#msm usa
jennyboom21 · 8 months
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And you replied: "Of course it is." You knew this was a a lie and it landed you in therapy but you want to believe.
This is the fakest moment in American history. Not since the moon landing has anything been so fake.
But you know what?
It's OK. This moment is actually interesting and fun. A certain sort of goofy obsession has seeped in. No, it's not real, but who cares? We all love this phony love affair. We will continue to love it. We will keep loving it until this spectacularly fake relationship dies and Kelce becomes a cautionary lyric on one of Swift's future albums.
For now, however, despite knowing this relationship isn't real, and likely some type of marketing ploy, we're all going to treat this like it's a true love story. The question is why do we like something that we know isn't real? The reasons, I believe, go beyond some of the obvious and superficial ones. It's not just our societal obsession with stars. It goes deeper than that.
Kelce and Swift represent a fleeting moment where we can all be a little nerdy and little obsessed and maybe even laugh at ourselves a little bit. I'm not talking about Swifties or Kansas City fans. Both of those groups are already hardcore and infatuated. This is about the rest of us. The people who don't have time to get obsessed about anything. The people who normally don't care about football, or how many stadiums Swift has sold out, can feel like they're part of something everyone else gets.
There's a more cynical view that says we're infatuated because our own lives are so boring. It's less that and more that our lives are so full. We don't just have our jobs and loved ones but the world seems chaotic and dangerous. There are threats to democracy, financial stress, a rise in white nationalism and extremism, and a general sense that things could go awry at any moment.
It's not simply that Swift and Kelce are a distraction. It's that sometimes we desperately need one.
This story is also about something else. The ability for all of us to laugh at ourselves. It's likely Swift and Kelce are laughing about this, too. So is Kelce's mom, Donna Kelce. Remember that scene in Kansas City when Travis scored a touchdown and Swift wildly celebrated but Donna, well, was just chill? That wasn't because she's seen her son score dozens of touchdowns. It was because she just didn't want to play along. Donna Kelce doesn't play that.
Yes, this is a conspiracy theory, but it's one of the few accurate ones.
I also believe we like the idea of Kelce and Swift as a couple because, at least as far as we know, they both seem like good human beings. We never truly know the people we follow as celebrities and while I don't know much about the singer, I do know the football player. He's known on the team as a diligent and decent person. He's been described to me by a former coach of his as "laid back" away from football.
Swift herself continues to do things away from her day job that have a considerable and positive societal impact. In a recent Instagram post, Swift pushed her 272 million followers to register to vote. The group Vote.org says it recorded more than 35,000 registrations.
"I've been so lucky to see so many of you guys at my U.S. shows recently. I've heard you raise your voices, and I know how powerful they are," she wrote on Instagram. "Make sure you're ready to use them in our elections this year!"
This, along with other things related to Swift and Kelce, caused the heads of right-wingers to explode. One wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter: "Taylor Swift hates America. Taylor Swift hates President Trump. Taylor Swift loves communism. Maybe Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift would be good together.”
Their anger was another reason to love this relationship.
The last time the public had such an infatuation with a couple was Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley. There was a belief that relationship, like this one, wasn't real either. That one felt weird to watch.
This one feels great to watch.
For the people who hate this story, don't worry, you're not alone. "I'm already over it," Chargers running back Austin Ekeler told the Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz. "I'm over the Taylor Swift stuff. Can we move on please?"
No, we cannot. We will not. How dare you even ask?
And for those of you who say you don't care about any of this, well, you've read this far. You obviously do. Just like the rest of us.
Even if it is totally, without question, completely fake.
