#not medically thankfully but definitely mentally. I'm still suffering bc of their bullshit 8 years(!!!!) later
daz4i · 6 months
anti self diagnosis discourse (abt mental illnesses, idk physical stuff) still blows my mind, esp coming from ppl who live in countries where you can't get psychiatric medicines without prescription, bc like i genuinely do not see the harm in it at all. ig there's the whole pathologizing aspect i see ppl talk about but like that can (and often does) happen if you have an official diagnosis as well so does it really count. teens diagnosing themselves with serious mental illnesses 1 aren't always wrong 2 if they /are/ wrong, they often do this bc they have some other serious problem that's worth looking into anyway (except it's often brushed off as "everyone has anxiety" and stuff like that, which is why they lean into the less common disorders in the first place), but using a label of some personality disorder isn't gonna negate that somehow if they have someone looking out for them. even adults who self-dx, like, likely do it bc they have no way to get an official diagnosis, and again it's not like latching onto a label for now particularly harms them (if it does, the problem is not the label itself. like if they do bad shit to others, then instead of excusing it with "i do that bc i have x disorder" they'll just say "i do that bc that's who i am/that's how i was born" or shit like that, lbr. what I'm saying is the issue isn't the seld-dxing here but the behavior itself that could exist even without it/with an official diagnosis just the same)
and yeah i mean all this even if the person in question DOES have the means to get an official diagnosis, bc that shit is still difficult and scary, and if you're a woman or a person of color or lgbt (esp trans) or even just fat you're already gonna have a hard time getting one (or getting an *accurate* one, at least) anyway bc medical officials and esp psychiatric ones seem to dismiss or mishandle those groups in particular
like. from my own personal experience here. getting an official diagnosis that later ended up being wrong hurt me way more in the long run than self diagnosing with something and being wrong ever could (also, i self-dxed and ended up being right, too, so like maybe we can trust people to know what they're talking about when it comes to their own psyche and consider that maybe they can do their research about mental illness just fine)
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