#me browsing my saved clips like 'wait why did i record this one—'
hyakunana · 25 days
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I hate the sewers . jpg
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nautiscarader · 5 years
Wendip Week day 4 - I always kinda knew
(Ao3), T, some implications at the end
- I always kinda knew. - What?! Dipper looked at his sister with a mixture of shock and anger, which, as expected, did nothing to the young woman sitting across the table, who was still busy putting copious amount of jelly on her birthday toast. - Buh...Buh... Why haven't you told me sooner? - Dipper asked in frustration, still unsure ih he has properly woken up. - Eh, it would make things funnier to watch.
She took a bite of her breakfast.
- I can jusht shee the coghs in youhr bhrain shlowly turning... And as Dipper's head fell down and his face met the empty plate, the worst possible feeling has sunken into his soul: Mabel was right. - So... when? 
He asked desperately and drank cup of coffee, its bitterness mixing with both the overwhelming joy he was feeling, as well as the foreboding and ominous knowledge that in a moment he's gonna receive a full tell-off and that Mabel was gonna enjoy every second of it.
- Actually - Mabel interjected, taking her phone from the pocket of her sweater. - I think I have a date of this momentous occasion! She quickly browsed through the list of her messages, and a solid minute later, she proudly presented the message to her, from an unlikely source: Tambry.
hey, mabel, your brother got hot over winter wtf?
should have seen wendy when she saw him lol
Dipper groaned, but promptly sat upright when spotted the date of the message.
- July fifteenth?! - he gasped - That's... that's two months ago! Are you telling me I could have been dating Wendy whole two months? - That's right, brother! Mabel spoke in a sing-song voice, jumpd to the living room and pulled a string underneath the ceiling Dipper thought was a leftover garland from their party.
- And this is why you're gonna get subjected to... "All the moments of this Summer where you could have realised that Wendy was in love in you but you did nothing! She continued to read the letters pasted to the red curtain that fell behind her. Some of them were written with a glittery pen.
- I couldn't fit all the letters, it was too much of a hassle do it for someone like you, anyway. A faint giggling reached Dipper's ear from his left. Wendy snickered, opening her mouth for the first time since Mabel's revelation.
- What? - she asked when Dipper looked at her with accusatory look in his eyes - It's pretty cool she did something like that. - What, to humiliate me? - Oh come on, Dipper - Wendy cupped his face and gave him a kiss. The third kiss of his life so far.
No matter how bummed he was feeling knowing he could have spent this summer with Wendy as his girlfriend, the feeling of her lips on his filled him with warmth that electrified him, sending sparks to every corner of his seventeen-years old body.
- Come on, dude, it's gonna be like watching a bad movie. - Yeah, I suppose so. Dipper smiled, and the walked to the living room, where Mabel has already plugged her phone to the archaic TV. He sat as comfortably as he could, and shyly sat next to Wendy. After a while she sighed, and grabbed his arm to coil it around her neck.
The screen flickered, as the modern signal had to cram itself through several adapters, but the room was soon filled with sound and colours, as Mabel's video showed a familiar scene from a few weeks ago.
- This is gonna be amazing...! - Mabel's face filled the screen, as she turned the phone around - Dipper! Come to us! We've got ice cream! Dipper watched as his five-weeks younger self walks to the table occupied by Wendy, Mabel, and her two friends.
- What flavour? - Strawberry - Candy replied quickly - Oh gosh! I just remembered we had an important appointment! - Mabel suddenly spoke in a would-be dramatic voice, enunciating each word - What a shame we have to leave you guys, with the ice cream that was already paid for! For a moment, the screen became a blur as Mabel, Candy and Grenda rushed away to watch the two from a hidden place around the corner. A moment later, the camera zoomed, filling the screen with Dipper and Wendy sitting silently at the table.
- So... - Dipper said - Watched anything interesting lately? - Er, no, I don't think so - Wendy replied, trying to hide her blush - But you know, we... could watch something, maybe? - I thought we went through all the old VHS of your dad? - Yeah... - she fixed her hair nervously - I was thinking more like a cinema, you know. Like, a proper movie. - Oh, yeah, sure.  - he replied quickly - I bet others would like to go too. We can take Soos and see the new Manbat movie! - And there we go! Mabel's voice rang in Dipper's ears, as she suddenly stopped the video.
- Not only you failed to notice the humongous blush on Wendy's face as she was left with you....
Mabel used a laser pointer to circle Wendy's face.
- But you also proposed to bring other people on a movie date! That's a purple card, Dipper. - There are no purple cards in soccer, Mabel. - Well, there should be for people like you! She blew a raspberry at him, which again prompted a laughter from Wendy.
- Come on, Mabel, I was as clueless there as he was. - Maybe, but feast your eyes on this! She tapped her phone and the video changed to another familiar image. Dipper instantly recognised the beige walls, covered in red writing, obscured by the shadows. Until this day they weren't sure if it was the aliens, or first natives of this land, who have build this temple, but they surely won't be coming back there soon.
