#my delusional ass 4 hours ago: i'll write a short intro
ofsouthsidcrs · 2 years
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meet corrine ROCKY zhōu ––– the southsider.
aka. wretchedrocky666 on aol
full name: corrine zhōu
best known as/only known as: rocky
age: twenty
birthday: may 13th 1979
zodiac: taurus 
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she/her
occupation: southside gang member & part time projector operator at the drive-in
positive traits: dependable, humorous, adventurous, focused, observant
negative traits: resentful, abrasive, stubborn, dishonest, led by emotion
mbti: ESFP - the performer
super hard shell with super gooey centre is the best way i can describe her without rambling for a seriously unfortunate amount of time
dot point biography. 
tws: drug use and addiction, implied negligence
rocky remembers her childhood as a happy one, but it’s probably the rose coloured glasses slipped on by nostalgia that has her truly thinking that. it wasn’t unhappy, but it wasn’t anything incredible either. 
she’s the zhōu’s eldest daughter, her little brother a little over thirteen months younger than her. for most of her life her family was very close, she loved her little brother, she loved her parents and knew she was loved by them in return. even when she was a total twerp of a child.
until, of course, the fateful year she moved to the southside. her dad lost his job in the summer before rocky was supposed to start high school and not to be dramatic but: rocky felt like she lost everything as a result. a selfish and extreme thought that causes a pain in the pit of her stomach every time she thinks it.
in the beginning, she convinced herself it would take some adjusting. her parents said that. that the whole family would have to make adjustments, that people around them would adjust, that it would be uncomfortable and that it would take time, but it didn’t matter where she lived she was still her blah, blah, blah – and she believed them. until she realised she was being totally delusional. 
sure, she was adjusting. slowly but surely she was settling into southside high, making new friends, finding new places to hang out. but the people she grew up with weren’t adjusting. most of her friends since elementary school (The Gang, as it were) dropped her. it made her sad, it made her angry, it made her jealous, it made her bitter. she hated most of them so much for it, truthfully she still hates most of them. but as rocky’s life on the southside continued to unfold and she spent less time in cherry proper altogether: the hatred was sort of put on the back burner. it’s there, it’s still hot, but she’s gotta bigger shit to deal with most of the time.
such as: her parents becoming drug addicts. of course rocky wasn’t the only one having a hard time with the move. her parents struggling to find consistent work, struggling to keep a roof over their kids heads and food in their stomachs, found themselves reaching for something to ease the pain. something that was exceedingly accessible in cherry’s southside. i don’t imagine it to be a secret-secret but i do imagine it to be a little bit of a mystery why rocky joined the southside gang in the first place. most people just assumed it was fate for a girl like her, or maybe it was her new friends, and never dug much deeper than that. but the truth was, her parents had quickly accrued a debt with the southside gang. she was so young, and scared, and lonely, and desperate that when a friendly (aka manipulative lmao) gangster suggested she run for the gang to help pay off the debt – she all but begged them to take her on board.
but of course, this didn’t really help much in the long run. rocky started to work off her parents debt, but all it really did was make it easier for her parents to get drugs. after a time, it became less about helping her parents and more about helping her brother, helping herself.
once again, things started to settle. sure, they weren’t what they were (she had accepted they never would be) but it didn’t feel like everything was falling apart at the seams like it once had. rocky was fortunately/unfortunately pretty damn good at working for the gang. she saved enough and moved out of home at seventeen– a hard decision made harder by the fact that she had to leave her little brother in her parents’ care. 
most recently, and this would only really be privy to other southside gang members: rocky wanted to leave the gang. why did she want to? unknown. what stopped her? also unknown. but after she tried to leave she was when she was moved up slightly in the gang, when she was trusted more, and when she started going into cherry proper again .... suspicious ... no?
her first fake id had the name “rochelle” as a tribute to the nickname rocky
speaking of the nickname rocky: there is a story behind it but it’s long, long, long forgotten by most. if asked, rocky will say because corrine wasn’t stupid enough
rocky wasn’t an angry kid, just impulsive and reckless and a bit of a shit. she used to do things for the thrill of it, to get a laugh, or to prove someone wrong when they said she didn’t have the balls to do it. jump off a roof, throw a punch, sneak in somewhere and run from authority – it was all fun when she was a kid. but like just about everything else, it changed when she moved. she still did those things, but it wasn’t really about the fun of it anymore. more to feel anything over the anger or the numbness or the angry numbness.
can drive, doesn’t have a car. she usually gets around on foot, borrowing cars, or hitching a ride if she has to
though she kinda rags on it all the time, she quietly rather enjoys her part time gig at the drive in. it can be boring as hell, but it’s nice to just be alone. to have a simple and easy and normal job to do. even if it is only basically one shift a week
writes poetry and its BAD and she knows it and never ever lets anyone read it. but it’s the only way she really knows how to deal with her emotions sometimes. she has journals full of completed and half written poems dating back to when she moved to the southside.
wanted to play drums as a kid but her parents redirected her to guitar (because who wants an already loud kid to have a drum set) so she plays guitar. she’s tried singing some of her poems over guitar but she’s not really musically creative and it’s never really worked. she much prefers just learning her favourite songs and the feeling that comes with finally nailing them.
has a tendency to draw on her arms and legs when she’s bored. she’s no artist but she rather likes it. she has one tattoo of a dragon but she thinks she might like to be covered in tattoos one day, proper patchwork style. but for now she’ll stick to just drawing, it’s almost mediative to her. self soothing in the same way poetry is
has been arrested 4 times but has managed to only be charged once with vandalism and trespassing when she was 16 – did three weeks of community service as a result
albums i most associate with rocky/i believe in my heart rocky would be obsessed with: celebrity skin by hole, garbage by garbage, all killer no filler by sum 41, tragic kingdom by no doubt, dookie by green day, and enema of the state by blink-182
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