#natvre-nymph if you wanna send me additional pictures of the plants I'm not sure about please feel free!
succygirl · 5 years
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Hello, I’m wondering if you could help me ID these! I got them at a little farm and most of the name sticks do not match :( I know the top two, and the string of pearls, thank you very much in advance!! 💚
Sure I can give it a shot! 
Starting at the top (with the two you already know, maybe someone else needs the ID?) Left is possibly a Kalanchoe x houghtonii (if not please let me know, I’m always trying to learn plant IDs) and Right is a Sedum rubrotinctum
2nd row on the Left is a Crassula tetragona. Right is possibly a Sedeveria 'Blue Mist'.
3rd row on the left is a Sedum dasyphyllum ‘Minor’, right is possibly a  Graptosedum 'Alpenglow', a Graptosedum 'Bronze', OR a Graptosedum 'Vera Higgins' (I’d deffo google them and see which compares better, comparing pictures to pictures is always harder than comparing the real thing to pictures)
4th row, you’ve got your string of pearls,  Senecio rowlyanus. On the right is possibly Graptopetalum paraguayense
5th row looks like Oscularia deltoides on the left, on the right is a Sempervivum (I think? It’s hard to see the edges in this picture but I usually ID Semps by the fuzzy edges of the leaves and how thin the leaves are.) If it is a Sempervivum I can’t ID it past that because there are thousands of different cultivars and each of them have different colors depending on season and sun exposure. Thankfully care for Semps is the same for all of them.
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