- Come on, quickly! - Mabel's voice rang from the TV - It's gonna collapse! The silhouettes of Soos and Melody filled the screen, and they had to wait a while until they could see themselves. Wendy was walking up the collapsing corridor, helping limping Dipper to move at all. At some point she cursed, and much to Dipper's surprise, she simply took him into his arms and ran way faster than either of them could expect.
- Come on, Mabel! She nagged her, and for a moment the image became blurry, the audio glitched, and the next image that was clear was from the outside, showing the collapsed cave and the dust setting in. But Mabel was quick to move her phone to Dipper, still aching in Wendy's arms.
- It's gonna be alright, Dip, it's twisted, not broken... - Wendy cooed over Dipper, patting gently his head. - Wendy... you... you saved my life. - Come on, man, you'd do the same for us - Wendy shrugged, never taking eyes from him, a beaming smile dawning on her face. - You... you were amazing back there... Though Mabel was shaking, the camera remained perfectly still, showing Dipper's face inches from Wendy's. Tired from the adventure, Dipper closed his eyes, and Wendy followed, shortening the distance even more. Her hand slid to his cheeks, and their noses almost touched, when a sudden rubble made them come back to reality, foiling their moment of intimacy.
- There! - Mabel interrupted again - You guys were this close to a smooch! - Oh... - Dipper's eyes opened wide. - You... er, you wanted to... me... there? Wendy blushed and shied away.
- Well, you know, the occasion seemed kinda, you know... - One and a half inch! - Mabel suddenly exclaimed. Mabel took a measuring tape, put it on the screen and then shoved in front of their faces.
- Can you imagine how frustrated we were? - Don't exaggerate Mabel... - I'm not! She resumed the video and quickly turned to Soos and Melody, both staring at the scene with mouths wide open in anticipation. The next moment, when Wendy and Dipper moved apart, their faces became filled with disappointment, Melody shook her fist behind their backs and then used her hands to mimic the two kissing, cursing silently under her breath.
- And for the cup of grace, I present to you... - It's not pronounced that way - Dipper grumbled. - Shush, brother. As I was saying, the final proof is... Dipper didn't even have to watch it to know what adventure was going to be next. The ominous noise from the speakers reminded him of the fear of the tornado that rushed through the southern outskirts of their city, uprooting trees from the forest. He knew Mabel was recording the whole operation, as Ford was trying to capture the tornado in a box to study it further. Dipper opened his eyes, knowing what he'll see. The three of them were holding Mabel's hands, as she was the only one with a line, secured to the less secure ladder on top of a shack outside of town. The camera moved from side to side, while the two flew in the wind like flags, torn by the violent element around them.
- Wendy! - Dipper spoke - I don't know if I'm gonna come out of this alive! - What? - Wendy shouted - Can't hear you! - I just wanted to say... - he looked at the camera mounted to his sister's sweater - ...that I love you, Wendy. I have never stopped. - Dipper, I can't hear you, but Dipper, I wish I spoke to you sooner! - the lumberjane shouted over the wind - What? - I think I got a major crush on you this summer! Like, maybe more than a major one... - ...and you're smart, and funny, and brave... - Dipper continued. - ...dude, you're such a funny guy to have around... - ...and I think we could have two kids, I suppose, and a house with a garden, of course, a dog, maybe... - ...and it's gonna be such a bummer when you'll leave... - OH COME ON! Mabel from the TV screamed, and letting a deafening cry, she pulled both her Dipper and Wendy down the ladder, one step at a time, while the camera showed the eye of the tornado sucking the air above them. When the force of gravity took over, though, the three tumbled on the roof of the house, and Mabel was positively screaming at them.
- I'm so gonna make an exaggerated clip compilation of you guys, you are the worst. But I'm also glad you are alive.
She pulled them into a hug, making sure to press Wendy and Dipper's cheeks together.
- It's so sad! - Mabel sniffed - It's like a Greek tragedy, he can't her her, she can't hear him... - Why did you even film that part? - Cos you know, if someone found the phone, they'd know you were in love, and, I don't know, they'd make a shared grave or something? - That's... uh, sweet, I guess - Wendy raised her brow - And kinda pessimistic. Mabel blew her nose, and unapologetically pulled the cable from the TV screen.
- Well, that concludes my presentation. Conclusion? You are both dum-dums, and as a result, perfect for each other. I mean, Wendy, you are freaking cool, but... put you next to him, and this year you just...
Mabel dragged her finger in a circular motion next to her head. - Still, I'm glad you have finally found each other. Again. - she rolled her eyes. - Well, thanks Mabel - Wendy smiled - Just don't film us anymore, okay? - I won't I won't. But I am gonna upload this on-line. - Mabel! - Dipper jumped from the sofa, but was promptly stopped by Wendy. Her arms not only got hold of him, but turned him around, so his lips could meet hers in a fourth, fifth, and sixth kiss they have exchanged so far, all tasting like yesterday's cherry birthday cake, and a little bit like maple syrup Wendy had for breakfast. - Let her go, she probably wants to spend time with Paz. - Wendy spoke, when she had to take a breath. - Okay, just for you. - Dipper smiled. - It's just, Wendy... I'm sorry for not telling you sooner... - Hey, dude, I'm guilty as well. I guess I now know how you felt when you were twelve. The two looked at each other and burst into laughter.
