#mike rebuilding it because this was will's safe place and it can't end like this it just can't
uselessnbee · 2 years
my favorite hc i have is Mike rebuilding the Castle Byers while Will is in California and he's missing him.
i'm imagining when Mike and Lucas came for Will after their fight and Will destroyed it Mike noticed but it was dark and raining and they weren't there for long so he wasn't sure
but a few months after the Byers' moved to Cali and Will and Mike didn't really talk plus Mike was finally realising his feelings one day he was just missing Will so desperately he went out to the forest and found the Castle Byers destroyed and the photo ripped in half and he just had a breakdown right then there because he knew it's his fault and he just felt so guilty and misses Will so much and stupid he's so stupid he's been treating Will so badly and he lost him again and it's his fault and why did he have to fall in love with him and why why why
but then every time he feels like shit, his thoughts are just too loud and his brain won't shut up or he can't sleep he goes out and starts rebuilding it, tries to salvage at least some of it, tries to repair that photo he tries he tries because maybe if he can repair this he can one day repair his broken relationship with Will maybe maybe
(it's also a funny thought imagining Mike trying to rebuild it cause that boy probably has no skill and would hurt himself so many times but hey if he hurts himself so whatever at least another distraction from all the terrible thoughts in his head)
but now Will is back in Hawkins. and maybe he goes look on his own or maybe Jonathan knows about it and one day decides that they could rebuild it but they won't find it the way Will left it. he finds it repaired and with the photo hanging there and what if there's a little i'm sorry written on the back
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