#no it ISN'T ironic that my favorite superman story is Red Son
to2llynottoby · 9 months
Superman is my version of Mike's TNG. No I don't want Superman to be mean. No I don't want him to have relationship drama. NO I don't want him to kill people. I get that other superhero media can do that and that's fine but don't do it to Superman. And if your guy is just a Superman analogue who does all that stuff? Don't like it don't care. That's not what I come to Superman stories for, and people who do are drooling troglodyte knuckledraggers. Not everything has to be edgy or subversive or dark or angry. If a boy from Kansas who believes in truth, justice, and the American way is too optimistic for you then go jack off to Watchmen for the 74th time.
Also I can't read and will never look at a book, so there's that similarity too lol
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