- Okay, from now on, we just tell things straight to ourselves, deal? - Deal, dude.
And before Dipper could react, she threw herself onto him, lay her head on his shoulder, and whispered her idea into his ear, as directly as she could, so there could be no misunderstandings whatsoever. For a moment, it left Dipper frozen, until she straightened her back and looked into his widened eyes.
- Now? Shouldn't we keep... you know, kissing? - We're gonna kiss a lot during it. - Wendy smirked and wiggled her brow. - T-True, I guess...
Dipper spoke in a tiny voice, and let Wendy lead him into seventh, eight and ninth kiss, knowing fully well they might go into triple digits by the time he'll leave Gravity falls tomorrow morning.
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taytaybooks · 6 years
In the previews where they each hold a prop on a pole and then all together the props assemble the fly they all sang about ahhh😍😍 it’s so clever
The instrumental- it’s so soothing
“I can see the world I’m dreeaming…all arouuund me”
The change from soothing instrumental to jaunty music 😍
“As my heart fills with love” The “ba bums” and “ahhs” after that line to show her heartbeat ahh and how everyone (the ensemble) hide behind the door and comes out when they sing the “ahhs” for the heartbeat and how they dance oh this show is too much😍
“We can keep her heartbeat stable
Your school is the kitchen table now”
“Would you like to name him?”
*looks of disdain and confusion*
The instrumental at the start😍
The fact that a grown man wears a fish costume on his head and sings onstage I mean wow😂
“Listen to your crazy mom droning on now I’m her bla bla bla bla bla” lmao
“Your parents are crazy
But you can count on meeee” the dancing in this scene oml and the fact that a man dressed as a fish holds a smaller fish and smacks it on the ground so it “flops around”
When the instrumental turns slow again😭 And it’s meant to be a sad part but the fish is scootering around on stage singing “goodbye” in a warbled voice😅
“We’ll be spending the day at Notre Dame” I love how this is sung
“Now the whole world of Paris picks up speed” I love the way everyone on the train moves forward and backward to show the train’s movement
The “ahhs” before Amandine prays for a son
The nuns/holy people with outrageously huge hats😂 And then the holy person with a dinosaur head on his head😂😂
The dummy hitting Amandine and killing her😂😂 and the chalk on the backdrop depicting a dead silhouette with “mom” next to it
Her dad memorialising the mom with a gnome she hated😂😂😂
“All of these towns I’ve never heard of racing paaaast”
“It isn’t what I have, it’s only what I have in store
That matters now, the past can only fade!”
“And I might be a dreamer
But it’s gotten me this far” this resonates with me idk why
“My own museum full of paintings I look through!
Where everything is clear!
It isn’t where I am
it’s only where I’ll go from here
That matters now!
And I am not afraaaid!
As everything I’ll ever need appears
This is how my world gets maaaaade” especially that last note😍
The set change right before the song finishes😍
GOING ROUND IN CIRCLES deserved to stay on the cast recording☕️🐸
“Stopping atop St. Martin’s canal
Skipping a stooone”
“She cracks créme brûlée”
“And how many couples in Paris are having an orgasm right at this moment! ….Fifteen!” Because every Broadway show needs some nasty in there
“Later this evening her life will chanaaange”
Honestly the instrumental to this song and like every song is just so beautiful😍😍
“Fingers slip, a bottle drops, and falling in slow motion”
The instrumental change😍😍😍
“Slowly crack the treasure open”
“A watch that’s waiting to be wound
A treasure waiting to be found
I am Howard Carter stepping into Tutankhamen’s tomb” ahhh
And while the ensemble is speaking I love the small “Give back the box” and “I have to try” in the background
“If I did I could be like Lady Diiii!” That note tho
is so jaunty oml yes
“You’re my best friends inside the Seeeeeine”
“Figs all in a BUNCH” the way he says bunch cracks me up every time
“Figaro is bluuue
There’s nothing on his plate
What’s Lucien to doooo?
He finds the guy a date!“
“Why is it that someone so young and so full of life spends every night alone at her window?
…Unless all her friends are dwarves and I can’t see them"😂😂 good old Dufayel
“Are you an artist?
