#naur i'm definitely on my way to being drunk
gyuphorias · 2 years
gonna hit you with a few hard thoughts bc yeah 😮‍💨
mingyu is literally such a gentle giant and wants nothing more than to make you feel good. like, he will literally put his own horniness aside to make ensure that you’re feeling good. always checks in on you, could be mid stroke just absolutely wrecking you and he’d still ask (all shy) if what he’s doing is okay and if he needs to slow down or soften up or something.
is so in love with eating you out. doesn’t need to get his dick wet or anything as long as he can taste you. and if you play with him, or put him on some sort of punishment or restrict him from eating you out he gets so :(( big ball of sadness and he’s upset. literally asks everyday until the time is up if he can taste you a promises he’ll be good this time around and that he won’t tease you (it’s a lie).
let’s be honest, you knew this next part was coming: yes, mingyu is gentle with you but oh my god he loves roughing you up and manhandling you a bit. he typically will let you tease him a little bit bc he’s so soft for you but if you tease him a bit too much ??? or better yet, being a bit bratty 🙂 he’s just frowning at you bc he’s never seen you like this :( you’re always so good for him :( he’s rough, but not too rough in case he hurts you, but that still doesn’t stop him from fucking into you deeper than he normally does. it’d be 😵‍💫 too if he’d laugh at you or mock you a bit because he broke you back into being his good baby so easily, he barely had to do too much.
those are what i have for rn but my mind is always full of mingyu <3
the things i would do, the crimes i would commit JUST to get mingyu to manhandle and mock me bye omg....... the way he'd call you all the cute petnames in the book w such a condescending edge laced into them, completely contradicting the way he's fucking into you so hard that you're moving up the mattress and jolting w each thrust BYE oh these r my downfall tonight for REAL
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