#more movie compliant bc i haven't seen the stage musical **YET**
boleynecklace · 3 months
fuck it christian and satine headcanons (post-canon / satine lives!au adjacent) because i am silly and crazy and free
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obviously they’re both on the same level of being ridiculously and helplessly affectionate with each other. their biggest love language besides words of affirmation is TOUCH. 
satine likes being an early riser, particularly because it gives her more time to spend with christian before they start going on with their day (him with the writing, her with the acting and dance rehearsals) 
but there are times where she’s knocked out a little longer than him and he wakes ahead of her and whenever it happens, he just gladly gazes at how beautiful she is even when she’s asleep and he’d try waking her up with kisses
their favourite non sexual activity, that isn’t holding each other or being in one’s arms would be reading or singing out lines to each other. or christian cracking up a corny joke (but satine still laughs at it anyway) although there have been instances in which this leads to more than one way or another…
she loves it when he takes her to sit on his lap everytime he’s sat with his typewriter trying to sort out the next scene in his story. sometimes it distracts him from getting work done but it pays off in the end as she’s a great and constant support for him.
and although they try the hardest to be professional when rehearsing for the shows, they still opt to sneak in between breaks just so they could have a talk for a minute (or let’s face it. so they could just kiss each other for that entire time) 
when it gets to a point where they can see a future with each other that involves marriage, christian gets quite nervous at first before he proposes. he never had a problem saying i love you to satine nearly 24/7 but for him to ask her if she would gladly spend their lives together and take the next step was something that felt nerve wrecking
he proposes on the night before they leave france. it happens after satine comes back from a last night out with zidler and the rest of their friends, she walks into his garrett with candle lights surrounding his room. little does she know he’s secretly found a way to get a ring for her, and it’s a small heart shaped diamond ring. satine bursts into tears when he asks her the question, immediately saying yes and they spend the entire night wrapped in each other’s arms, making love in between the sheets.
shortly after the success of spectacular spectacular, they set out a few more shows but they do leave paris to start anew and head off to london, and there christian takes a part time job as a book printer whilst meeting ends to continue his own work as a playwright / writer and satine sings at a local café whilst also trying to land acting gigs.
they also venture into england so christian could introduce satine to his family, as his fianceé. christian’s father not too long before they both arrive receives a letter from him, telling the entire story of his stay in paris, the moulin rouge, and satine. his father is adamant and intrigued at first, but eventually eases off his assumptions and reception towards satine and their relationship when he meets and gets to know her. 
christian’s got two teenage sisters, named emily and charlotte. like him they are both fond of writing and poetry, but lean more towards being musically inclined with the piano and violin. satine forms a great bond with the girls, as if they are the sisters she never had and they treat her as such too. 
christian and satine reside in one of his family’s estates, in a house not too far from central london. their home being a wedding gift from his father. 
their first big argument had to do with their wedding plans, some frustrations arose when trying to send out invitations to paris and where their friends could stay and satine worried about who will make it or not plus christian’s own deals in making proper amends with his father. they are able to get things over with and most often whenever bits of squabbling occur, it just leads them to getting entangled in the sheets with each other in the end. 
their wedding goes smoothly and in the way they want it to be, simple but stunning that’s intimate in the best way possible. satine wears the white dress from spectacular spectacular again, as a way to honor one of the greatest nights of their lives.
satine and christian adopt two cats as company in their home, also so satine’s little bird wouldn’t feel so alone, a white one named marié and a black one named louis.
satine finds out she’s pregnant two months into their marriage. she panics at first, thinking her illness had returned but suddenly realises the symptoms were drastic. when she tells christian the news that she’s with child he sweeps her off her feet and cries happily, as he never knew the day would come that he would get to have a family with someone he loved.
their firstborn is a girl, whom they name celine. she has satine’s red hair and the first few months of them being parents had them very hands on, but this stage of life gave christian even more inspiration for his writing, and satine the motivation to work harder in her acting. 
together they both become a force of a team. satine lands her first big acting showcase in a production of shakespeare’s richard iii, she plays anne neville in it and her performance is praised by many, while christian’s original play about a missing orphan who turns out to be a long lost princess gets picked up with rave reviews 
since they both have way too much fun in the bedroom loool, a year and a half after they have celine, satine falls pregnant again. her and christian are ecstatic to have one more addition in their family, and months later they have another healthy baby girl that they name theresé, this makes christian so delighted as she shares his dark haired features
when the two babies are a little older, satine and christian decide to visit paris again after a long time, and they do so on their 5th wedding anniversary. it's a first family outing for all of them outside of work duties and it's a very happy one <3
and because they really can’t stop at two, satine realises she’s with child for another time after they get back from the trip. pregnancy was something she didn’t thorougly enjoy as much, but being a mother was as much as work of love and devotion to her the way her career does. 
satine goes into labor while christian is at work for one of his plays and at the same time, finds out he’s been invited to hold a private show for the queen. such things happening all at once that he couldn’t believe the life he had looked for in paris all those years ago eventually lead to this.
they have a girl once again and christian is just so over the moon over it, and just like their eldest, the girl inherits her mother’s red hair. they name her margaret blanche after his mother and after satine’s mother. 
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