#ngl I’ve got the biggest grin rn
secret-rendezvous1d · 7 years
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Okay so it was a really long day and night it overran by two hours and I can’t remember the exact order everything happened so it may not be chronologically accurate but I’m gonna try my best to tell it from start to finish as correct as possible.
So once we were like in the waiting area to go in everyone was just chilling out and stuff all just waiting to go in, people were singing along to the music that was playing and it was all nice and chilled, well it was until someone worked out that Harry was in a room near us and this one girl managed to somehow make 300/400 people be quiet and told us that Harry was in that room and we all started yelling his name and cheering and shit and I couldn’t see so I don’t know if he came out or not but eventually everyone just screamed and then went back to their seats so I don’t know exactly what happened there but something happened 😂 then Taylor swift we are never ever getting back together comes on the radio so we all start singing along to that to take the piss lmao and then eventually we start going in.
So the stage place was great I’ll like draw a diagram or something but it was like a circular stage with the bands stuff and everything on it and then there was a catwalk bit as well and we all fill up around it and then there are seats at the end for people who got seats like Harry’s family etc. I saw Anne, this was like an amazing achievement for me cuz it’s fucking Anne I was shook lmao so yeah and then we did all the warm up cheering and stuff before nick came on and he told us it was Sarah’s birthday so we all sang happy birthday without actually being told to so it was a little out of time but I think she was happy with it lmao. Then he introduced Harry and omfg I just I can’t he was so fucking beautiful like you think he’s pretty in the pics and then he’s stood right in front of you and you’re just like holy shit it’s an angel and ughhhhh he’s wearing that suit and omg we all just lost our minds 😂
He did a bit of a chat with us just saying hello and thanks and he introduced the band and then it came to Mitch, I didn’t even realise it was Mitch he’d cut his hair off I was like woah wtf and someone yells “where’s the hair” and Harry was like “wouldn’t we like to know” and made a sarcastic comment about him not knowing and then joked that they carry it around with them like a wig and said that he wasn’t aware it was being cut off too and he was being all cute with us he came over to my section by the side of the stage and waved to us all and everyone was screaming but I was just like in shock so I was just staring like wtf this man is not actually in front of me rn and he just smiled at me and omg I was like fuck no that didn’t just happen it did he fucking looked at me and smiled holy shit. So he started with two ghosts and it was so beautiful hearing it live and all the lighting and stuff they had was amazing and just made it an amazing experience and we were swaying and stuff it was so nice.
Someone asked him what he had for lunch as he said fish so after a while we started asking what type of fish and he was confused as to why we were asking but eventually told us he had seabass and that it was very nice. Turns out the girl who asked worked at McDonald’s so wanted to know, the warm up comedian guy made a good point that Harry wouldn’t go to McDonald’s and she was like “we sell fish” and he was like right okay then.
Okay then I think he did from the dining table next omg the people behind me was so funny she was like “oh shit no someone hold me!” I was like same girl same but he did that and it was just silence and I’m gonna be honest I was stood next to my mum and when he went “played with myself” I lost it I laughed, no one heard it I just found it awkward af hearing him actually say it and I laughed, it sounded more like a choke but yeah my immature mind couldn’t take it. There was one bit when we all clapped along but then went back to silence and at the end we were like stunned cuz it took a couple secs to get the clapping going again but it was shocking to hear it live it was so emotional I wasn’t prepared.
THEN RODGER OMG okay Rodger is like the manager of something and he was kinda telling everyone what to do, he got us going for the clapping and stuff and was pausing between songs to make sure everything was right, so Rodger was like alright Harry we gotta do two ghosts again and Harry was like what okay then so he did it again and it was just as good as the first time. He was jokingly yelling at Rodger and we joined in and when he asked what he was supposed to do they said nothing and he was like that’s all I’m good for I was like baby nooo. Then he did meet me in the hallway holy shit that was amazing he was so good and hearing the “give me some morphineeee” but it gave me shivers even tho it wasn’t him who sung it.