Every day I come to a canvas with palette and brush
and I ask myself the same question” shit just got deep guys
“Paintings, these paintings"😍
“But in the end it always comes down to…heeeeer”
“But the girl with the glass looks away”
“Just a young girl who doesn’t belong to anywhere,
anywheeeere or anyoooooone” this really shows how lost Amélie can be and its relatable af TBH
“Look down, Monsieur Bretodeau, doooown” I love how she says this honestly😍😂
“On the ledge, a metal box”
“Unlock the box”
“Here’s how to tell time
How to tell time
How to tell time
How to tell time
How to teeeeell
A cognac please!” This whole part is sung so well ahhh
So jaunty and upbeat I love it
“Listen to the squeak of the bakery cart
Leaving a trail of breadcrumbs”
“Looking through the glass
focused on the feast in the grocery window” I love the way she sings this gah Pippa you angel😍😍
“An envelope opens
A cat in a hallway
A filament flashes, flickers and dies
And there goes a hat
Thrown in the air
Thrown in the aiiir” The ensemble around them and the jazz hands ahhhh
“I can feel every stranger in Paris just waiting to collide
How a heart can pull like a moon as we circle each other
Then crashing together
We end up open wide"😍😍
The "ahhs” before she sings “I can see everything clearly now from heeeeere”
The video showing Amélie doing good around the world😂😂😂
The fact that it’s sung be an Elton John lookalike like whattttt and also how the lookalike has a glittery suit and purple hair😂
“We’re an ocean of rowboats you decided to save” I just really like this line
The “oohs” in the background ahhh
Oh, where will we go
Oh, who will appease us” the way they sing this😍
“Saving orphans!
Stopping fires!
I’ve got the high notes and
I’m singing with the choir!
“I’m thinking of shaving my head
And I really want to try crack” ok the fact that the Pippa Soo said this is explanation enough
“Dad you should come and visit me”
“Nope” so blunt😂
“You’re coming with me” cheeky Amélie
The gnome getting excited about going with the Stewardess mmhmmm
I love how the ensemble dresses up and ‘takes photos’ during the song
“There’s the girl you were
There’s the trip abroad
There’s your father’s smile
There’s the face of God” this has like a really cool nostalgic feeling to it
“There’s when she said yes
There’s the next ten years
There’s the loneliness when she disappears” nostalgia and sadness😍
“What’s the use of trying to hide
Or tearing yourself in two” This seems literal and metaphorical and I love it
“You have to give it back to him. Or you could imagine relating to someone you never meet, build no relationship. Become a nun!”
*actually dresses up as a nun as a disguise to give the book back to Nino in a FUCKING sex shop ok then Amélie*  
“Can I help you?”
“No just browsing"😂😂😂
“He’ll think that I’m a nun
And I am not a nun
He’ll think that I am chaste
And I’m not that chaste
Or I could run awaaaay
Leave his book on the shelf
By the lube and the lingerieeee” out of context this is very weird but I love it😂
“It’s hard to go unseen
At least in this instance with so little distance between” I love this because everyone tries to hide the bad parts but you can’t really do that once you get to know someone well which is sort of what she’s afraid of, but not really?
“I’m not finished with the boy- I mean the book
So I will hold him- hold it till tomorrow” mmhmm girl suuuure keep being in denial sister
And that part at the end where the instrumental changes and ahhhh
“This is so weird” haha no kidding Nino😂
The instrumental gahhh I swear this song makes me cry
The red fabric backdrop with the equations and waves projected onto it is so cool😍
“But whenever the boat gets halfway there
There is always halfway more”
“In my mother’s schoolhouse
There was always halfway to goo
To gooooo”
“I hear you breathing"😂😂😂
“Who are you?”
“I’m a mystery wrapped in an enigma trapped in a paradox disappearing into thin air”
“Me too"😂
"Little boat, big ocean
I’m the girl with the copper spyglass
who prays that today she will spot her shore
All at once a lighthouse
All at once through the copper spyglass
A light telling me to lean in on the oar
I start to row
But before I can get anywhere
From point A to point B
I am at that kitchen table
where I’ll always be at sea"😍😍😍 this part always gets me when I’m feeling lost and alone and I love the visual projection of it with Amélie moving towards Nino and the sailboat projected onto the red fabric moving towards him too, but then both the boat and Amélie stop and move back away from him ahhh😍💔
"Little boat big oceaaaan” ahh Pippa why is your voice so magical
“Unsuspended in mid-air And I can see everything from here”
“If I could reach you from Machu Picchu
Then I would say everything I would give anything” this is sweet even if it’s fabricated haha
Basically the fact that a grown man is dressed as a gnome and singing this fucking song lmao  
I love how they project the Polaroids for the audience to see
Also the fact that the flight attendant/stewardess and the gnome have a little romance going on
“I admit he looks good as a guard
But I want him back in my backyard”
“Do you see that crack in his clay”
“His black paint’s fading to grey”
“Travelling the world is tremendous
But for a garden gnome it’s gotta be hard” poor guy just wants his damn gnome back man
“The stewardesses, they always wonder, doesn’t matter where I roam
She asks "are you one of Santa’s elves?”
