#me doing jazz hands and a spooky voice: 'Ideas...' XD
astrodances · 2 years
Dose the food replicator understand what Donald is saying 
This question legit made me laugh for like five minutes straight when I first read it, so thank you for that. XD This feels like the most quintessential question you could get from crossing these two universes over haha! XD
But for real, this is a good question. The food replicator, I'm sure, is tied into the universal translator, so you would think its matrix could decipher even Donald's voice, given all the other alien languages it's encountered. And I mean, I might just go with this being the easy answer and call it a day. The universal translator is pretty sophisticated technology, after all.
But...depending on my previous notes and answers, and the timeline of all the things, one of two things could be the case:
When young Donald and Della first arrive on the Klondike (and have presumably come from a household that didn't rely on replicators, or Della's usually there to interpret for him, and/or there's still touchscreens?), maybe the ship's replicator either only sometimes understands Donald and gives him the wrong things ("I said 'juice', not 'books'!"), or just doesn't understand him at all. So he takes it upon himself to finally do something about it, and he starts to tinker with the replicator in his and Della's quarters. There's probably some shenanigans involved, but eventually he makes the replicator and the UT understand him, and that becomes his first taste of engineering!
This was actually my initial idea, but given the timeline and the whole B.O.Y.D.-colony thing, it might not work, but...I was thinking that maybe at the Academy (or, if I can really make it work, when they're kids!), a young Gyro Gearloose sees Donald having trouble with the replicator, and he takes it upon himself to find a solution. There's more shenanigans, misunderstandings, and some bonding involved here, too, but in the end, Gyro comes through, and the two of them become friends to some degree. (Though this might be where the Della-Gyro teasing begins?)
Either way, by the end of these situations, we're left with a new invention: an "external" Barksian Modulator. It's a device for the UT that allows the replicator, and all computer/ship systems, to understand Donald's voice - basically, the computers hear what we heard in "Shadow War!"
Now this does come with an important question or two: does this mean that everyone else will also hear Donald's smooth voice through the UT (since the listener hears things in their own language through the UT, and the Modulator might consider Donald's unique voice a different language, in a technical sense)? That could have some emotional storylines, or maybe it is just a modulation for the computer, and everyone else still hears Donald's normal voice.
The other important smaller question is, will this be a device/software that Donald has to bring around with him from ship to ship, at least at first? Gonna go with probably not, or at least not for long: the UT is built into combadges and computers, so it probably should be easy enough to submit it to whomever oversees the UT and have them integrate it into the software on a Federation/Fleet-wide level. The UT is learning new languages and adapting them all the time, and this would just be another for the books.
And last thought: I think I will be able to use Barksian Modulator as the name here still. I'm sure there was some inventor/linguist/scientist/engineer by the name of Carl Barks well before Donald and Gyro's time who probably had a hand in creating the UT, and his work specifically influenced their ideas for the Modulator. ;)
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arctimon · 2 years
Big Hero 6 - On Hallow’s Eve, Watch Over Me
I hope that everyone had a good Halloween, and you got literally all the candy.  I, on the other hand, spent the evening watching three dogs and a sister give out candy as dinosaurs.
No, I will not be giving any further context.
Either way, every time Halloween comes around, it reminds me of the story that I’ve wanted to write every Halloween, but never got around to: the Big Hero 6/Overwatch sort-of crossover.
I say sort-of because it’s not like Mercy and Tracer are going to show up in San Fransokyo.  At least...not physically.
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I have made a few references to Overwatch in my stories (mostly in Highway to Hell), and I think it would be a perfect way for the team to get into alternate characters.  Of course, things would never be that easy, especially if they have to do some heroics during Halloween night.
I haven’t gotten around to figuring out what exactly they’d be doing (if I was sadistic, probably pushing a payload or something),   But I do have a pretty good idea of who’d they be going as.
Here’s the big bad list:
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Hiro Hamada - Wrecking Ball (Potassium)
Funny story behind this one.  I would imagine that after staying up all night for a few consecutive days (including his costume), he loses his voice and has to have a voice module talk for him, which is where the robot’s voice comes from.  Plus, his grappling hook is the closest thing to the magnetic coils he uses (and he ain’t no Widowmaker, that’s for sure).
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Honey Lemon - Mercy (Witch)
Pretty self explanatory.  Plus, you have to go for the Witch one.  It’s her most popular skin.
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Baymax - Orisa (Carbon Fiber) Again, I think this one is pretty obvious.  She even has a voice line riffing off of him (”Are you satisfied with your care?”).  She doesn’t have much of a red skin sans the team ones, so I went with the most futuristic one.
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Go Go - Lucio (Jazzy)
Now, I know what you’re thinking.  Why would you make Go Go Lucio?  Well, for one, have you seen Go Go’s actual Halloween costume in “Obake Yashiki”?  She doesn’t want to do any work.  All she needs is a set of roller blades and she’s set.
I at least wanted to jazz her up a bit with her skin.  I think even Go Go would appreciate a good fedora/top hat/whatever Lucio’s wearing in this skin.
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Fredzilla - Doomfist (Lake)
Fred and a giant blue fist?  Count me in. 
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Wasabi - Genji (Blackwatch)
I gave Wasabi Genji because of his affinity for blades, and also because at the time I was doing all of this (which was a while ago), Baptiste hadn’t come out yet.  I suppose that the combat healer would be a better fit for him, but something about him having a giant dragon blade just fills me with glee.
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Karmi - Symmetra (Classic)
When I was searching for screenshots for Karmi, I had completely forgotten the gauntlet.  I have no idea how, but it makes her fit in even well.  The hardlight turrets, the giant wall ultimate, the general disregard for things out of order.  It all fits.  And you can’t go wrong with the classic Symmetra look.
Now the question is whether or not she’ll kill Hiro for having leggings that high.  XD
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Aunt Cass - Ana (Horus)
Older woman who drinks tea and is the mother of the group?  Pretty obvious.
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Megan - Sombra (Talon)
A young Mexican girl that can turn invisible and can turn out the lights with EMPs?  Even more obvious.
I was contemplating the Talon skin and her Glitch one, but this one would probably be the “tamer” one.  Methinks that Chief Cruz wouldn’t like her shaving half of her head to get into character.
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Although would that even stop her?
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Juniper - Zarya (Totally 80′s)
Yes, June’s not Russian, and has slightly less musculature than Zarya, but the costume is a spitting image.  Maybe give her Gravity Cannon an electrical field so she can carry it?
Someday I’ll get around to writing this story, just like all the other ones.  It’s just that certain events have to happen in order for this story to happen.
Oh well.  Maybe next (spooky) year?
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