He joked that all the sad songs were done and he did a cheeky grin and was like let’s move on be happy and Rodger was like wait no Harry we need FTDT again please and Harry said that he looked like a prat now and omg no one needs to hear FTDT twice it hurt I wasn’t prepared and the people behind me were literally freaking out about it I was like omg okay this is crazy 😂
We were asking him for jokes while they sorted the staging and he asked if we had any and I think someone said the cow one and he was like omg no but while laughing so we didn’t get a joke. He also said something like “I’ve got one joke but it’s a bit dirty,” then he looked over the crowd towards Anne and was like “can’t tell them the one you told me the other day can I Sandra!”
Then I think he might’ve done seeet creature? This is where the order gets a bit muddled sorry I’m not 100% anymore, but he was like “this is sweet creature” and everyone screamed and he did it and it was so beautiful I FUCKING LOOKED OVER TO ANNE AND SHE WAS SINGING ALONG I WAS LIKE OMG MY HEART so yeah that was just really really nice to listen to it was beautiful.
Then I think he did ever since New York? He was like “sing along if you know it” so I was like holy shit Stockholm syndrome yes let’s do it! Then he said something like “this is a song I wrote uhh wrote it a while ago when I was uhh yeah I was in New York” and ngl I love the song but it’s never been my favourite but hearing it live was amazing and I loved it as much as the others I think he had a guitar for it and stuff it was just nice and chilled.
He went off stage at some point for a wee lmao and when he came back he shook hands with the warm up guy, he did this every time they passed each other my heart ugh, and he came back and said “I was walking back and someone asked me if I was gonna change my suit!” He was so offended aww he also said that someone told him a joke so he told us and yeah wasn’t great he was like “a bear walked into a bar and said I’ll have a pint of beer and a ………. packet of peanuts. The bartender says why the big pause” and we all just went a little quiet and he goes “you know, paws, bears have paws” and he put his hands up like paws and we all laughed and he wasn’t happy with it lmao
Then he did Carolina and omg he fucking loves it you can tell he loves it so much he was coming around the stage making us doing the lalalalas and was just loving every second of it I was like you’re so happy I love youuu Woman was amazing, I was there with my mum and she really doesn’t like it lmao so she looked at me like wtf Sophie why I was like soorryyyy gotta love it tho and ugh it was an experience the lighting was all red and like sexy? I dunno but yeah it was fucking amazing I was shook. During the instrumental he just stood with his back to us but did that like body roll dancing thing he does you know? Where he like bobs his head to the music and stuff? I don’t know if that makes sense but he did that lmao then he finished it and we all went wild lmao
Then he told us another joke but really dragged it out so he told us a line then did a song then told us a line and then a song so it went like this:
“Two cupcakes were in an oven”
“One cupcake turns to the other and says hey”
“Wait where did I get to?” We tell him where he got to “oh yeah yeah okay, one cupcake turns to the other and says hey, the other goes ah! A talking cupcake!”
And we all just stared at him like wtf even was that and he was like “breaking it up like that really ruined it” and we were just like wtf Harry no
Sign of the times was just yeah wow he dedicated it to Freya, a girl who was a victim in the Manchester attack. He said “this next one, in dedicating to my friend Freya who’s here tonight” and it was really sweet I could see her and they from where I was, she was sat near Anne, and they were all smiling at her. The whole thing was amazing we all sang along I cried cuz Anne was crying like it made me so sad and I felt bad for like watching her so I wasn’t watching but I glanced over and she was wiping her eyes and just sobbing and I just wanted to give her the biggest hug and at the end the people she was with were comforting her so it was okay but it still hurt to see it. He didn’t do “it’s a sign. Of. The. Times” bit that he does towards the end when it’s live I was like damn and i don’t think he did all the of the ending cuz I know there were a few bits where it was just us singing but it was so great to just listen to it it was amazing.
