#my cat is 18 years old... he doesn't have claws (Not my call... i was 12 when my dad did that) and he's missing one of his fangs
strawberrypaw · 11 months
thank god for nectarine season <3
#told the roommate we're moving and she's not coming with us a few weeks ago and she has been acting like a demon lmao#i was nice and i didn't even bring up her behavior as reasoning during the actual conversation#my official reasons were. so incredibly valid too lmao#like.... our cats......#her cat straight up MAULED my cat when we first moved in. like blood spatter and everything#my cat is 18 years old... he doesn't have claws (Not my call... i was 12 when my dad did that) and he's missing one of his fangs#he is literally the nicest most social kitty on the planet and i have never had problems introducing him to other animals before#sooo we have been keeping them in separate parts of the house for 2 YEARS#and this will NOT work in an apartment#also im sick of it lol#second reason is that we need cheaper housing and she...... uhmmm lol#is too scared of bad neighborhoods..... to live where we're looking to live......#iiiii could pick that apart but i think it speaks for itself lol#anywayyyy she's been.. trying?? to guilt trip me?? about her financial situation Every Time she talks to me#but uhm.... she makes. 28$ an hour.... in an office.... she's got 10k in her savings account.........#and its. not working on me. im not acknowledging it when she brings it up and it is making her SO mad#she's resorted to turning this into like..... leftist discourse in order to feel like she's been really truly wronged#like ''what ever happened to COMMUNITY!!!!!''#or ''you have a punitive mindset and i'm about to remove abolitionist language from its context to make it about my personal relationships''#soooo.... you are aware that you treat the people around you like garbage lmao?? you didn't need me to tell you#that we want to leave because you're an asshole to everyone??? and you're throwing a fit about it anyway#you can go find community with the other girls who's parent's have bought them 3 cars in the last 10 years and still pay their car insurance#and scream cry and throw silverware when daddy says ''maybe you can afford to fix your own car now that you make so much money!''#almost blowing out my little brothers car engine bc you were mad he couldnt get it out of the snow#to drive you to the airport so you could go to SPAIN for VACATION#and FREAKING OUT at him bc now you have to pay.. 40$... for an uber.... is not very.... ''community'' of you..... lol#mau
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