#myer brigss
snoweylily · 1 year
Tumblr User Personality Types
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indepth-mbti · 1 year
There's a (big) difference between the myers-briggs model and Jung's model? I saw it once somewhere. Someone was saying something like "the model that "we" use (guess they was talking about mbti) is different from the Jung's model (perhaps classic jungian or archetype (I don't know if they are the same thing, but I'm putting it because I had read some stuff saying that it was related to Jung))", and I want to know if these kinds of models are really different from each other (like the four letter from the big 5/sloan) or don't.
*I painted that words because when I was writing and rereading it was confusing for me, and then I change it, so I hope it makes sense for you
It makes sense, don’t worry.
It’s hard to pin down what people consider as “Jung’s model” and as “myers-briggs model”, because over these years the MBTI has been refined and has accepted new concepts such as loops and grips (all of these concepts are rooted in Jung’s Psychological Types book tho). Also, the original myers-brigss stack was IEEE and EIII, but now it’s IEIE and EIEI. The same problem arises with Jung’s model because post-jung analysts haven’t made a solid claim in the matter, and there are many different opinions out there that lack a solid theoretical corpus.
There are many undeniable differences between the MBTI model and the Jung’s model. Can we consider that both are different systems? Well, maybe. As well as we can consider that Naranjo and RHETI are two different Enneagram systems. The mess with the MBTI vs Classic Jungian approach is - of course – the function stack; but people also forget that the descriptions of the functions are super different, and that some of these definitions need a contemporary reformulation immediately.
Regarding the difference between both stacks, you can find on my tumblr a quick comparison and a defence of the Grant stack (MBTI).
The MBTI and the Classic Jungian are formally different because the MBTI model takes into account how multiple functions interact with each other in a person, and Jung’s model is more focused on the dominant function: for example, MBTI INFP is a 4 stack personality type FI-NE-SI-TE, Classic Jungian IF(N) is an introverted feeling personality type with secondary intuition.
The so-called “Jung’s model” is more rooted in jungian analysts than in Jung himself. Jung indeed talked about the existence of two auxiliary functions that were ment to help the dominant to access the inferior, but he never formulated a full typology out of his comments about it.
As a graphic example of the differences between MBTI, Classic Jungian and Jung, this is a scheme of what Jung understands as an ET type (an extraverted thinker).
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Source: Carl Jung, 1925. Notes of the Seminar on Analytical Psychology. XVI Session. Page 200. It’s in Spanish and I translated it, I don’t have the English version.
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greenstudies · 5 years
i have read that myers brigss results are not reliably reproducible if the same person takes the same test two weeks later. i'm sorry i don't have a source
That’s totaly possible. I take these test more as a fun thing and I took it many times actually, always having months long gap. I took it more than once because some random test telling me I’m this super rare personality sounded a but too random.
My point is: This is for fun. It might not be reliable at all.
Plus with these things where you do it by yourself, you can be affecting it just by wanting to be a certain type so...
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motsofatournesol · 5 years
If you know whats your personality type as per Myers-Brigss test, if not then you check it out here https://www.16personalities.com/
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peaceseeker · 5 years
Tentang batasan dan pertemanan
Mencoba bergabung ke dalam circle baru beberapa hari kemarin. Heu. Ternyata melelahkan. Ketika frekuensi kita emang beda, selucu apapun gabisa ketawa jadinya. Bukan salah mereka. Bukan. Hanya saja aku yang tidak fit dengan lingkaran mereka.
Jiwa introvert ku meronta. Aku memang lebih senang sendiri rasanya. Nyaman dengan circles yang telah ada sebelumnya. Kecil ruangnya, tapi intim. Eh. Yagitudeh.
Aku emang ga se extrovert dulu jaman S1 (ya ini juga terbukti dari hasil Myers Brigss Personality test ku sih, dari extrovert jadi introvert) . Iya, kerasa banget. Dulu bisa aja haha hihi seharian, kenalan sana sini. Hih, sekarang boro-boro. Bergaul lebih jauh dengan yang sudah kenal aja kok melelahkan sekali :( dipaksa untuk menyetarakan frekuensi itu emang rasanya terseok seok.