Lou came on to do his make up and he looked at us and was like I don’t wear make up and someone said that he always says that and he said he doesn’t she said he does and then he was like IVE BEEN EXPOSED! He kept moving while she was doing it tho he must be an absolute pest he was looking around and she was putting powder on his and she was sorting his hair and he was turning to look at us and stuff.
We all started chanting for kiwi, my section all started singing it and he just looked over with a smirk and he was like maybe…. all cheeky then deadpanned “no” and I swear we all gasped lmao and ugh he grinned that smile will be the death of me so then he did it he did kiwi. It had a really big drum intro so everyone was like what’s it’s gonna be then kiwi started and we all went mad and it was an outer body experience the lighting was incredible he was going crazy he did the stance with his hand on his hip he was insane it was honestly so just in awe of it and then after he was like “we need to start doing that one last, I get all sweaty” and everyone started cheering for it again and he was like maybe at the end alright?
He was talking to a fan in the audience and he was nodding along to what she was saying then at the end goes “that sounds really interesting but I’ll be honest I didn’t hear any of it” Then he did only angel, he didn’t do the little angel wings okay I hate to disappoint but he didn’t I was kinda sad about it. But during the intro, there was a spotlight coming from behind him so he just went and stood infront of it with his back to us and put his arms out and was like Jesus or something he had his hands shaking and I was like holy fuck what is this and then he sung it HE WENT OVER TO SOMEONE AND HE SUNG A GOOD TEN SECONDS OF IT RIGHT IN HER FACE I WAS LIKE LET THAT BE ME I DONT KNOW HOW SHES STILL ALIVE BUT CONGRATS TO HER 😂 it was amazing though yeah you’ll love it.
Then he did kiwi again and it was just as great as the first time and we were all hyped lmao he threw a bottle of water at us.
The chain and girl crush were mixed in there somewhere and ngl my uneducated ass had never heard either before so listening to Harry sing them a completely new thing, the entire place was quiet except for clapping and we all just listened the Harry. For the chain he sang all parts but the band did a lot of singing too, he says later in the interview that the band are all singers so it was an easy song to do. And for girl crush that was amazing too, ngl Hearing Harry saying “I want her long blonde hair” made my heart skip a beat because I have long blonde hair so yeah that was incredible. Also, in the interview when the chain was brought up and he looked to the band to say how they were all singers, I looked to the band too, now, I don’t want to start any drama and they are probably just friends and stuff but Sarah was sat on Mitch’s lap and they were whispering to each other and giggling and when Harry and grimmy looked over, Adam looked down and shook his head as if he was like “knew you’d get caught” and Clare was smiling at them while then just acted as if everything was fine I was like uhhhhh… k then 😂
Anyway, for the interview we got moved down towards the end so we could see it better because they did it on a different bit of stage to the performance. I was behind him and he kept turning around to chat with the people there and ugh I just had this nice view of the back of his head and his little baby ears and his jaw and ugh man it was good he’s got such broad shoulders damn. Anywayyyyyy…
The girl in front of me was crying, he hadn’t done anything except be there and she was just bawling and omg he turned around and was like “yeh alright? D'yeh need anything? Yeh okay?” I was like baby awwww and he was chatting to them and Lou came and did his make up again and we were like hi Lou and she said hi and that was cute and someone asked was lipstick he was wearing, I thought they asked what foundation but everyone keeps saying lipstick so we’ll go with that lol and he was like not telling
He waved to Anne like he did a cute little wave like a baby wave if that makes sense so he put his hand in a fist and then out of a fist yknow? And she did it back I was like awwww THEN A LITTLE LATER HE GAVE HER A THUMBS UP LIKE CHECKING IT WAS GOOD AND SHE GAVE HIM ONE BACK ANS HIS FACE LIT UP I WAS SCREAMING.