And I say “ma'am I am a gnome”
“Back before these feelings made me feeeel thingsss” this is so relatable honestly
“Dad this is Suzaaaanne” girl I see you😂 but seriously Amélie is so pure she matchmakes her own dad and boss gah
“The frame tries to hide you
Just like a disguise
But I know that face
From the look in your eyes
So I’m reaching out to you”
“Whooooo are you now
When all youuu have is thiiin aiir around youuuu”
“It’s easy to vanish when no one’s around
Your footsteps fall silent as snow on the ground
And I may be hammered but I can hear my heart pound
And it’s reaching out to youuu
Reaching out to youuuuu”
As I’m typing this I’m realising I very well may just be in love with the whole song….
“It’s too easy to disappear these days
There you go but nobody sees it
You leave a photo behind for a stranger to see
But now you’re so close I swear I can feel you
No more stories just show me the real you
And I promise that I’ll let you see the real me” awwww Nino😍
“So who are you now
When all I see is a face that hides way love until
You’re alone in a place you
Hide away until you’re alooooone
With thin aiiiiiiiiiiir
Arouuuuund you” 😍😍😍especially how the first line is sung
Amélie’s disguise when she spray paints the quote lmaooo😂
So this song is pretty short but it sounds so ethereal and beautiful😍
Like honestly who would even think it’d be a random as quote from an aspiring writer😂😂
The soft, magical sounding instrumental after “bring five francs”
“Here on a hill
There sits a great cathedral
Where I’ve left a trail
That only goes so far
Here I can keep him moving forward
And keep things as they are
Halfway to love
And just close enough
To Sacre-Couer"😍😍😍 it’s so beautifully sung and the words ahhh
"I know my heart Is speaking with a murmur
Making the sound that only I can hear
All I can manage is a whisper
Of this heartbeat trapped inside
Here in this place
Grant me the grace
To be amplified” and then the instrumental changes ahhh it’s so beautiful
The hats the ensemble in the carousel are wearing😂😂
“Maybe I can try and stay
Just stand right here
Here he comes!
Screw that!
Run away!” Amélie is forever relatable and so cute😂😍
And then the “ahhs” after the last verse (if you saw my Anastasia post you probably realised I have a thing for “ahhs”)
The fact that she’s so paranoid and has such an overactive imagination that this whole song is basically her imagining a scenario where he gets hit and almost dies
The part where the ensemble joins in😍
“Current flows through Nino’s arteries
Which stops his heart
As train parts tear his limbs apaaaart” lovely imagery😂😂 and their reactions lmaoo
“Who has time for a guy like that
For a guy who doesn’t know
How to tell time
How to tell time
How to tell
Ahhhhhhh"😍😍 when Nino arrives and everyone else goes crazy lmao😂😂
The instrumental is so jaunty?upbeat? Idk I just know that I love it
"Everything was going perfect
In the circus
Until the day he dropped me
And then dropped me for the tattooed lady”
“She broke her leg in seven places”
“I did"😂😅 the usual you know
"And it seems that every single guy I know
Has another lady on the side show”
“You know our girl’s a fragile egg”
“Don’t break her heart”
“Or break her leg"😂 this whole song goes from funny to sweet lmao
"She’s not a waitress who will take your order”
“Bring your food or fill your refills”
“Except when working at the Windmills” 😂😂 when they forget she actually works as a waitress lmao but very good message, this musical is/was gold😍 I miss it so much😭😭
“Can you prove?”
“That youuuuu are a looooover for the ages
Can you proooove that”
“Youuuuuuu are not highly contagious"😂😂😂
I love that they shove him & his table out of the way so they can dance
"Love is just another diagnosis
Like bacterial vaginosis” Oml this song kills me 😂😂😂 WHO WROTE THESE LYRICS
“I love her and I don’t know her name” Nino is such a sweetheart awww
“All the while while love infects us
The side effect is that love connects us” this extended metaphor is weird af but it works so well and I love it because it also manages to give us all a great message😍👏👏
“But don’t expect me to play fair”
“I hear you coming
What can I do to
Drown out this drumming”
“No turning back now that you took the breadcrumbs
And I lost the way
And arrows fall out of thin air
If I could just find the right words to say
Would you stay right there
I like you right there”
“Stay where you are
Safe enough range
Try to move closer
You’ll only get halfway
Pin down your heart
Put out the flame
Don’t come any closer
But don’t move awaaaay”
And the canon effect of Nino and Amélie (he kind of like echoes her?) in “stay where you are” and “pin down your heart”^😍
“Is it true that you’ve solved Zeno’s paradox?” I love the way she sings this gah
“I have to do more than stay”
“Even though I am always halfway there”
“I could meet you there halfway” I ship them so much
“Where do we go from here
Now that you are standing by my side
After all there’s more to life than holding you” 😍😍
“After all there’s more to life than we can see
Will there be troubles?
I don’t know
Will there be sweet things?
I hope so
Will there be time to keep on dreaming when this dream is over?” This is so realistic ahhh I want to legitimately cry, such a real and beautiful love😍
“What happens when you can’t hold on
Or when I can’t hold on to you?”
