#not a very successful one but like. he tries. he compromises. often w/o being aware he's doing so
tyrannuspitch · 5 months
thinking about CO fic again in a very vague way and god i'd forgotten how much fun it was to deal with Such distinctive character voices :') i love you vampire media...
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Jackson is the definition of a clingy boyfriend, any time he can get a bit of your attention or close the gap a little bit closer towards you, he’ll definitely do so. He’s always very reluctant to let you out of his hold, or out of his gaze.
He was very friendly to everyone he met, so with that of course, you just thought he was being nice to you too. As you got closer, he began to get a little flirtier with you, but you brushed it aside again as something he just did to everyone to make them feel comfortable. It definitely hurt Jackson seeing you react so coldly, but he could see why you did so.
One night when you brushed him aside, the pain became too much. He took you by surprise by pulling you to one side, offloading every feeling he had, both the hurt he felt by the way he treated you and how much he felt himself falling for you. You were shocked, it took a long time for you to react, Jackson was convinced you were going to reject him, but just as he began to walk away you pulled him back and let him know how you felt too.
He often liked to impress you on dates, he’d always arrange something special for the two of you, if it was dinner, he’d pick somewhere fancy, or if it was at a movie, he’d always make sure to get the best seats for you. He was an absolute gentleman on all of your dates, he always paid and always made sure you were well looked after. As much as he loved to whine and dine you, if you suggested a night lazing around on the sofa, he’d be more than down for that too, whatever you wanted to do, he’d do with you, as long as you were happy then Jackson knew that the date was going to be a success.
The few relationships he’d had before you had fizzled out as soon as he began to get busy, which was his biggest concern with you. However, you were a lot more understanding than his previous girlfriends, at times he found himself questioning why you stuck around, but coming home at midnight and seeing you awake, with dinner prepared, answered everything. He hated sometimes how pushed aside you could be, but as you constantly reassured him, you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into by dating him, and as long as work was going well, you were happy to be the second priority.
He hates fighting with a passion, he’s more argumentative about the fact the two of you shouldn’t argue than what you’re arguing about. If you walk away, he’ll follow you, if you try to leave, he’ll hide the keys, there’s no way that he’ll let you allow an argument to go on for longer than it needs to. He won’t cry, but he’ll definitely feel himself getting emotional, he’s passionate about even the smallest of things, no matter what the two of you argue about, he’ll refuse to let it go. Once he’s told you how he’s felt, he’ll listen to how you feel and quickly find a way for you both to come to some sort of compromise.
It was no secret that Jackson was very close with his family, especially Aimee. He’d hyped you up to his niece before you’d even met, somehow convincing her that you were his princess, which was an idea she absolutely loved. So, when you finally met them, and saw the way her eyes lit up, you knew that you were going to settle in well with his family.
He spent a lot of his time travelling between countries, so it didn’t take long for Jackson to encourage you to move in with him. During some months, his time in Korea was limited, so he wanted to have you around for as much of it as possible. It also meant he could spend more time with you, which he was never going to decline. Coming home and seeing you there was a feeling he’d never quite get used to.
Even though he knew weeks before he said the first ‘I love you,’ on one of your dinner dates, Jackson was hesitant to say it too quickly and overwhelm you. As soon as he said it, it definitely took you by surprise, you weren’t sure if it was just you that was falling quickly, but you’d quickly reply, and let him know that you loved him too.
He’d definitely try and play his jealousy down, he hated letting on to anyone that someone had annoyed him. This was when clingy Jackson would often make an appearance, he wasn’t afraid to hug you a little bit tighter or kiss you a little more frequently if it meant that whoever was around you got the message. Once you were out of the situation, you’d always ask him about it, but he’d just try and convince you that he just wanted a hug, even though you could see right through him each and every time.