Harry disappeared again and the comedian warm up man came back and was handing out the water bottles and stuff and gave out Harry’s guitar pick and one of the crew was like “alright Andrew that’s enough just leave it now” cuz he was gonna pass out he set lists and he basically got told off lmao but loads of people were asking for drinks so the crew brought us all a load of juice cartons so when Harry gets back we’re all drinking juice so for a bit of the interview we’re all stood there with juice lmao The interview was great, they changed the chairs that they had been in before tho so they were trying to work out how to sit in them cuz if they sat in them properly then then sunk back but if they sat on the end then it was intimidating. Grimmy said he felt like piers Morgan and Harry got out of his seat and was like “I’m off then” I was like oooooo shady They did like a video thing prerecorded HE GOES AND PLAYS BINGO WIRH THE ELDERLY AND NONE OF THEM PICK HIS ALBUM AS THEIR PRIZE HE WAS SO POUTY AND UGH IT WAS SO CUTE LIKE THAT WAS AMAZING he was like “Mary! Why not!” And then they got back in the car and Harry was like “she was asked if she wants shampoo, shampoo is provided there she shouldn’t need it that was a wrapped copy wasn’t even opened” and grimmy was like “I left it there, they’re gonna use it as a coaster” and Harry just laughed but he was hurt. Then they go and do darts but with axes and Harry hits it every time except once while nick is shit at it and cuz Harry won he gets to have a go with two axes and he gets them both on target and we all went wild lmao he was so proud
Grimmy was like okay we’re gonna go back to the beginning talk about the history and we started singing history and it was amaizng it started just a few people but then we all joined in and Harry started tapping his foot along with it for the beat and it was really great. Grimmy also commented on the fact we scream about anything either of them says and demonstrated it he was like “watch this, today” *scream* “i” *scream* “am here” *scream* “with Harry styles” *scream* and Harry laughed at us. They spoke about Dunkirk and the album all the basics really. We all went mad about Dunkirk when they showed pics lmao. Someone yelled “Harry can you wish me luck on my driving test?” And he was like “yeah good luck” and she goes “thanks I’ll let you know how it goes” and he was like what? And looked confused but was just like “yeah that’s great thanks”
Someone asked if he’d sign something for her and he was like yeah you got a pen or paper or anything? And she was like no and he was like well can’t do it can I? Then she got some paper lmao right before the interview started again and it went quiet she goes “Harry I got the paper!” And he chuckled and was like “alright that’s a good start”
They had to film all the little connections between the songs and the interview for when they edit it all together and at one bit Harry didn’t know what song he was supposed to be introducing so grimmy was like “what’s songs next then Harry?” And he was like “uhhhh I mean I don’t know” and they had to redo it. This happened like twice lmao
He kept doing this silly walks too like you could tell he wasn’t bored but he was like playing up a little cuz it was just doing things being put together so they could edit it all later and he was doing like that Irish kick thing and walking all weird and skipping and stuff it was funny. At the end he was calling for Anne he was like “mum, mum, MUM” cuz she was talking to someone and then he was doing all these little signals to tell her what to do next and then he said a final thank you to us all for coming and waiting all day for him and stuff and was running along touching everyone’s hands and okay this might be a reach but I think it happened so I’m hoping it did but he was saying goodbye everyone and I was stood watching cuz I didn’t want to miss anything and he like looked over the crowd to where I was stood and he did this a couple times. I was wearing the sweatshirt he wore, he wore a pink sweatshirt a little while back and I bought it and I wore it yesterday so I’m like “he was looking at me cuz he recognised I was wearing his sweatshirt” then I realised I was stood in line with Anne so he was probably looking over me to her but a girl can dream 😂
So yeah that was my experience, like I said I know this all happened but the order might now be correct just because it’s all a little blurry and sooo much happened. This is everything I remember so there may be a few bits I’ve missed out but this is everything I remember :) xx
It sounds like you had such a cool time! xx
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