#maybe I'll just photoshop some knives into my fists later
puali · 6 years
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I wanted to put my fancy coats to good use and then had the bright idea of going as Delilah Bard to PRCC2018. My reasoning behind this look for Lila was that she “borrowed” Kell’s coat and took it out for a spin. I switched coats throughout the con to simulate Kell’s ever-changing coat, haha. 
Idk, it may not be an accurate cosplay, but I sure as hell felt confident while walking around the con. The mask and flashy coat made me feel powerful, or something; like I was somebody. 
If I do recreate this cosplay again, I’ll add some knives. It’s not that I forgot, I just ran out of time to make a pair of fake knives. :/ 
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