#my grandparents on my dad's side are also not in the picture funnily enough but idgaf about them. she got that grandparentless swag
soysaucevictim · 4 years
Week 4.
Oct. 10
I woke up around 11AM.
First, today’s DD. 50 knee rolls with EC. Fun and breezy work, here.
(Decided to rewatch Embarrassing Phases, while I did the rest.)
Second, Day 19 of the ICC. 3x2′30″ butt kicks, 30″ rest. Okay, this challenge is literally and figuratively kicking my ass. But yeah, still shot for a jogging pace. Funnily enough, felt it in my abs a bit more (maybe because fresh off the DD helped).
Last, Day 19 of the 30MDoY. Lotta floor work, had to mod down a few things due to energy levels. Kept the plank for #1-2, then dropped to the knees for the remaining planks in sequence. Upward dogs were relaxed. Let’s just say I savored the recovery poses in #9-12. Worked up quite a sweat.
Did some dishes, and then made today’s Hello Fresh Meal. Crispy Parmesan chicken. This went pretty well and I personally liked it. Family was just okay with it. Was hopping the carrots would be soft enough for dad, but oh well.
Spent rest of day chatting and starting the Hollow!Janus picture. Got to bed in the red zone - but around the same time as yesterday.
Oct. 11
I woke up around 10AM today.
One of the first things I did today was my exercise (good call, given what happened next.)
First, today’s DD. 2′ un/clenching fists with EC. I counted exactly 240 reps. Feels good hitting the 2/sec pace.
Second, Day 20 of the ICC. 3x14 calf raises, done in one go. Now this is getting a bit more challenging - but still manageable
Last, Day 20 of the 30MDoY. Relatively chill sequence. Did have a few drops during the balancing work. But doable.
I then spent time doing laundry at the grandparents place. Was not a good idea. I got chewed out by Grandpa about the Uncle situation. Was pretty fucking shaken up and needed to walk it off, while my clothes were in the wash. That definitely crossed the line for both me and my brother. Yeah.
Got home to put laundry away and collect myself... watched Coco with friend which also helped me get in a better place. Spent rest of day chatting and working the Hollow!Janus picture some more.
Got to bed in the red zone - but around the same time as yesterday.
Oct. 12
I woke up around 1PM.
One of the first things I did today was some of my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 dead bugs with EC! Felt it in the abs and thighs the most. But, it was nevertheless enjoyable!
Second, Day 21 of the ICC. 3x2′30″ butt kicks, 30″ rest. Still pretty winding, there were a few moments where I was thinking about breaking it up... but I didn’t. So I’m happy about that!
(Then I got to making today’s Hello Fresh Meal. Southwest chicken sausage & rice skillet. This deserved being on the Hall of Fame category - because it was delicious and very easy to eat for dad. Did some dishes before finishing the fitness regimen.]
Last, Day 21 of the 30MDoY. 30′ meditation. Physically chill, but mentally challenging. Periodically shifted my legs’ positioning and dealt with some parasthesia (tried to just observe the feeling instead of resist/complain). Mind wandered toward Sides things, but I did try to focus on breathing while listening to grey noise throughout. (It was a good call to wait until after I ate.)
Spent rest of day chatting and finishing the Hollow!Janus picture. Got to bed in the red zone - but consistent?
Oct. 13
I initially woke up around 8AM. Browsed tumblr a bit before just going to get more sleep.
Got up proper around noon. Spent a bit of time finding a highlight from my art streams. After some browsing about, did dishes and my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 lunge step-ups with EC (20/20). A bit aerobic, but doable.
Second, Day 22 of the ICC. 3x14 calf raises, done in one go. Manageable work.
Last, Day 22 of the 30MDoY. Everything was pretty breezy, outside of #1-2 & 9-10. Neglected to notice the single leg bridge was pictured with arms bracing back - so I think I accidentally modded UP that one. But I was able to do all the tough stuff without dropping. Nevertheless, I enjoyed myself!
Spent rest of day chatting and starting up that Galateid!Patton drawing. Consistent bed time, if still really late.
Oct. 14
I woke up after 11AM.
I had a surprise psych assessment appointment to get to. It went alright. I hope that I may get a chance to see a therapist again... soon. But that’s up to the agency.
Got home, watched some YouTube and got going with today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 50 thigh taps with EC. This was pretty breezy and manageable.
Second, Day 23 of the ICC. 3x2′30″ butt kicks, 30″ rest. That was a bit tough, but I managed. Though the “Well There’s Your Problem“ podcast is entertaining... I think SaSi would have been a more suitable distraction.
Last, Day 23 of the 30MDoY. Pretty breezy work. Calves and Achilles’ tendons were a bit tender for the first few positions, so I had to be careful sitting on them (fresh after all those butt kicks). Did the upward dogs relaxed. Enjoyed the whole sequence.
After a bit of logging and making dinner, I got back to chatting and working on that Galateid!Patton drawing.
I wound up getting to bed obscenely late again.
Oct. 15
I woke up around noon.
After a bit of the usual, I got in my exercise earlier.
First, today’s DD. 1′ calf raises with EC. I counted 62 reps by the end, happy I maintained a 1/sec pace. It was still a modestly intense pace/load, at that! I like this exercise, too.
Second, Day 24 of the ICC. 3x14 calf raises, done in one go. Today is just calf raise day, huh? Anyways. Very manageable.
Last, Day 24 of the 30MDoY. 30′ meditation. Not super physically demanding, obviously. But despite switching leg position at midpoint - left leg got to a pretty deep sleep. Mind wandered a few places and I did get a bit fidgety near the end. But consider the session compete.
After making dinner... I spent the rest of the day chatting and finishing up that Galateid!Patton drawing. Did also whip up a few potential sketches for next projects.
I got to bed obscenely late again, around the same time as yesterday, though. :P
Oct. 16
I woke up after 3PM
Honestly the only productive things I managed to get done today was dishes, Hello Fresh, and some more sketching.
The Hello Fresh Meal was mushroom & herb shepherd’s pie. Family liked it well enough - I liked it a bit more than the pub-styled one (but everyone liked that one more). This is a pretty tasty dish. (Though I might be inclined to go easier on the thyme.)
But yeah. I guess I just needed to just recalibrate my energy levels after so many consecutive days of drawing. :P
Got to bed in the red zone, but several hours earlier than yesterday.
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