#my favorite batjokes genre ever is joker providing enrichment to his bf's enclosure
clownprince · 1 year
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i think i've reblogged these panels already but idc i don't think people make a big enough deal out of this. like i know joker says a lot of insane shit and he gets progressively more unhinged over the course of no man's land but this is just. ahdhdjfhj??? openly admitting that he's been lonely without batman and saying he's "been waiting for him like a little puppy waiting for his master" LIKE. HELLO? HELLO???
also the "giant, extra-special death trap" thing is so fucking funny. "he'll love the lasers" this is the equivalent of a zookeeper giving a meat-stuffed pumpkin to a tiger at the zoo. he's actually just providing Enrichment to batman's environment
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