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kosmic-apothecary · 2 months
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sludgeguzzler · 7 months
learned how to make onigiri and ong its so fucking good MAN its so delicious
#im making noodle & tuna ones rn ((ive eaten some on friday yesterday and today too ot was like 1kg of sticky rice in 3 days))#((but granted i shared some with friends too so idk!))#as proximas tags sao dedicadas aos de verdade#se vcs quiserem fazer onigiri eu tenho tipo. algumas dicas e conselhos aq pra comprar as paradas#(levamdo em consideração que eu moro em capital ent tem loja especifica pra essas coisas e os preços são mais caros)#o arroz oriental da qualita que eu comprei em um supermercado normal naql pedaço que tem algumas coisinhas diferentes foi beeeem mais barato#doq o que eu comprei num mercado oriental mais especifico (a diferença foi de tipo. 13 reais pra um kg de arroz)#(o da qualita tava uns R$10.32 pra um kg q não é mto insano pra um arroz diferente!!)#o nori eu so achei no mercado especifico mas eu comi um sem a alga e ainda é bem gostoso#(faz uma diferença um pouco grande ent se isso te incomoda se pa é melhor vc procurar uma receita que nao precise necessariamente do nori#(tipo o bibimbap coreano que é bem parecido cm um poke. vale a pena pesquisar e vc ainda pode usar o atum enlatado nele !!)#pro recheio eu fiz alguns de kimchi que a minha irma comprou ((e nao comeu.....)) mas comparados aos de atum cm maionese eu n achei mto bom#o recheio eu fiz cm atum enlatado ao natural cm maionese helmans#nao importa muito qual maionese vc usa eu acho e o atum pode ser oq vc gosta ou tem em casa msm#eu tive q comprar pq a minha mãe n come carne sbdbajsb#ent onigiri é realmente um bolinho de arroz asiatico com um recheio de atum cm maionese#eu nao sei como seria a situação wm uma cidade menor ou mais pro inteiror (lembrando eu moro em capital e sou meio burguês) mas#se vc quiser mto fazer ir atras do arroz nos mercados e tal vale a pena#lembrando tb que eu nao sou nem asiatico nem descendente de asiatico eu so fiz a minha pesquisa e adaptei um pouco a#receita pra nao gastar 100 reais em bolinhos#é isso gente 😁 desculpa se eu fui meio cego a situação fora de capital eu genuinamente tentei nao ser babaca (se eu fui pode me falar)#bjos bjos adeus#talk
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dailyordem · 1 year
só de curiosidade msm
(se vc respondeu que sim me coloca onde nas tags)
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wack-ashimself · 1 year
Know what is NEVER discussed about when it comes to these big shootings?
Why? Why did they do it?
Sure, it's glanced over, but then it's almost pushed aside to say 'it doesn't matter WHY they did it, it matters HOW they did it.'
NO. NO NO NO NO NO. If we can figure out and resolve WHY they did it, it won't matter HOW they did it because, in theory, THEY WOULDN'T HAVE DONE IT. Cuz we figured out whatever was broken in them, and helped fix it.
Most times it's not having the basics of survival. Either presently, or when they were growing up, so they had a shitty life leading up to the event. At MINIMUM, it's not having regular secure access to mental health services.
And trust me, in the USA, like our minimum wage, we don't even honestly give a fair minimum.
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icubud · 2 years
libtards, msm & big-tech and the revelation of the method
libtards, msm & big-tech and the revelation of the method
Gorka interview of Victor David Hanson, 30+ minutes of clear, solid analysis of our current events.
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gettothestabbing · 2 years
China Daily has since October 2021 spent $287,500 advertising in USA Today, according to filings with the Department of Justice. The iconic American newspaper is the latest news outlet to partner with the Beijing-controlled newspaper, which in recent years has paid outlets like Time, the Los Angeles Times, and Foreign Policy magazine millions of dollars to publish articles as part of Beijing's aggressive propaganda campaign in the West.
The USA Today–China Daily partnership comes amid heightened scrutiny over the Chinese Communist Party's efforts to shape Americans' views of Chinese culture and its domestic and foreign policy. Newspapers like the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the Washington Post ended advertising deals with China Daily because of foreign influence. Human-rights groups have criticized American news companies for publishing China Daily articles that tout the Chinese Communist Party's policies in Tibet, Hong Kong, and other disputed regions.
The U.S. government has also cracked down on China Daily and other Chinese state-controlled news agencies. The Justice Department in 2020 required China Daily to disclose details of its payments to American companies, showing more than $19 million spent on advertising and printing costs since November 2016.
