#maybe one day they'll get along. right now though byan just can't get past all the lectures lmao
byanyan · 1 year
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@xaallo sent:ㅤ👫
relationship headcanonsㅤㅤ✧ * º •ㅤㅤaccepting!!
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ㅤthey cross paths with fair regularity, though whether it's intentional on xaallo's part or that they just happen to be partial to the same areas is up for debate. byan has, on more than one occasion, altered their route in order to avoid running into him.
ㅤbyan is honestly really curious about where xaallo came from and all the places he's been. they have a ton of questions in the back of their mind that they'd like to ask one day, but they're usually in too sour a mood in his presence to bring any of them up.
ㅤoccasionally they get a glimpse of xaallo when he's not trying to convince them to get their life together that they think "maybe he's not so bad, maybe he's kinda cool" only to inevitably circle back around to "nah, fuck him" the very second he's on them again about one of their illicit hobbies.
ㅤdespite the tense nature of their relationship, xaallo still slips byan some food every now and then. usually they'll turn it down because they hate pity scraps and don't want to give him more ammunition against them, but the odd time that they're desperate enough, they will accept it. sometimes they'll even devour it on the spot. being seen in a moment of vulnerability though, they still bristle at him afterward. sometimes they'll leave him with some sharp, unnecessarily rude comment, other times they'll slip off without a word. depends on how feisty they're feeling.
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