I love the faces they make when taking pictures in the photo booth😂
“What’s gonna happen?
I don’t know
But whatever happens
Here we go
What’s gonna happen
And where do we go
From here?” A perfect ending to a perfect musical that deserved better❤️
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Need to recognize greater about an object you saw on the rack? just use SnapTell to scan the barcode of any CD, DVD, e-book or online game and you will be able to get all of the records you may in all likelihood want. What type of facts? Well, in case you just Need some more cursory statistics, that’ll work. maximum extensively, in case you Want to look how the price stacks up to other vendors, it can try this for you in seconds. This app might be a large time Money-saver for you if you take the time to apply it earlier than you’re making that subsequent media purchase!
Key Ring Reward Cards
That is a completely accessible app to consolidate all your litter to your purse/pockets Whilst making sure which you don’t lose precious Reward/loyalty Playing cards. How does it work? All you do is take a picture of the barcode of your Reward card (pretty much any respectable sized organization with a rewards software is within the database- over 650 packages) and input some simple records approximately the store. It is it; You are now equipped to apply your smartphone as your Reward card at that shop in the future by using pulling up your Reward facts from that save on this Android app. It’s in all likelihood no longer for non-techies or those who crave severe simplicity. It’s far, but, a terrific concept and era With the intention to no question get crisper within the destiny.
if you do not thoughts wearing all your Reward Playing cards and probably losing one or two alongside the way (and having to suffer via the wait to replace the cardboard), this Unfastened Android app seems like a waste of time. But, if the more inch of not-so-soft plastic padding for your rump (or the misuse of perfectly excellent purse area- no longer to say the capability inability to apply your elegant tiny purse out Buying) isn’t always idyllic, this app is well worth the short while to download and get the whole thing set up nicely.
That is the correct app for the happy, busy family of Android phone customers. It allows the youngsters to forever and ever upload all their essential ingredients. When the items are bought, they can be removed from the list (on all the Android phones It’s registered to) and then, 4 hours later, they are able to effortlessly be added again onto the list! Joking aside, This is a terrific app to have for the new-age hyper busy, hyper tech households that Want to end up more efficient.
Hiya, it expenses a number of Cash to preserve shopping that more loaf of bread that your husband/spouse (or maybe you- way to that not sure hmm, don’t we need bread moment even though you just bought loaves the previous day- yes You are no longer alone!) just picked up and will end up turning green earlier than everyone has a danger to make a sandwich with it.
OI Shopping listing
To me, this app, fully named the OpenIntents Purchasing listing, is like the OurGroceries for the unmarried parents out there. no longer to say a circle of relatives wouldn’t advantage from this app, it just has extra capabilities and It is not a super suit just like the other app is for families that need a simple method to maintain upon their present day Buying desires. That being said, this app is an effective workhorse and can certainly come to be saving you endless hours and a few first-rate cash at 12 months give up.
US Telephone book Search
This is one of the extra useful Unfastened Android apps to be had and I will be honest, it would not a hundred% suit with the topic of assisting you to keep Money Even as Buying. I ought to argue that it does, However for simplicity, I’ll simply use an antique click: Time is Money! Saving some time is just as right as saving coins on those busy days out and about. Having this app in your Android telephone is like having three hundred exceptional-thick Yellowbook from all over the US stuffed into your again pocket. now not a horrific issue in case your tour a first rate quantity or experience living outdoor of your own home. It’s just an excellent aid to have reachable for those instances when you need to find a business’s variety fast.
This reliable app brings eBay to your Android smartphone. It is the form of loopy, However, I think I love this UI better than the real website on my laptop. I do not know if That’s an awesome factor or an awful. Though, it offers you an idea that this Android app changed into developed successfully and without a doubt hits the mark. That is if you’re an eBay fan; if you’re now not, sorry!
  Just like eBay’s Android app, this beauty from Amazon brings all of the capability from the overall sized internet site to your Android cellphone. It’s brilliant how seamless this transition appears for those massive resellers. This is a first-rate issue for us even though!
The last of the giant resellers’ Android apps on this listing, I promise. Properly, type of: in case you do not encompass Groupon for your listing of “resellers”, I have never lied to you. So, in case you’ve ever used Craigslist, you know the way entirely crucial It’s miles to test out a capacity “killer object” inside five mins of it being posted and finally be the first handful of people to contact the seller to have any hopes of truly ending up with it on your ownership.
That being said, if you use Craigslist and you’ve got an Android phone, YOU want THIS APP NOW! Haha, sorry to scream, However, if you’re going to use this portal of goodness with the hopes of subsequently shopping for something you Want/need, you need to have on the spot get right of entry to newly published objects. The simplest way to do this (I’m taking liberties assuming you are not a recluse and on your home PC 24/7) is to have to get right to entry to “on-the-cross” to instant notifications on your set of items that hobby you and also a manner to view them. This app performs each of those important movements and does them Well.