Rasanya, aku lebih nyaman mengenal teman baru tapi ya sekadar berteman. Ada pagar, ada batasan invisible yang baik aku ataupun dia (mereka) yang (harusnya) tidak akan saling melanggar dan menginjakkan kaki di ruang yang udah dipagerin sedemikian rupa. Daripadaaaa, harus menyelami pertemanan yang sudah ada ke ranah yang lebih dalam. Padahal udah tau tuh, gelombang komunikasi, kesenangan, kenyamanan kita emang udah beda settingannya.
Kemaren aku menjelajahi suatu circle baru. Awalnya biasa aja, diajak sana sini, aku oke. Ku akuin, aku ngikut aja kok anaknya. Mencoba sadar diri, kita ini manusia yang berada dalam suatu society. Jadi dimana bumi dipijak, kudune disitu juga langit dijunjung. Jadi ya, apapun rencananya aku bakal ikut. Dan diusahakan tanpa mengeluh. Karena aku ga suka orang yang suka ngeluh, padahal kita berada dalam perahu yang sama, maka aku juga ga boleh gitu dong. Ya, kan?
Tapi, setelah berjam jam bersama, kayaknya ada kabel kita yang ga saling konek. Mereka ketawa, kok aku engga gitu? Kok ga nyaman akunya? Kok aku gabisa ngomong luwes ya? Berarti akunya salah. Akunya berada di tempat yang salah. Tapi inget, ga boleh marah! Akunya yang mutusin terjun. Mereka sistemnya udah firm, aku kayak aplikasi baru nyoba masuk dan installed di sistem itu. Eh ternyata ga support. Ya gitu. Jadinya kok kesel sendiri. Pendem sendiri. Bete sendiri. Orang lain nikmatin, kok aku engga?
One thing for sure, aku dan mereka emang ga cocok. Ada sikap yang menurut aku ga biasa, di mereka biasa. Ada hal yang menurut aku seharusnya dilakukan, menurut mereka tidak perlu. Ada hal yang menurut aku privacy, menurut mereka ya pantas-pantas aja dibagi. Ada yang menurut aku melewati batas, menurut mereka engga dan baik-baik aja. Sedangkan isu yang very highlighted dalam suatu hubungan pertemanan, menurutku adalah batasan. Ya ga ada yang salah, hanya aku manusia bodoh~ ehe. Ya intinya kita emang dua sistem yang beda gitu. Ga ada yang salah dan ga ada yang bener. Ya kita sistem yang baik-baik aja, tapi kayaknya bakal ada gangguan kalo dipaksa diintegrasiin. Intinya ga cocok aja hehe.
Tapi, kemana pun kaki melangkah, kita harus selalu mengambil hikmah dan pelajaran, bukan? Jadi ya aku belajar lagi. Jadi tau circle mana yang ga fit to the human kayak aku hehe.
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kompassid · 6 years
Program OBSESI KOMPASS Nusantara 12 Oktober 2018
Program OBSESI KOMPASS Nusantara 12 Oktober 2018
Program OBSESI KOMPASS Nusantara 12 Oktober 2018 Program OBSESI KOMPASS – Nusantara
Berikut ini subtopik ” MBTI Profiling “ (topik ” EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION “) dalam Program OBSESI KOMPASS Nusantara 12 Oktober 2018 bersama Ibu Farina Pane (10 Inspirator KOMPASS Nusantara, Direktur PT. Parvis Indonesia, Pakar SDM Dunia).
Program OBSESI KOMPASS Nusantara 12 Oktober 2018 Penyampaian Program OBSESI…
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muhammadidhamazhari · 6 years
Program OBSESI KOMPASS Nusantara 12 Oktober 2018
Program OBSESI KOMPASS Nusantara 12 Oktober 2018
Program OBSESI KOMPASS Nusantara 12 Oktober 2018 Program OBSESI KOMPASS – Nusantara
Berikut ini subtopik ” MBTI Profiling “ (topik ” EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION “) dalam Program OBSESI KOMPASS Nusantara 12 Oktober 2018 bersama Ibu Farina Pane (10 Inspirator KOMPASS Nusantara, Direktur PT. Parvis Indonesia, Pakar SDM Dunia).
Program OBSESI KOMPASS Nusantara 12 Oktober 2018 Penyampaian Program OBSESI…
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