The influx of advertising revenue is a much-needed boost for USA Today, which last year saw the steepest readership decline of any major newspaper—a 62 percent dropoff in circulation from 2020 to 2021. Time and the Los Angeles Times, two other companies working with China Daily, have also seen declines in subscriptions and advertising revenue. China Daily between November 2021 and April 2022 spent $1,618,143 on advertising. The newspaper paid $649,603 to Time, $315,540 to Financial Times, $306,000 to the Los Angeles Times, and $117,000 to Foreign Policy, according to its filings with the Justice Department.
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tezla7 · 2 years
28th May
It’s 28th May 2022.  Russian forces are destroying positions all along the Ukraine Donbass lines.  Hundreds are surrendering, far more are dying everyday from Russian artillery.
All of you who cheered on this war, who chanted “arm, arm, arm Ukraine”.  Who advocated sending weapons and cheered on ultra far right groups in a mafia state.  All of you who are now quietly removing Ukraine flags from your profiles, fields and doorways.  I hope at some point you’ll come to learn that what you were cheering for was more and more death.
It’s easy to be brave with other people’s lives.
In the aftermath of this conflict when that time comes, Europe will face a famine, an energy crisis and a huge amount of arms on the black market.  Weaponised terrorists spread far throughout Europe and across the world.  Ukraine will be left with astronomical levels of debt and no means to pay.
Ukraine is already fading from the mainstream media military mania machine.  This is what Empires do.  Chew you up, spit you out, then move onto the next place to colonise, exploit and destroy.  As the USA loses influence on the global stage it’s likely to get more ugly and violent, not less.  This may manifest in an internal collapse rather than another foreign war but whatever happens, it won’t be pretty.
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itsalla-blrrrr · 6 months
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Why Americans No Longer Trust The Media
The mainstream media have long been considered a trusted source of news and information in the United States. However, in recent years, trust in the media has eroded significantly, and many Americans no longer see it as a reliable source of information. So, what has caused this shift in perception, and why do so many Americans no longer trust the mainstream media? One major reason for this lack…
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targetedru · 1 year
Double Standards
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
Remembrance Day - Remembering What Exactly?
Remembrance Day – Remembering What Exactly?
Like clockwork November 11th comes round like a sick reminder as to how we learn barely any lessons from history. For all those feeling that sentence is sacrilege, then I ask you what the hell are we remembering? You might posit we are remembering all the pointless loss of life in a war, so archaic, so 19th century as to be what it always was – slaughter of the people as cannon fodder to higher…
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nutrahealthproducts · 2 years
Prices for skin care products vary depending on criteria such as quality, packaging, and the components utilized. In terms of pricing, your budget will restrict the skincare items you may purchase. However, you should avoid items with suspiciously cheap prices.
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icubud · 8 months
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✨✨✨✨ SAINTOBER 2023 ✨✨✨✨
Camus, Hyoga e Isaak Dia 30: Fave Army O meu é a turma de gelo, kk Não tem mais explicação não, só gosto de quem usa gelo msm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sunshyni · 14 days
Sun depois desse anúncio do show do Dream eu estou no mais puro ódio e frustrada pq eu não vou ir dnv no show deles
Eu realmente to mal com isso já chorei o dia inteiro só coisa boa vem acontecendo, primeiro meu irmão q estragou meu álbum, não consigo arranjar emprego de jeito nenhum e dnv não vou realizar o meu sonho de ver o Dream, a um fio de desistir da vida de vez
Realmente ser preta, pobre e de quebrada não é fácil
EIII EIII N FALA ASSIM ANON, n seja tão dura consigo msm, digo isso por experiência própria
Tá tudo bem n poder ir pro show nesse momento, vão existir outras oportunidades, e talvez até melhores do q seria se vc fosse agr (parece papo de coach, mas sério, as coisas acontecem no momento certo, n só de vc ir no show como tbm de conseguir um emprego, usa esse período pra tentar aprender coisas novas, n usa ele pra se diminuir e se tratar feito lixo, pq vc é incrível e se tem uma pessoa q precisa saber disso é vc msm). Faz bem chorar, nunca reprima as suas emoções, mas tbm n permita q elas te devorem, busca ter algum controle sobre isso.
Provavelmente esse textão n vai te ajudar em nada KKKKKKKK Mas saiba q do fundo do meu coração eu espero q vc reflita sobre e olhe as coisas por outra perspectiva ♥️
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