to her or the others instead of trying to create some distance. The whole dollhouse fiasco was ridiculous but I loved the scene when they found out the verdict was read out, it showed that no matter what happened leading up to that that their friendship was so strong.
Season 6:
I feel like she was the most traumatized post-dollhouse, I love how it was portrayed, gave her more depth. Five years forward I’m glad at Cece’s hearing she told the truth. I find Byron and Ella’s second marriage irrelevant, only thing that would’ve made me perk up would’ve been Mike attending; it was sweet and special that Aria officiated it though. Moving right along, I don’t think Ezria should be engaged because they broke up way before the season 6 time jump making it about 6 years since they’ve been together plus they didn’t see each other during the time jump, they had sex and then in a week or so’s time he was down on one knee, how is that realistic..Over the course of 7 years I think the most impressive thing about her is how much she’s matured, she thinks about things and calculates her moves instead of her younger and impulsive days. Bravo soon to be Mrs. Fitz.
Season 7:
So far I feel like she’s the one who was most determined for normalcy. I think she just wanted to keep her relationship with Ezra solid, I’m glad she kept him from the dark and depressing state he was in in 6A. Other than rekindling Ezria, she hasn’t been doing much in the first half of this season which is probably due to her having a good arc in 7b. 
Fave moments so far:
the emotions she felt watching Ezra find Nicole
accepting the proposal
her fashion sense
being honest at Cece’s hearing
“don’t look at me, I’m ready to hang a sign ’‘bitch can see!”
“she chipped us? she frickin chipped us”
the meltdown after finding out Ezra played her
officiating her parent’s wedding
the night she brought Ali back to Welby
when her and Spencer almost froze to death
What I want from her in the final 10 episodes:
I want her to really be clear about her relationship with ezra before marrying him. if after that she decides she wants to marry him then so be it, get married, have your career, have your man, start a family and be happy. If not draw the line with Ezra, give him back the ring and don’t go back to him.
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