#maybe I'm wrong I'm just a random dude on tumblr I might have misunderstood the definition of self plagiarism
aromanticannibal · 5 months
sorry your getting dragged in the coments of that one post. they're saying its cop behavior because the rule in place is not to protect the intellectual property of the student.
if a magazine was asking for an original unpublished photo and was paying money to the photographer, and then the photographer submitted something they already published, then THAT is self-plagerism.
a student submitting the same piece of work to multiple classes is not only a time-saver, but also a valuable way to get more critique.
does it go against school policy? sure. does it result in bodily or finacial harm? no. thats why people are saying its cop behavior. no one was getting hurt (aside from the student maybe missing out on the extra practice). reporting it was petty.
reporting it may be petty (and maybe I did get heated a bit uselessly about it being fine) but I still think that the student shouldn't have done that. The point of assignments is to show your skills in different ways and different departments, it feels cheaty and lazy to just submit the exact same assignment, especially if they already did it before. maybe I'm mad for nothing, but if they're cheating, they should know they might get caught.
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