#need to draw my tav or minthara now i'm so back
molochka-koshka · 29 days
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Very very much belated giveaway prize for @generalstephkenobi !! We have a sunbathing Astarion, my absolute fave 😌✨ It was so nice getting to draw him, and I'm so happy with how this turned out~
Do not repost, reblogs are okay tho!
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baldursyourgate · 9 months
Patch 2 Karlach got an entirely new ending huh 👀 Karlach ending vid & personal speculations for Minthara's extra content under the cut. Spoilers of course!
^Here's the video. The content of it is brand new, I literally couldn't find any of these lines in the datamine that was compiled at release (03/08/2023).
I wonder if they're going to do something similar for Minthara. There is an ending where we go back to Menzoberranzan👀
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Previously, Karlach fans asked for another Karlach ending where her heart is fixed. That wasn't exactly what they asked for, but it's an ending where she lives nonetheless. So, wish fulfilled-ish? Meanwhile...
The request for Minthara's content so far is much more vague, thus making it more difficult to predict what extra content will be added in (if they were to do that)... Most were asking for Larian to patch her bugged lines and improve the overall lack of content. We never got to experience her romanced lines after Act 1 other than some crumbs and the datamine, so there was not really "the one" storyline-specific thing being asked for.
I am purposely ignoring the pregnancy plotline, it seems that the IGN article hinted that it truly is cut content from an earlier iteration of her character.
What I want & I think would be nice as extra Minthara content: More content of her being vulnerable after opening up to Tav would be super duper nice. I think I could draw somewhat of a parallel with Astarion's romance (from the little I know of it). Started off strong and physical, but more emotionally involved as it progressed, and in the end, it's the emotional connection that is the most fulfilling.
Her character is very power & control, but in the end...
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even if the player didn't seize control of the elder brain, she forgives them because she's in love with them. I want to see more of that connection, more of it being built up. In the datamine right now, there's just that alurlssrin scene and that's it. Can we get a kiss from her 🥺 or a more romantic sex scene 🥺 pls Larian if you're reading this.
After all, it wasn't just the goblin afterparty altar scene that got most of us into Minthara, it was equal part that line where she promised she would take us as consort in Menzoberranzan too.
For non-romanced Minthara content, I'm actually not sure what could be added in other than an epilogue ending slide. Ending slides would benefit all companions and not just her, but yeah. I'm also curious on her lineage, but I'm not sure if that'd ever get elaborated upon.
Bottom line: I need her romance content in game & that elfsong tavern epilogue with her in game. For the extra content I hope we get new content that further her romantic connection with Tav 🥺and something more for the ending would be super nice too.
We're literally the most patient fans ever if I do say so myself lol. If Larian could pull this off not only would they please many of their longtime fans*, but it'd be incredible marketing/public relation move for them. Fixing Minthara's content might also encourage more players to replay and do an evil playthrough if they haven't done so.
*I feel like a lot of us who are fans of Minthara because we were here since Early Access and some solely played an evil playthrough for her. A few of my friends who played the game for the first time just straight up do good path, and Minthara was no more than another enemy to slaughter. Die hard, long time fans make for good evangelist marketer, word-of-mouth spreader and dedicated wiki editors. Larian's already got enough good rep, but the complaints has started to roll in, first on her & Karlach's content, then overall for Act 3, so I think a proper patching of Minthara and extra content would be golden tbh. Or maybe that's just the marketer/Minthara enjoyer in me talking. whopps.
And what do you think would make for nice additional content? Lmk!
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