From the start of your relationship, it will be made obvious to you that Jackson wants kids in the future. Seeing him around Aimee, you could see how much of an incredible dad he’d be, but he also felt the same way watching you with her. It would definitely be something he’d try and plan into his future, he had a goal in mind for when he’d want to start his family by, a goal he had in mind with you definitely planned in too.
No one could make you laugh quite like Jackson could, he was always messing around in order to put a smile on your face. He loves to tell plenty of dodgy jokes that you’ll laugh at once you’ve finished cringing of course. Similarly, he loves to laugh around you, he’ll often be smiling when you won’t have even done anything, just seeing you around him was enough to make his heart warm. If you ever were feeling down, prepare for his hands to tickle your body endlessly until the smile is permanently back on your face, he’ll refuse to ever see you down.
He always hoped that missing you would be a feeling he’d get used to with how much he had to travel, but it never did. He’d try everything to be able to get you to travel with him, but usually it wasn’t possible. Whenever he was on tour, he’d text you several times throughout the day, and always dedicate at least one hour every couple of days to be able to call you. He worries endlessly about you; he’ll struggle to focus most days unless he’s heard from you that morning so he can at least know that you’re alright. He’ll text you several times until he gets a reply back that can try and ease your mind.
The cheesier the better with Jackson, he’ll push all the boundaries until you have to tell him to stop. With that, he’ll love for you to call him every cliché nickname, it always puts a huge smile on his face.
He was obsessed with everything about you, it was impossible for Jackson to ever pinpoint one thing he loved about you more than anything else.
Jackson didn’t care who was watching, if he wanted to be close to you or hug you or kiss you, he would. He’d still be respectful of wherever you were, but he’d never allow himself to be pressured to stand away from you or let you go. In any interview where your name was mentioned, he’d talk you about you nonstop too.
He would tend to ask questions late at night to stop you falling asleep. He’d want to stay up as long as possible so he could enjoy your company, or at least keep you awake until he was sleepy, so he had someone with him.
Jackson loves to involve you when you least expect it. If he’s got an interview or fan meeting, he’ll ask you for a random word just before he leaves the house. When you watch his interviews or see social media afterwards, you’ll notice how he tries to include that word somehow into conversation so that you know he’s thinking about you. Even the fans became sceptical as to what was going on when one day, he managed to describe his song using a watermelon.
It very much depends on the mood how Jackson will treat you, sometimes he’ll be very soft and sensual, but he also has a very dominate side where he loves to show off to you how strong he is. He’ll never be too rough; however, he’ll go as far as you’re comfortable with. But if he’s in one of his clingy moods, you won’t be able to get him off you, he’ll hold you and kiss you even long after you’re finished as he doesn’t want to let you go.
He’ll text you often throughout the day, often at the most random times. If he’s thinking of you, he’ll let you know, or if he’s encountered a problem, he’ll turn to you first to try and find a way to solve it all.
He was very aware he had millions of fans, but none of them compared to you. In a crowd of thousands, he always knew that he could find you. You didn’t understand it sometimes, but it was just something Jackson knew.
As he travelled so much, he’d make sure to take you with him as often as he could. If you were going on a trip with him, he’d make sure to extend it by a day or two so that you both had some free days where you could do your own thing. He loved to show you the world and take you to places you never imagined you’d go.
He’s clingy, and he loves your attention, so if you don’t give it to him, be assured you’ll know about it. You’re pretty sure the other side of the city can hear him whine sometimes.
Whenever he has you close, it will be an instinct for him to press a kiss to your cheek. He won’t ever feel like he can’t kiss you, if he wants to, he’ll do it. His kisses vary a lot too, sometimes it will just be a soft peck to your cheek, but other times he’ll grab your face and make sure you know exactly what he wants. They’re a very good indicator of how he’s feeling, and you’ll always make sure to respond accordingly.
You were the one for him, the only one that he wanted in a world of billions.
His clinginess definitely continues at night, he can’t sleep without you there which often makes touring so difficult. You can often hear him muttering into your ear as you begin to sleep when he wants you to know how he feels.
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