#nobutoshi is to blame for zephyra's trauma
vicciouxs Β· 3 months
As a "sim parent" (sim maker) we shouldn't have favorites - but we do. Post your favorite sim baby (the golden child) and least fave. Pass it on!
thank u sm for this πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’ and sorry for taking so long πŸͺ¦
FAVORITE OC β‚ŠΛšβ˜…. genji takiro !!
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This shouldn't be a surprise, he is my spoiled child who began to appear in my notebooks during my school years, capable and was 9 years old, idk. Honestly, in terms of appearance he looks a lot like me, but with more confidence and determination. What hurts me the most is the twist I gave in the story because now he's only looking for revenge, furthermore, he never shows his feelings and always worries about others, so he carries more weight on his shoulders than he can bear.
LEAST FAVORITE OC β‚ŠΛšβ˜…. nobutoshi kagiyashiki !!
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He is Genji's father, they are practically the same and that makes genji angry, because he hates him. He is the boss of the yakuza, whose Hanzō was the right hand man. I don't want to give too many details, but he is a man of twisted morals and simply a bad person, a potential psychopath, completely lacking empathy.
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