#not defined by it. for I've evolved brand new and my current life + the opportunities I have right now kick ass
lunasilvis · 8 months
Gradually shifting into a sunnier mood and it feels kinda good 🌞 I also managed to fix an advancing mechanical/electrical issue today with my bass amplifier which was becoming a bigger annoyance by day :/ cheers to diy'ing household (or traditionally masculine) issues as a woman, forever
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afridazamangurugram · 4 months
Setting SMART Goals for professional & personal growth. by Afrida Zaman | Chief People Branding Coach In today's rapidly changing world, it is indeed true that the job market is evolving, and many students may find themselves employed in roles that don't currently exist. This reality highlights the importance of continuous learning and adaptability. To consider oneself educated solely based on traditional knowledge can be a mistake, as the definition of education has been redefined in recent years. The traditional curriculum may no longer be sufficient to prepare individuals for the future, and new approaches are needed. Welcome to the "Setting SMART Goals for Personal Growth" Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and skills you need to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals that can take your personal and professional life to new heights. So, are you ready to take the first step towards becoming the best version of yourself? Enroll with us today and start setting SMART goals for your personal & professional growth! One effective method for setting and achieving goals in this dynamic environment is the S.M.A.R.T framework. SMART goals are a proven framework used by successful individuals across various fields. They serve as a compass, directing our efforts toward achievable targets. So, let's break down what SMART stands for: S - Specific The "S" in SMART stands for "Specific." When setting goals, it's crucial to be clear and concise about what you want to achieve. Avoid vague aspirations and instead define your objectives in precise terms. For example, rather than saying, "I want a better job," specify the position, industry, or company you aspire to join. M - Measurable The next letter, "M," represents "Measurable." It's essential to establish measurable criteria to track your progress. Ask yourself: How will I know when I've achieved my goal? By quantifying your targets, such as earning a specific certification or increasing your network connections by a certain number, you'll have tangible markers of success. A - Achievable Moving on to the letter "A," which stands for "Achievable." It's important to set goals that are realistic and within your reach. While it's great to dream big, it's equally crucial to consider the resources, skills, and time required to accomplish your objectives. By setting attainable goals, you'll maintain motivation and increase your chances of success. R - Relevant The fourth letter, "R," emphasizes "Relevance." Ensure that your goals align with your overall aspirations, values, and long-term plans. It's crucial to identify how achieving these goals will contribute to your personal growth, professional development, or desired outcomes. When your goals align with your broader vision, you'll experience a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment. T - Time-bound Finally, we have the letter "T," which represents "Time-bound." To avoid procrastination and maintain a sense of urgency, it's important to set clear deadlines for your goals. Establishing specific timeframes creates a sense of accountability and helps you prioritize your efforts effectively Setting SMART goals is a powerful tool for personal development and success. By following this framework and taking consistent action, you will be on your way to becoming your best self. Best of luck with your goal-setting journey! via YouTube https://youtu.be/_cDdy-FkxoE
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foldercompilation · 5 months
Candy-Coated Crowns: Stella Isobel B. Schiaparelli from Schiaparelli Jewelers, photographed by Arabella Sørensen. January/2024.
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Meet Stella Biancheri – immersed in the world of modeling, she started her journey through countless shoots for the jewelry collections she currently directs. Intrigued by the industry, she initially delved into shoots for Van Cleef and gradually expanded to collaborations with smaller brands. Today, her portfolio boasts projects with major names like Celine and Miu Miu. Oh, and did we mention she's working on a lingerie line with Kat The Label? Dive into the allure of Stella's evolving fashion odyssey.
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No matter how busy and bustling life may be, Stella carved out a space in her schedule to chat with us, providing insights into her journey, answering a few questions, and outlining her plans for 2024. Interviewed by Arabella Sørensen, Stella unveiled intriguing and delightful aspects of her personality and personal life.
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A: Hello, Stella! Welcome to our interview. Firstly, I'd like to know, what were your first steps in the fashion world?
S: Hello Arabella, thank you for having me here. And thanks to every reader for dedicating a bit of their time and interest! I've always been immersed in this world, learning from my mother, Christelle, an art enthusiast, especially in fashion. Her unique expression of personality through clothing inspired my calling. At just 13, I developed a desire to be a fashion designer. I created my own designs, bringing them to life with the help of my mother. I remember opening a small online store to sell them upon requests from some schoolmates. It wasn't a long-lasting or widely renowned venture, more of an experimental hobby. Later on, I decided not to pursue that path and opted for modeling, but it was certainly a defining moment for me.
A: How would you describe your personal style?
S: I've always seen myself as an extremely versatile person, maybe? and somewhat eclectic in terms of my personal style. I would say everything varies according to my mood and the nature of the occasion! But overall, I can describe it as classic and fun.
A: What inspires you when creating or choosing clothes and accessories?
S: My main inspirations for creating collections, whether they are clothing or jewelry design, are quite relative. I draw ideas from very simple things sometimes, like an interesting dialogue, a specific person who sparks my creativity, or even distinct cultures that I regularly study. I really have many sources! As for choosing clothes and accessories, I would say my inspiration comes from practicality, to be quite honest.
A: How do you see fashion trends evolving in the coming years?
S: Well, it's challenging to predict future trends. Fashion is a means of communication among people; each person has their style and expresses themselves through it. We learn from each other, and that's how trends are created—it's a celebration of authenticity. I eagerly anticipate diversity in campaigns and runways, hoping it continues to grow, along with sustainability. This includes environmental responsibility projects and social critiques through fashion shows, models, and collections.
A: What was the most memorable experience in your career related to fashion events?
S: Without a doubt, winning the 'Grand Prix de l’Exposition Universelle de Paris 2023' with Schiaparelli under my creative and executive direction. It was a source of immense pride, and I am extremely grateful for that moment.
A: Do you have any exciting collaborations or future projects you'd like to share?
S: Oh! Oui, ma chérie! I've been working on incredibly interesting projects for this year—new collections, new collaborations with major brands... who knows, maybe a Stella Biancheri line is on the horizon?
A: How have you faced challenges throughout your career?
S: Challenges throughout any career are truly unavoidable; we all need to go through tough situations before achieving success. To gain experience better than anyone, absolutely nothing comes without hard work, no matter how influential one may be. But despite everything, I've always had the best people by my side, which undoubtedly makes things easier.
A: Well, that wraps up our interview. Thank you for trusting my work and choosing to collaborate with me. It's been a pleasure and will always be an honor! Hope to see you more often! Until next time.
S: I thank you for this great opportunity to be part of your wonderful work, Arabella! It was truly an honor to work alongside you in this interview. I hope everyone enjoyed getting to know a little more about me, and see you soon!
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Production credits:
Photography by Arabella Sørensen.
Stylist by Angel Velluto.
Set design by Hyun Jung.
Hair by Ross Kwan.
Model Stella Isobel Biancheri.
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