*Please, for your sake, if you Want to be the guy (gal) bragging about the tremendous deal you bought at the “coolest element within the global” in place of the now not-so-glad version of you, unfortunately, telling the story approximately “the only that got away” to anybody who will pay attention, download this app!*
This is the reputable app from the immensely popular and unexpectedly developing Groupon website. This website has a “cult-like” following (now not in a terrible manner!) which Certainly blessings its users. Essentially, the extra human beings that use their offerings, the greater offers are provided to the users and that helps anybody shop an excellent sum of money! This Loose Android app ensures which you’re in no way out of the “Groupon loop” and you may have the possibility to take benefit of the attractive gives anywhere you’ll be.
The Coupons App
Some other Cash-saving coupon app? yes! It truly is all I will say- the possibilities of saving a dollar in this financial system is a powerful pressure it seems. I am nearly a piece surprised at myself that I failed to absolutely inundate this “Buying list” with coupon apps (patting myself on the shoulder for spreading out the love). If only I could move back in time to 1989 and use this app in preference to clipping 500-plus coupons from the Sunday paper (for my mom). Well, those were excellent instances- minus the paper cuts.
What is this Android app going to do for you? Something and the entirety coupon associated; it brings the coupons with you for your telephone and allows you to discover new ones even Whilst You are at the shop! This is quite extremely good for the ones people now not commanding “Pinnacle CEO” salaries…
Honorable mention:
  There may be the simplest one Unfastened Android app that I would take into account placing in this listing. The cause is as it’s likely the most crucial app for everybody to download these days. I bear in mind it more of a “mandatory app” than an Android Purchasing app and that’s why It is right here.
The app I’m speaking of is the Barcode Scanner. Amongst other matters, it permits you to browse the internet for your laptop and take a picture of the QR Code of an app You are interested in downloading. Once the code is processed (which takes little or no time- speak seconds), the corresponding Android app’s download page seems inside the Google Market! It’s that easy and works like an attraction after you get beyond the short “operator mistakes” stage that plague most of us.
I own the Android Apps Finder website wherein you could find each Android app.
in case you enjoyed this article and Need to study more “Top Ten” Android Apps articles adore it, go to my Android Apps Weblog [http://best-android-apps-and-games.Com] wherein I add new content as a minimum every different day!
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giveuselife-blog · 7 years
10 Loose Android Apps A good way to Honestly Make You Money Whilst Shopping!
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10 Loose Android Apps A good way to Honestly Make You Money Whilst Shopping!
Shopping is both natural bliss or torture depending on who you ask. Regardless of which give up of the spectrum, you’re on, Android best free apps will assist you to keep Cash and can help you come to be a more green shopper (which I am certain appeals to most of you). So what does that entail? It will supply the shopaholics more bang for his or her buck, that is in no way a horrific component. Possibly even extra importantly, these Android best free apps will offer homophobes what they truly crave- much less time within the stores!
The pure electricity and capability of these Android best free apps can surely make Shopping, in reality, an all new enjoy. Irrespective of if those apps characteristic as a Buying listing, database, storefront or a supplemental know-how supply, they are all squarely aimed toward one aspect: if you use them, they may prevent Cash!
You are getting a feeling like Android Purchasing best free apps , in widespread, would possibly just assist you, right? Well right here are 10 Android apps As a way to save you Money At the same time as they help you fulfill all your Shopping desires and desires. Oh, and did I point out that everyone these ten are completely Loose to download?
Need to realize more approximately an item you noticed at the track? just use SnapTell to experiment the barcode of any CD, DVD, e-book or online game and you’ll be capable of getting all of the statistics you could in all likelihood need. What type of information? Well, in case you simply Need a few more cursory information, that’ll work. most considerably, if you Want to look how the price stacks as much as other vendors, it may do that for you in seconds. This best free apps will be a massive time Cash-saver for you if you make an effort to apply it before you’re making that next media purchase!
Key Ring Praise Playing cards
This is a totally handy best free apps to consolidate all your clutter to your purse/wallet Even as making sure that you do not lose precious Reward/loyalty Playing cards. How does it paintings? All you do is take a photo of the barcode of your Praise card (pretty much any first rate sized enterprise with a rewards software is inside the database- over 650 programs) and enter a few simple records about the store. It’s it; You are now geared up to use your telephone as your Reward card at that keep inside the destiny by using pulling up your Praise statistics from that shop on this Android app. It is possibly now not for non-techies or people who crave intense simplicity. It’s far, however, an outstanding idea and generation So that it will no doubt get crisper inside the destiny.
if you do not thoughts sporting all of your Reward Cards and doubtlessly dropping one or two alongside the way (and having to go through via the wait to replace the cardboard), this Loose Android best free apps appears like a waste of time. However, if the more inch of not-so-soft plastic padding to your rump (or the misuse of flawlessly suitable handbag area- no longer to say the ability lack of ability to apply your elegant tiny handbag out Buying) isn’t always idyllic, this app is really worth the few minutes to download and get the whole lot installation well.
