#maybe I'll dig out the snippets I did write of the longer version and throw them up here in a wip amnesty post
rhysiana · 2 years
“this can’t be love”, Nursey/Dex, OMGCP, for @gayowulf
This is a snippet of a speedrun edition of a very long fic that lives in my head and is probably never going to get fully written the way I intended, in which Dex inherits a house from his great-aunt several years after graduation.
I can’t WRITE here, Nursey texted the group chat in extreme frustration. He’d been trying not to complain, because his parents were basically giving him a free sabbatical year to work on his book while they were working overseas (again) and he didn’t want to seem ungrateful, but it’d been a week since he produced real words and he was starting to go out of his mind.
Chowder: Oh no! You can do it!!!
Bitty: Do you need inspirational baked goods? What kind of theme are you going for? I can pop a box in the mail to you tomorrow!
Jack: *link to an internet-blocking timer app*
He sighed and tossed the phone on the couch before he could find out what kind of spreadsheet solution Ransom & Holster would come up with. At least they all cared.
His phone buzzed again and he picked it up, frowning at lack of obvious new message in the chat until he realized it was a text direct from Dex. An address in Maine, nothing else.
Nurse: ???
Dex: You can’t write because your place is too empty and quiet. I have a guest room. I can guarantee it won’t be too quiet here. Obvious solution.
Nurse: Weren’t you living in Boston tho???
Dex: Long story, tl;dr now I live in Maine again.
Dex: Are you coming or not?
Nurse: Do you mean it?
He regretted that last text as soon as he sent it. After all these years, he knew full well Dex didn’t make offers like this unless he meant them. But he did also remember the last time they’d tried living in the same place. Dex’s response made it clear he knew exactly where Nursey’s thoughts had gone.
Dex: It’s not like we’d be living in the same room, and I’m definitely not putting my life on hold to host you or whatever. You can just come for the weekend and see if it helps.
Nurse: Okay.
Nursey sat on the couch staring at Dex’s final thumbs up emoji for a while, wondering what just happened.
(Further things I know about this fic: Dex quit his soulless corporate IT job when he inherited the house. He ends up with a bunch of random odd jobs around town: handyman on call through his uncles’ repair shop, bartender at the bar now owned by a high school friend, unofficial after-school tutor for half the neighborhood kids in his kitchen/dining room. The room Nursey is using was the guest room and then more permanent bedroom of Dex’s great-aunt’s Boston marriage partner after her health declined, and is full of her garden journals, giving him a lot of feelings about really noticing the passage of time and seasons. Nursey stays a lot longer than a weekend, and the suggested title line comes into play when he looks around and realizes that Dex doing very concrete and practical things for the people in his life is how he shows he cares.)
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