#my 4 year j&h hyperfixation saw these two twinks and really went “these. you're gonna make these boys your entire personality”
nixotinix · 2 years
Miscellaneous Jackson/Holt headcanons because I have them brainrot and I know these boys better than the MH execs actually. Below the cut :3
-My biggest and fave headcanon!! Jackson is actually Hyde's kid, and Holt is Jekyll's. Let me explain. In the original book (which I've read dozens of times, i have a problem), Jekyll is sociable, gets along well with most others, and is a popular figure in society. Hyde, meanwhile, is more of a recluse, sometimes disappearing for months at a time, and tends to shy away from the limelight. Hm. Now who between Jackson and Holt seems like the more social one? Now Nix, I hear you cry, what about Jackson's mad scientist element? That's a Jekyll thing. Yes, BUT. Social awareness tends to be more of an ingrained thing, something someone is either good at or not that good at. Science, on the other hand, is a skill, an interest. Something that can be changed or decided. Since most people assumed Jackson was Jekyll's kid, hell, they share a last name, I like to think Jackson was like yea, ok. Guess I should be good at science and he ended up really liking it. This is mostly just my 4 year Jekyll and Hyde hyperfixation talking, but feel free to talk w me about this!!
-Again pulling from the original J&H, Jackson and Holt can replicate each others' handwriting perfectly. Holt can, has, and will use this for mischief.
-Once again pulling from J&H, Jackson is taller than Holt, and Jackson is almost freakishly tall. Jackson is around 6'3" and Holt around 5'4". Holt usually wears platform shoes to make the height difference less noticable, but the difference is still definitely there. This also ties into my sweet sweet Jackson/Holt x Frankie heart, with Jackson being significantly taller than Frankie and Holt being a bit shorter (with Frankie at about 5'7").
-In addition to Crossfade, Jackson has three pet rats that he keeps in his coat pockets. Their names are Plato, Thales, and Socrates.
-Holt can play eight instruments: the guitar, bass, keyboard, drums, trumpet, alto saxophone, violin, and the lyre.
-Thanks to his fire elemental heritage, Jackson can create a small fire at his fingertips. However it takes a decent bit of concentration and it only lasts as long as he can hold his breath. In addition, he can withstand higher temperatures than most humans and, when exhibiting a strong emotion, his body temperature rises to the point that small heat waves can be seen rising from his shoulders.
-If Deuce gets to be besties with Jackson, he gets to be besties with Holt too. They hang out after Holt's shows and at Deuce's job.
-Jackson asked Deuce to stone him once "for science". Deuce refused adamently. Jackson is still trying to get him to agree.
-Due to my own personal backstory for the boys, they live with their dad in the monster world.
-They still hang out with Heath sometimes. Holt more often than Jackson.
-Jackson does all of their schoolwork save for music theory.
-Jackson likes sitting on elevated surfaces. Holt, to one-up Jackson, often sits on even more elevated surfaces. It's not uncommon for him to climb up onto the roof of a car or the top of a dresser.
-He also just likes climbing things.
-Both Jackson and Holt know sign language. Jackson because he's just kind of a nerd, and Holt because he can't really hear when he's out because of the fact he needs loud music to stay out in the first place.
-Jackson would never admit it, but he logs onto Holt's Spotify every now and then to listen to his playlist. They share similar music tastes. And maybe sometimes Jackson adds random songs just to be a little shit, but that's partially why he'd never admit it.
-Okay so maybe I have a 3 and a half hour playlist of songs I think Holt would like. You can't prove anything.
-Holt has only ever turned down an invitation to DJ once. It was for one of Cleo's parties that was shortly after that one Halloween. He still holds a grudge against her, but is willing to hang out with her for the sake of his friends.
-I have a song I associate with each of them the most. Jackson's is Mister Glassman by Scotty Sire and Holt's is Instant Crush by Daft Punk.
-In addition to music being a trigger for switching, another trigger is over/understimulation. If Jackson gets overstimulated, boom, Holt. If Holt gets understimulated, boom, Jackson. It's not as prevalent or common as music though.
-Jax makes dolls of his friends with locks of their actual hair and flakes of skin. His friends find it disgusting. He finds it endearing.
-he's been trying to off Heath with his doll for 4 years.
-Jax is kind of a homicidal maniac,,,,,,,
-While Holt is chill like,, 98% of the time, if he wants to be scary, he is downright TERRIFYING. Picture like,, bright blue flames, unblinking eyes, and a crooked-toothed grin. Enough to make almost anyone piss themselves.
-Holt is really only loud in big social settings. If he's ever one-on-one with someone or all alone, he's almost completely non-verbal. Whether it be social battery or the tism is unknown.
-Jackson, on the other hand, is quiet in big social settings, but will talk someone to death if they're alone with him. Rambling on and on about different chemicals and metals and their interactions with each other.
-That's all! Feel free to add your own hcs in reblogs or notes, I'll probably add on every now and then.
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