That is the appropriate app for the glad, busy circle of relatives of Android telephone customers. It allows the kids to ad infinitum upload all their important meals. Whilst the objects are bought, they may be removed from the listing (on all the Android phones It’s registered to) and then, four hours later, they are able to without problems be introduced returned onto the list! Joking apart, This is an exquisite app to have for the new-age hyper busy, hyper tech families that Need to turn out to be greater efficient.
Hiya, it expenses plenty of Money to maintain buying that greater loaf of bread that your husband/spouse (or maybe you- thanks to that undecided hmmm, don’t we want bread second despite the fact that you simply bought loaves the day past- sure You are no longer on my own!) just picked up and could grow to be turning green earlier than all and sundry has a hazard to make a sandwich with it.
  OI Shopping list
To me, this app, absolutely named the OpenIntents Buying listing, is just like the OurGroceries for the single folks out there. now not to mention a family would not benefit from this app, it simply has greater capabilities and It’s no longer an excellent fit just like the different app is for households that want an easy solution to maintain up on their state-of-the-art Shopping needs. That being said, this app is an effective workhorse and might actually end up saving you infinite hours and a few first-rate coins at 12 months cease.
US Phonebook Search
That is one of the more useful Loose Android apps available and I will be honest, it would not one hundred% match with the subject of assisting you to store Cash While Purchasing. I ought to argue that it does, But for simplicity, I will just use an antique click: Time is Cash! Saving some time is just as top as saving cash on those busy days out and about. Having this app on your Android phone is like having 300 high-quality-thick Yellowbook from all around the US crammed into your back pocket. now not a bad component if you journey a decent quantity or enjoy residing out of doors of your house. It is just an excellent resource to have reachable for the one’s times when you want to discover a business’s quantity speedy.
This legitimate app brings eBay for your Android smartphone. It is the form of loopy, However, I think I really like this UI higher than the actual internet site on my laptop. I don’t know if It is an excellent component or a terrible. However, it offers you an idea that this Android app turned into advanced efficaciously and simply hits the mark. This is, in case you’re an eBay fan; if you’re no longer, sorry!
The ultimate of the Large resellers’ Android apps in this list, I promise. Properly, type of: in case you do not include Groupon to your listing of “resellers”, I have not lied to you. So, in case you’ve ever used Craigslist, you understand how entirely critical It’s miles to test out a capacity “killer object” within five mins of it being published and eventually be the first handful of human beings to contact the vendor to have any hopes of really ending up with it on your possession.
That being said, if you use Craigslist and you have an Android cellphone, YOU want THIS APP NOW! Haha, sorry to scream, But in case you’re going to use this portal of goodness with the hopes of eventually shopping for something you Need/need, you need to have on the spot access to newly posted gadgets. The only way to try this (I’m taking liberties assuming you are not a recluse and on your home computer 24/7) is to have access “on-the-cross” to immediate notifications for your set of gadgets that interest you and also a way to view them. This app plays both of those vital actions and does them Nicely.
*Please, to your sake, in case you Want to be the man (gal) bragging approximately the brilliant deal to procure at the “coolest aspect within the international” instead of the no longer-so-happy version of you regrettably telling the tale about “the one that was given away” to absolutely everyone who will listen, download this app!*
That is the reputable app from the immensely famous and hastily developing Groupon internet site. This web page has a “cult-like” following (no longer in a bad way!) which Definitely advantages its customers. Essentially, the more people that use their offerings, the more gives are supplied to the customers and that helps every person keep a good amount of cash! This Free Android app ensures which you’re never out of the “Groupon loop” and you’ll have the opportunity to take benefit of the attractive offers anyplace you will be.
The Coupons App
Any other Money-saving coupon app? yes! That’s all I’m able to say- the possibilities of saving a buck in this economy is a powerful pressure it seems. I am nearly a bit surprised at myself that I didn’t absolutely inundate this “Shopping list” with coupon apps (putting myself on the shoulder for spreading out the affection). If simplest I may want to go again in time to 1989 and use this app instead of clipping 500-plus coupons from the Sunday paper (for my mother). Properly the ones had been desirable instances- minus the paper cuts.
What’s this Android app going to do for you? Something and everything coupon associated; it brings the coupons with you on your smartphone and allows you to find new ones even Even as You’re at the shop! That’s pretty exquisite for the ones of us not commanding “Top CEO” salaries…
Honorable point out:
There’s best one Loose Android app that I might take into account putting on this list. The motive is as it’s probably the maximum important app for everyone to download these days. I bear in mind it more of a “mandatory app” than an Android Shopping app and that’s why It is here.
The app I am talking of is the Barcode Scanner. Amongst other matters, it lets in you to browse the internet on your laptop and take a picture of the QR Code of an app You are inquisitive about downloading. As soon as the code is processed (which takes little or no time- talking seconds), the corresponding Android app’s download web page appears within the Google Marketplace! It is that simple and works like an attraction when you get past the fast “operator blunders” stage that plagues most of us.
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